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Everything posted by Mickey85

  1. Wow! I can only imagine the absolute precision and coordination needed to implant eyelashes, with the right angle and depth. Very nice case and shows why Umar is one of the most progressive hair surgeons out there.
  2. BING BING BING! And the winner is Questinmark!!! Donor region could also be smaller I agree. There are many factors which involved. The amount of multi-hair grafts available in the donor, the caliber of the donor hair extracted, level of loss, the hairline chosen etc.
  3. Apparently only 1400 grafts were used. Im guessing it was 4000 hairs. I dont think dr Reddy woulduse 4000 grafts on a 32 year old norwood 3. Reddy is very ethical. Great result and the donor looks amazing after surgery.
  4. The actual transplanted areas are combed over by the existing hair, this is not good documentation at all.
  5. I stand by my statement. I don't really care about the facial rejuvenation, this is a hair transplant website. I can't see much of an improvement with his hair. Perhaps the fine caliber of his hair did not make him a good candidate for surgery. My opinion. Good that he is happy though.
  6. I only see a minor improvement... Were the 2,827 grafts spread out across the whole scalp(front, mid-secion and crown)?
  7. Surgery on a 20 year old norwood 2.5.... I respect the surgeons that turned him down.
  8. Any photos of your hairloss situation? I personally recommend anyone who really wants surgical hair restoration to explore(not undergo, but explore) FUE as a first avenue of surgical intervention. I would consult with surgeons who are adept with FUE and provide it the majority of the time and see what they say. If you are not deemed a candidate for FUE, then strip may be considered. My opinion. In regards to Dr Gho... the jury is still out. It has been almost 3 years(?) since his technique came to fruition and so far, no solid and conclusive results of donor regeneration/doubling. Just some average and below average results. I have a whole thread dedicated to the advantages/disadvantages of FUE and strip in my signature.
  9. Definitely. Cherry picking is one of the best advantages FUE has. You may only need a minute amount of singles for the crown to replicate/enhance the swirl, the rest should be chunky 2/3/4 hair grafts.Given you have had 2 strip procedures already, a third might be eating away into the predominantly single(and fine) hair graft zone towards the bottom of the donor which would not be beneficial for the crown.
  10. This is true. I'm very pro-FUE but i cannot say that an equal amount of grafts can be harvested with both methods exclusively. It does depend on the individual. Guys like Dr Lorenzo are pushing what can be achieved via FUE and I certainly believe that FUE should be the first avenue to be considered if one wants to undergo surgical hair restoration, but there are some guys that just don't have the density(but have the laxity) and need alot of grafts. I do believe FUE can treat the majority of cases out there and I do relegate strip to those only with extensive balding, thin donor density and good laxity. Only if the patient cannot be treated via FUE, should strip is looked at. That is my opinion.
  11. I think you will have much bigger problems to face in the near-future other than your frontal third... Sadly the whole mid-section as well as the top of the crown are showing signs of thinning... Didn't any of the 3 surgeons you consulted with mention this?!
  12. Still waiting on GreatPelo to respond. He was soooooo vocal but now seems to have gone quiet all of a sudden.
  13. Huge different with and without flash. Looks like three times denser with the flash on. Very deceiving for any clinic to use flash...
  14. Agreed. It is the general consensus that that 'strip zone' often contains the coarsest hair of the donor and generally of a thicker caliber. Not an absolute rule but certainly quite common.
  15. I can understand that Chris, I'm just stating that with strip it is often up to chance, where with FUE it is more of a controllable factor. That's all I know not all FUE results look more natural than strip results and vice versa, but the "ability" for a more natural result is more likely with FUE in my opinion.
  16. I do believe FUE can give more natural results. This is a Feriduni patient who had strip first(top pictures) and FUE later(bottom) to refine the hairline. You can see the thicker caliber hairs at the very front of the hairline in the strip-only result but in the second FUE result, much finer hairs are evident.
  17. Sorry but this is patently false! Patients who have had their donor densities calculated before and after strip surgery have noted that the amount of grafts per centimeter(or inch) squared was decreased AFTER strip surgery. This means the density has dropped. It may only drop by a minute amount and is largely dependent on how big the strip is. Do you think Jotronic's donor density per centimeter squared is the same now as it was before any surgery? Even after one strip surgery the density per centimeter squared can drop and is generally exponential to the strip size(thickness) taken, thicker the strip, bigger the drop. It may not be noticeable to the human eye and the drop in density is probably not comparable to the drop in FUE, but you state it like there is no discrepancy at all and I find that startling given you have been a rep for a few surgeons in the past. So either you did not know(in that case, how well do you know about HT's to be a rep?) or you deliberately were spreading mis-information. Forum member Cant Decide had a donor density of 110 grafts per cm2 before any procedure and it dropped to 80 after 5,229 grafts: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/175298-average-donor-density-80-grafts-per-sq-cm.html#post2392184 Dr Bernstein also admits this: Does Strip Harvesting In Hair Transplant Make Donor Area Smaller? | Bernstein Medical The hair bearing area is much more distensible (stretchable) than the bald area and just stretches out after the procedure. As a result, the density of the hair in the donor area will decrease with each hair transplant session, but the position of the upper and lower margins of the donor area don’t move much - if at all. Being a representative of several surgeons, I would have expected you to know this.
  18. I would try calling umar, he is generally pretty good with communication. Sadly all the great fue surgeons(in my opinion) are located in europe.. they jumped on fue when it was in its infancy and many have left strip behind.
  19. In my opinion those guys are not getting very high yields from FUE unlike Lorenzo, bisanga, feriduni, mwamba, Maras, Erdogan etc. For one, Dr Wong(and Hasson) do not provide FUE to the general public, although they have experimented with it. Epstein was BOOTED from this forum for misconduct in regards to patient concerns regarding bad results, I don't think he is competent at anything. Shapiro(whilst great at strip) have had numerous unsuccessful FUE results from both the SAFE motorized method and the ARTAS. Keene publicly stated that her FUE results at about 75% that of strip so it is obvious why she would push for strip. Surgeons who are adept at FUE won't push you for strip for such a small procedure like an eyebrow transplant. Consult with guys like Feriduni(60% FUE), Bisanga(70% FUE), Lorenzo, Erdogan, Mwamba(90% FUE), Maras(about 60% FUE), Umar, Reddy etc and they will tell you that. It does not make sense to me to have a deep section of scalp cut out just for a few hundred(500?) grafts when there is a less invasive option out there, not to mention the ability to cherry pick the finer grafts located just behind the ear etc. But it is your choice whatever you go for. I wish you all the very best. You may very well get a great result, but I believe FUE with the right surgeon can attain a more natural result(not to say strip is devoid of naturalness) with a less invasive procedure with fewer drawbacks.
  20. Hey there, I do believe guys like Lorenzo, Bisanga, Erdogan, Feriduni, Maras etc are the leaders of FUE as they are the among the elite that perform it. I don't believe guys like Lindsey, Feller, Arocha etc are in the same league at FUE(my opinion).
  21. Come back to me when you speak to Lorenzo, Bisanga, Umar, Feriduni, Mwamba, Reddy, Maras, Hakan, Demirsoy, De Reys, Erdogan, Bhatti, etc. You know, actual leaders in FUE.
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