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Everything posted by Traction

  1. Donor area looks good. How much would you say has shed and when did it start? Thanks
  2. Looks very good, im 1 month post op and shed alot so far.
  3. Looks good, would you stop using meds now or stay with your current dosage?
  4. Bobman, I first heard about you 10 years ago, along with the famous Jotronic. Wow 10 years goes fast!! I remember having a consultation with Spex around that time in a hotel reception lobby, and having to go into the mens toilets to show him my hair lol, because I was embarrassed to take my cap off. My hairloss has been exactly the same since that day. Time really does fly.
  5. Looking good bro. Mine is looking thin at the moment, I'm not sure if its shedding..I'm about 25 days post op.
  6. Most people actually look damn good with a buzzed down look! I was surprised how good I looked after everything was buzzed down and I still have the grafts stubble. Growing some facial hair helps like NorwoodsBane said, also bulking up a bit helps.
  7. Where are you travelling from? I had my procedure with Dr Bhatti on 9th and 10th Jan last month. Its about $1.40 per graft with the premium package.
  8. Be careful with the shampoo, just small amounts. Applying some shaving cream for a few minutes, helps to soften the crusts.
  9. Bump, you mentioned that you didnt take any meds, did you take any other supplements? Also are you happy with the outcome?
  10. An adjustable snap back caused more irritation for me than a fitted cap. But not any fitted cap, I looked lots and lots of caps, and the one I chose is perfect....except for very windy weather. But even when pulling it further down on my forehead does not come in contract with the hair, why take unnecessary risks?
  11. I am 3 weeks post op now. Can I go to a hot country like South Africa around 7 weeks post op? Would the heat and humidity be an issue?
  12. This is a hat that I highly recommend. I bought a 7 1/2 size. It fits perfectly, in that it does not touch the front or sides. It rests on my forehead and does not touch any grafts. I take it off as soon as I am inside. New Era New York 59fifty
  13. Have you been wearing a hat or bandana when outside in strong sunlight?
  14. How long do you have to wait to shave the donor area? I was told 6 weeks.
  15. Hi, any more feedback would be good. Does this look like the right amount of grafts? Most of the crusts have come off apart from the front, I am hoping these come off soon.
  16. FUT or FUE? I had FUE and parts are still numb. I very occasionally get shooting pains, this was occuring alot in the first week. But gradually it has gone away. Your scalp has underdone huge trauma, so it will take time to heal.
  17. How long did it take for the crusts to come off? did any hairs come off with the crusts?
  18. I just had a look through your blog. The transformation is amazing, you must be over the moon.
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