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Everything posted by Mickey85

  1. Thanks Chris. I know you say this because you are a logical and analytical guy. I'm glad there are guys like you, Rootz and a few others who are questioning things.
  2. Hey there. Read my other posts. You will find that I call out ALL surgeons when the before and afters are not comparable. How can you compare the patient with a zero-grade buzz in the before shot, to the fully grown out result 12 months post-operative? The clinic obviously took the shaved head shots some time prior to the actual surgery because the immediate post-op shot shows the hair grown out. This is deceptive because on the day of the surgery, his hair was longer and photos WERE taken(as seen in the immediate post-operative shots) but the clinic choose to post pictures with the hair shaved(which were taken weeks prior, unless the patient has the ability to grow hair at an insanely inhuman rate) in order to accentuate the difference. Here I call out Dr Lindsey for showing poor documentation with the hairline and areas worked on completely hidden. I must have had surgery with Lindsey and am upset with him and have an agenda: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176261-dr-lindsey-1-year-out-2800-up-front-red-haired-man-mclean-va.html#post2400893 Here I call out Dr Erdogan for wetting the patient's hair pre-operative. I guess I must have had surgery with Erdogan and am upset with him and have an agenda: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176296-dr-koray-erdogan-3300-grafts-fue-4-months.html#post2400781 Here I call out Dr Vogel for wetting the patient's hair pre-operative. I guess I must have had surgery with Vogel and am upset with him and have an agenda: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176210-dr-james-vogel-1700-graft-fue-session.html#post2400776 Here I call out Dr Alfonso for what I perceive to be a sub-par result. I guess I must have had surgery with Alfonso and am upset and have an agenda: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176203-2827-grafts-dr-alfonso-barrera-houston-tx.html#post2400147 Here I call out Dr Feller for operating on a 20 year old norwood 2.5. I guess I must have had surgery with Feller and am upset with him and have an agenda: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/156072-dr-feller-1-year-hairline-restoration-20-yr-old-2.html#post2400141 I think you see my point. I don't kiss-ass. If a result is not good. I say it. If a result is spectacular, I say it. If I see something that is deceptive, I call it out. Here are examples of me praising surgeon results, all within the same timeframe as the above threads: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176290-2601fue-frontal-mid-areas-dr-lorenzo.html#post2400757 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176279-dr-bisanga-bhr-clinic-2769-fue-hair-line-scar-repair-plug-removal-0-8-mont.html#post2400684 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176247-dr-steven-gabel-portland-seattle-15-months-after-3099-grafts-frontal-scalp.html#post2400464'>http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176247-dr-steven-gabel-portland-seattle-15-months-after-3099-grafts-frontal-scalp.html#post2400464'>http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176247-dr-steven-gabel-portland-seattle-15-months-after-3099-grafts-frontal-scalp.html#post2400464'>http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176247-dr-steven-gabel-portland-seattle-15-months-after-3099-grafts-frontal-scalp.html#post2400464 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176247-dr-steven-gabel-portland-seattle-15-months-after-3099-grafts-frontal-scalp.html#post2400464 http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/176195-raymond-konior-md-chicago-3000-graft-crown-restoration.html#post2400063 So I must have had surgery with all these surgeons and have an agenda then? All 5 of your posts seem to be praising Dr Arocha, yet I do not suspect you have having an agenda. From reading your profile I do believe you are a sincere forum member who is looking to solve/rectify her hair situation, just like many of us. I really do with you all the very best on your endevor and wish you an amazing result, whomever you decide to go with.
  3. I can understand how some people get the notion that you were backtracking for whatever reason, but I can also understand how you came to the conclusion that you were posting under an impetuous and emotional state of mind and now that some time has passed, you realized that that is not how the situation truly is/was. What is important is that you rectify this situation by whatever means that will make you happy. Can you move on without a repair? Or is a repair necessary? What is the gameplay for said repair? Etc etc.
  4. Looks good, just a little confused as to why the pre-operative shots and the immediate post-operative shots show a contrast in hair length? The immediate post operative shot shows longer hair all around whilst the pre-operative shots contain very short hair and make the balding look far worse than what it really was.
  5. KO you know i respect you alot but i do disagree with this. Yes strip may certainly have solved this patients hair issue but by going fue, he avoided the more invasive method and also avoided the chance of a dreaded strip scar and all the other potential pifalls with strip. Just my opinion.
  6. Thank you!! Glad there are others out there that are not afraid to call poor presentation out when they see it.
  7. Very impressive for just after 6 months. And to think there is more growth to follow!!!
  8. Just noticed the post-operative results are 4 months post-op? Is this correct?
  9. While I would prefer it if the hair was not wetted in the pre-operative shot, it is abundantly clear that the yield in this case is excellent. Very nice.
  10. There is no functional reason to wet the hair pre-operative, especially prior to taking photos. Zero. Whilst a happy patient is undeniable, the result being successful or not is subjective. One may consider this result good, whilst another may consider it below average. Too many inconsistencies here to provide an accurate conclusion.
  11. I know it is quite a long distance from Canada to the Middle East but Rahal covering the cost of the trip is quite a pleasant gesture. I wish you all the best.
  12. Anytime my friend. So happy things worked out for you. Those previous two FUE surgeons should be sued into oblivion for their mistreatment of their patients.
  13. Absolutely and unequivocally amazing. Especially for only 2,600 grafts. Lorenzo worked his magic here. Stunned.
  14. Also was this a two-step process, as in the black grafts were extracted and the patient waited a few weeks/months for the site to heal and then the new grafts were implanted? Or was this all done in one day?
  15. Ahhh I see what you did there, quite clever
  16. Gabel is very ethical. Glad you have decided against it, you look great with short hair on the back and sides and surgery would interfere with that to an extent. Your hair looks great anyway.
  17. I really wish you all the best. 19 is such a young age to have made such a big decision, I just wish you listened to us. Do keep us updated.
  18. I really think you dug a big hole for yourself. I'm really sorry but we all told you that you were much too young for a procedure and there would be a risk of further balding. Sadly the perceived result currently does not look good or natural.. Maybe it will look better grown out and with a few more months but I don't see it as being refined work.. You most likely will have to have another procedure to correct this, expending even more of your precious donor...
  19. Excellent result. Any immediate post-operative shots or intra-operative shots? I love how clean and intricate Gabel and Konior's work is.
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