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Everything posted by orlhair1

  1. Looks good Irishstreak.......sounds like you had a great experience with Dr. Haber, which of course is no surprise. Heal and grow well. Your first two weeks sound very similar to my experience.
  2. No.....I got my prescription from my family dr. who said it was fine. All of the HT doctors I consulted with said the same thing and that is what most people take. I am not sure how you could divide the pill into five pieces. Your only other choice is to get Propecia by name, which is much more expensive. Talk to your doctor about it if it makes you uncomfortable, but I am sure you will be fine. If you have any side affects you can always cut down on the dosage, but I doubt that you will need to.
  3. As you know, there are a lot of different opinions on this. Your scar is healed now, but doing something extreme could cause it to stretch for a few months post surgery from what I understand. Keeping that in mind, at this point you should be able to resume a full workout routine. If you do something that feels like it is putting pressure on the scar then just stop that particular thing.
  4. Sjones, that is how most people take Fin. That is how I do it.
  5. I am just looking at it and I am not a doctor, so it is hard to say.....depends on the goals you discussed with your doctor and a lot of other factors. You may find that after it fully matures, you achieve what you set out to do. Again, I would really recommend continued good communication with your doctor and see how it comes out. Then if you think you need more, talk to your doctor about how much. Could just be a small procedure if you need additional grafts.....500 - 1000 maybe. You definitely came to the right place here for support.
  6. I was really worried about the scar issue before I had my HT. In my case, it was difficult to see the scar 5 weeks after my transplant with a pretty short haircut (photos on my site). Now at just about 2 months, it is hard to find it. You should be fine and will be in great hands with Dr. Gabel.
  7. Six months is definitely still early, so you should see continued improvement in the coming months. I would agree that 1500 seems light for what you were trying to do, but I am not a doctor, so I could well be wrong on that. Keep talking to your doctor and have some more patience to see how things turn out.
  8. I started taking it daily in February and have not had a single side effect from it.
  9. Congratulations on your HT.........heal and grow well.
  10. Can anyone really distinguish between the top several HT surgeons/clinics? I don't think so. They are all great in their own right. People may have a personal preference, but to say that this one or that one is the best is like splitting hairs(no pun intended).
  11. Agree......with what has been recommended for you it sounds like FUT is best for your long term plan.
  12. Looks like you are off to a great start.......look forward to your updates as you progress.
  13. Propecia is definitely not poison.....I have had zero side effects from it. It has potential side effects like any drug, By far, the vast majority of people on it have no side effects. Talk to any of the reputable clinics who have prescribed it over the years, including Hassan & Wong and many others. I got it from my family doctor who has been prescribing it for years and advised me he has never had a patient have any side effects from it at the dosage used for hair. Again, I understand some people do have it, but it is an extremely small minority of people and if you have them, just try a lower dose or get off of the medication.
  14. If you want your scar repaired, you should consult with Dr. Ron Shapiro....he has a great track record.
  15. No reason at all to doubt Dr. Nusbaum....he no doubt has an excellent reputation.....I just think giving anyone the title "best in the world" is over the top. There are several top clinics and surgeons that are all outstanding, but I just would never use "best in the world" to describe anyone.
  16. You are in great hands. Once you get there you will feel so comfortable......everyone in the clinic is great.
  17. jfables, I don't know that anyone can really tell from photos. All of the doctors I consulted with online and by phone indicated that they could not make a judgment on density from the photos. They really need to see your hair in person. I know that is difficult, but I just went with it and picked my Dr. who assessed it when I saw him and had my surgery.
  18. aaron1234......I was thinking the same thing......wow
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