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Everything posted by mars

  1. it looks okay in all honesty will look better if and when you go grey.
  2. finastride illegal in canada for hairloss,either get a docs prescription for proscar and split the pills or get a flight to new york for propecia.
  3. From what i know he has never been interested in being reccomended,even though he does strip he is most well known for his amazing fue and with this forum being a bit biased towards strip maybe its not the right fit,just my opinion.
  4. They are prob transected grafts growing back.
  5. Extortion is justified in runmans case,bauman destroyed the back of his head,he should have got a refund plus bauman pay every cent for runman to get repaired by another doc,if bauman did that to my head i would go to any length possible to get my money back its the very least i would deserve whilst spreading the word of how awful a doc he is to save someone else from making the same mistake,and to rub salt in the wounds the fee runman paid bauman was insane.. If anyone scared another person say in a bar fight the courts with have the offender done yet bauman has the cheek to even play the innocent after what he did,the scarring bauman left on runmans head is brutal assault in my opinion.
  6. its spelt 'grafts' not 'graphs'..congratulations on your recent op!
  7. Good questions,hopefully this thread will be spotted..
  8. Zenmunk imo this is the problem..everytime the skin is broke it leaves a scar,even a paper cut leaves a scar,every incision where a graft is planted will heal up as scar tissue,it may take time for vascularity to be sufficent for a hair completly mature in terms of characteristics texture etc..
  9. zenmunk my result is not from bad handling of grafts i went to a top doc so that is not a possibility i can asure you. I have had bad grafts in my hairline from a previous surgery with a notorious greek chain clinic these were since punched out,these were bad grafts very unnatural so i know what mishandled and poorly implanted grafts look like..my grafts now look nothing like my previous grafts and are very natural but not exactly like my original hair yet in texture.Nobody would ever notice i had a ht. I read previously that dr feller says the kinked hair phenomenon is from all the cells not active yet on the hair and it kinks on the weak points.It can take 18months for things to normalise. As far as naming the doc i dont really see the point because i dont think their is anything any doc can do prevent kinked hair,coverstters photos are from dr dorin a top doc those grafts were not mishandled,see my point.
  10. It was fue,no never discussed with the doc,i dont see the point in doing so either as its something completly out of the docs control,it isnt all the hairs maybe a third of them are this way,with wax etc all looks good but shower and go is a def no go for me..
  11. I went to a top doc,my ht hair texture was like my native hair early on around the 4-5 month mark it was straight smooth and soft but around the 7-8 month mark it was completly different it became dry kinked and it wont grow straight..
  12. Great topic...this is possibly the least talked about aspect/problem of a hair transplant,i am nearly 12 months post op and my hair is like the photos,will transplanted hair ever be 100% like native hair or will their always be a difference be it in coarsness,kinked,inability to grow completly straight etc..can any one who has had a hair transplant shower and go or is their a post shower routine so to call it?
  13. Because i think he is the best,rahal second,wong third
  14. Beard hair will work as good as scalp hair imo,spex must be referring to chest arm leg hair etc which is a pure waste of time and money.
  15. Wow that looks really dense what a result. I really like h&w videos but i think they need music with the video!!
  16. what size strip was taken?thats crazy over 8000 grafts in one session!!crazy in a good way for the record
  17. Coversetter can be annoying at times but i cant say he is wrong in what he says,banning him looks bad on you bill and this forum.
  18. Ok i didnt know hair could thin that quickly in 10 months,my apologies!
  19. Didnt realise you had previous surgeries,its not a fun place being a repair patient. I would not regret a thing if i were you,if spex said what you said he did then thats the end of discussion for me,theirs no coming back for dr feller from that,he hasnt a leg to stand on now as far as im concerned,he's still a great doc tho but its more of his attitude that bothers me,have never seen him hold his hands up and accept responsibility when a patient of his is unhappy whether its with the surgery or aftercare. Thanks for comments and i hope you get to where you want to be too.
  20. Jessi sorry to hear about your poor experience but put things in perspective you have not been buthchered nor do you have scarring or pitted grafts etc so another procedeur will sort you out,i had to get 3 punch out sessions on my hairline after a poor fue just to get back to baseline so its not the end of the world for you although i understand your frustration especially the way things have escalated. I have one question for dr feller..the non transplanted area that has thinned out that jessie is not happy with why wasnt this area addressed in the op?i realise hairloss is progressive but this area must obviously have been some bit thin when jessie had surgery,terminal looking hair even though not permanent hair can surely not have thinned out from terminal looking to what it is now in just 10months,imo this area should have been addressed if it showed a certain degree of miniturization.
  21. For fue scarring i think it is ideal..their is a clinic in the uk called 'his hair clinic',they have by far the most pictures and videos and are good quality and very clear,the owner of the company has had it done and it looks perfect,will def be getting my fue scars filled in there next yr,imo they seem to be the top clinic for smp at the moment.
  22. Simple answer is NO,propecia is the number one mediciation for hairloss,minoxidil works a bit on some people in that it may thicken the grown at the early stages of hairloss(it did for me) but it wont do anything on its own for you. The best advice i can you is start of fin with .25mg eod for a few months then up it to .5mg this will ease you in to and maybe put your mind at ease that your not taking too much fin,it worked for me,the only minoxidil you should use is rogaine foam everything else is liquid and thats too messy sticky and irritates the scalp and leaves a flakey dandruff after if you mess your hair,maybe use nizoral shampoo too. Give the mediciations a year and in this time research all your options,considering your loss a strip megasession will be the the best option to give you maximum coverage,you will have a thin long scar after so buzzing your hair to an #1 or #2 will not be an option for you.
  23. Trying taking .5mg fin eod(half a propecia pill)..i doubt you will get full coverage with fue infact id nearly guarantee it..your heading towards a norwood 6 so unless you have a really great donor you wont get near full coverage,use rogaine foam too. Do a google search for stephen he is doctor bisanga's rep,he is close to full coverage via fue and bht,he has had like 6 ops.
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