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Everything posted by greatjob

  1. I doubt you're going to find anyone here who has had a transplant in Iran. Most patients here are from the US and Europe, and I don't think many would travel to Iran for a transplant. Where are you from, I'm curious what made you choose Iran as the place to get a transplant? I would focus on the recommended doctors on this site.
  2. If you showed me nothing but the pictures/video and asked my to guess the graft count, I would guess somewhere around 3000, this is an amazing result!!
  3. Really you needed a top 10? The list could've been a top 1: Genetics. The end.
  4. That blog appears to be a very angry patient of Dr. C's. There has been some shady stuff that he has been accused of, but he is a skilled doctor. I believe Dr. Mwamba trained under him which I'm sure is why he is talked about in that blog. I wouldn't be too concerned with it since I have really never heard any bad things about Mwamba's work, which is what really matters.
  5. If a recommended doctor is claiming 50% graft survival from FUE, they should either not be performing FUE, or they should not be recommended here.
  6. Looking good for 4 months, and the scar looks phenomenal, completely hidden even though your hair is cut short.
  7. All good doctors do the extractions of the grafts and the creation of the incision sites themselves, it is then typical for the techs to plant the grafts into the recipient sites, that guy is lying to you. Go to Dr. Hakan Doganay, Dr. Koray Erdogan, or Dr. Demirsoy, in Turkey. Dr. Hakan Doganay Dr. Hakan Doganay Dr. Hakan Doganay
  8. If you live in Europe and are wanting FUE I don't see any reason to come to the states. I'm pretty sure a member on here, I think JohnnyDrama, said he took a train from England to Belgium and met with Bisanga, Feriduni, and Mwamba all in one trip, you might want to try and do the same.
  9. I've never heard of losing a graft so long after surgery, but that doesn't look like normal shedding, it does kind of look like a whole graft. Hopefully a doctor will chime in. Who was your doctor and have you contacted them regarding this?
  10. It all comes down to your donor, if you have enough donor from fue to reach your goals, then go with fue. If you don't have enough from fue then you will have to look into strip. Get your donor evaluated.
  11. Lot of hat threads recently. I wore a hat when I went out starting the day after my procedure, just made sure that it didn't touch the grafts. At 12 days post-op you will be fine. If you have any concerns talk to your doctor.
  12. It's not possible, the only way for it to work is if you were to take immunosuppressive drugs for the rest of your life, similar to an organ transplant. No doctor would ever prescribe these for anything other than a life threatening disease or else they would be locked up in jail. Even if you could get a doctor to do this, these drugs are very expensive, about $30K a year, and are very dangerous and would significantly shorten your life expectancy. The major histocompatibility complex is a set of surface proteins that distinguish self from non-self cells. If you transplant soneone elses hair on your head your immune system will recognize it as a foreign invader and attack it. This question has been asked many times on the forums, and the short story is no it's not possible.
  13. A fitted hat is fine at this point, and it's not going to cut off blood supply to the grafts. If it fits and it's comfortable then it's ok, the only concern would be it irritating the donor area. I wore an adjustable snapback hat starting the day after my surgery, and as soon as the swelling was gone and it would fit I wore a fitted hat, I had no problems.
  14. No, when you transplant hair they retain the same characteristics they had when they were in the donor area.
  15. Did the doctor say he thinks your lifetime donor supply is 2400 grafts or that he thinks he could get 2400 grafts from one procedure? Just to give you some dissenting advice from what you have received, if I was in your situation and 2400 grafts was all I was going to get, I would pass on surgery. 2400 grafts is really not a lot on a higher norwood and you will be basically committing to never shaving your head again, so really think about it and make sure it is something you are willing to live with before you pull the trigger.
  16. Yeah here he is: Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - bart4hair's Profile He has some pictures of him taking body hair and planting it on his head. He disappeared after this, so I will assume it didn't quite turn out as he planned. IMO you would be out of your mind to try and perform an amateur hair transplant on yourself. I think people are out of their minds going to unknown, unproven doctors to get a transplant, doing it yourself is a whole other level of crazy.
  17. I'm pretty sure there was a guy a few years back who actually transplanted some hairs on his own head, I'll see if I can find him.
  18. It could possibly be a result of the economic problems since the recession. I'm sure many cosmetic surgeons saw a down turn in their business, and maybe they started adding new services like hair restoration to try and compensate.
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