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Everything posted by TomCruise

  1. Where do you see a Dr. Fisher in TN recommended?
  2. Looks pretty thin. Did you send in comparable photos to H&W? If so, what did they say?
  3. Absolutely. It;'s an old wives tale that you get it only from your mother's side.
  4. It's certainly possible, but different angles and lightning and the way your hair lies in pics show no see through could also explain it. You're obviously worried about something that's changed in your hair. There must be a reason for your concern, and usually there is. Are you better off hair-wise than 99% of people out there with hair issues? Yes. But hair loss has to start somewhere and some people catch it early, and some people are lulled into ignoring it.
  5. You hair looks good but I see the see-through aspects of your hair, in the corners above your temples, mostly in the photo of your left-hand side. It may be the lighting, but in your earlier photos, that area appears more thick and not see through. If you are worried, seek out a professional hair doctor and get his opinion.
  6. Matt, that was a very thorough review and enjoyable to boot. Lot of interesting information there.
  7. Hairline looks pretty good. Do you have any photos of the crown after your surgery? I noticed there have only have been about three threads relating to Dr. Yazdan on this forum, and they all date to the last month or so. How did this forum help you arrive at Yazdan?
  8. I couldn't have said it better than GNX or Mickey myself. And if your concern in Dr. Ross is legitimate, there is no reason to talk about deleting the inquiry.
  9. Mickey, good to get some insight in your personal history. I don't think it's necessary to name your surgeon, I was just curious, why are you against doing so?
  10. Mickey, any reason you left of Dr. Keser from your recommended list of FUE doctors in Turkey?
  11. Mickey, any reason you left of Dr. Keser from your recommended list of FUE doctors in Turkey?
  12. Unfortunately I have to agree that a ham-fisted approach to marketing on forums one is unfamiliar with and being tone deaf to the skeptical reactions such an approach might stir up among longtime forum participants per above makes me think than any doctor encouraging such tactics is tone deaf himself, which is never a good thing when hiring someone to cut open your scalp.
  13. That is very enviable work you've got done there.
  14. This is a great success story. It's been good seeing your progress over the years.
  15. your hair looks better than many guys, but your girlfriend may have done you a favor. your hair line is not straight across in the corners and is see through in the vertex so i do see some maturation or possible loss. she is seeing it up close so at least you are aware of the issue if and when it progresses.
  16. The results looks marvelous. The only thing I don't understand is, does he really use a Choi implanter as someone mentioned? I thought that that dried out grafts and was frowned upon. Or maybe he is the exception to the rule.
  17. I've been impressed with the all the photos I've seen of his work. Dr. Maras is definitely a top-flight doctor in the field, with extremely clear documentation.
  18. Akuma, You have been very diligent with posting all the photos and waiting the alloted time. I hope you find the solutions you are looking for!
  19. Great update. Your hair looks great, can't tell it's been transplanted. Success!
  20. Never, Who did your hairline? Even with the imperfections you were trying to fix, it's one of the best I've seen -- most natural ones I've seen. Is that transplanted? Why you not go back to that doctor?
  21. Agreed. Excellent documentation, hairline design and mid-stage growth results.
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