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Everything posted by mars

  1. The only reason it looks suspicious is he went from posting nearly every hour of the day to complete silence,its just a bit odd thats all. Maybe suspicious was the wrong word to use words look 'odd' and 'weird' best describe my thinking.
  2. Anyone else suspicious as to why their are no updates?
  3. is all this not irrelevant considering jessie and dr feller are separated by the atlantic ocean?a judge wouldnt even entertain this case with jessie being in the uk.
  4. You live in the uk and your due in court in new york, an extradition order is something that will not happen for something as petty as this so i would not worry not for one second,maybe dont visit the us again.you retracted you negative statements way to pussy out,this makes you look bad saying that,stick to your guns tell feller to screw himself and dont visit the us again and forget the whole thing. Dr feller nice guy eh?and a good guy to take critisism.
  5. Ya only the likes of you and me would know its body hair on a persons head and your random person on the street would not i get that but what they would know is what they see and that is his hair is not natural something is up but they cant figure it out,after all the majority of non hairloss sufferers still think hair plugs is a ht never mind fue and completly forget about bht. The video is crap for this guy,i think anyone doing the video thing should take a leaf out of h&w book,the lightinhg in h&w videos is natural light all angles no tricks,umars videos are a long way off this imo.If you pause the video at 2:22 you will see the before and after pics side by side,bright lighting in before pic and dark lighting in after,the oldest trick in the book and its highly deceptive!!
  6. wylie did you get bht from dr umar? personally id rather be slick bald rather than have body hair on my head it looks awful even if the density is good,the difference between scalp hair and body hair is obvious,in extreme repair cases when the only way is up sure bht is good then.
  7. Because there are no good docs in the uk!!! Price should not be a factor but around 5euro in belgium and uk,if you are in europe go to bisanga simple as that ok,good luck.
  8. Do not go to ANY clinic in the uk for fue,the only country in the world besides america and canada is BELGIUM.And belgium actually has more world class fue surgeons than north america. Check out bisanga,feriduini,mwamba. Just to reinforce what i said stay away from uk.The eurostar goes to brussels from london. Check out hairloss experiences forum they have alot more european based fue results,this forum is mainly north america and strip.
  9. ok joe let me rephrase that,good density in remaining donor he got 5000 plus grafts after all,im a virgin scalp strip wise i would get no where near the number of grafts this guy got. what was his density where the strips were taken?
  10. I would love to see these bht transplant in real life i have a feeling the would look unatural,that being said this guy def looks better than pre op.
  11. a new tactic ha ha,i will give it to dr bolton he is persistant
  12. Anyone else not notice the flash deception?flash before no flash after,not honest photos! No immediate post op photos either?
  13. Its cheaper to go to the states and canada.. flights ,accomodation,hairtransplant,holiday and shopping included plus you would have change. Dr collins isnt half as good as docs in the n america either
  14. Spex how much is fr feller for fue grafts now?last i heard it was $10 which was crazy expensive imo bordering on unethical.
  15. Rogaine causes the weak thin hair to initially fall out(shedding) this is only temporary it lasts a few months and then new stronger healthy hair will regrow in its place,keep using rogaine everyday for 6months even if you think its making your hair worse,are you using the foam?
  16. around 3 months and at 6 months my crown was complete again.how long have you been usung rogaine?if your shedding its a good thing but after 2-3 months the shedding should have stopped..
  17. I was in your situation at 19 with a thinning crown,i started using rogaine 5% and it worked a charm,i had not lost much hair in the crown just the centre of the swirl was a bit thin,this yr aged 25 my crown is perfect still i do take propecia now too .5mg three times a week as in insurance policy we'll call it,im 26 now,i would reccomend you use roagine foam 5% for a 6months if this doesnt do anything start on a low dose of propecia like me.This worked 100% for me so maybe it will for you,goodluck
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