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Everything posted by brentipold

  1. I've seen that pichar plenty of times. I'd like to see some real photo graphs. Not just one pichar of 1 person, but several.. Plus thats a computer generated image.
  2. Id like to see a picture of this 1 centimeter area that you are talking about. a real picture of it. Thats the only thing that scares me. They haven't realized a photo of it, and that makes me wonder....
  3. Then stop taking it if you are worried about it. plain and simple.. id wait a month to see if it goes away though...
  4. With finasteride, you never know what you're going to get.. It might go away after a month or so of taking it, and your body finds an equilimbrium, or it might not go away till after you stop taking the drug. Or if your like me it may never go away. If it were me, i'd stick with it with or without the side effects going away, bc you can still get erections just fine as you say... It just depends wheather you want a high sex drive or keep your hair.
  5. its hard to get a read on just how high your hair line is with long hair.. But if your hair is parted to one side, like it looks in the pic it looks fine.. if you're not losing your hair then I dont see what the problem is other then you having a high hairline.. Where it long you have it. It looks fine. Thats how i used to wear mine till i started losing it..
  6. Remarkable.. I'd robb someone to pay for this IDC how much it costs.. thats really good news. I've always thought that this product would be the best hope we have...
  7. I lift heavy weights 4-5 times a week.. don't do a whole lot of running.. maybe once a week playing basektball.. lifting heavy weights helps raise T levels.. as far as months is concerned.. i've been off it for 11 months... and im sorry if i showed any agression towards you.. I've been in a really bad mood about this lately.
  8. well smokers usually use cigarettes to relieve stress.. so you will probably become more stressed out while you're trying to quit.. maybe that could lead to a shedding or pulling out more of your hairs lol.. I dont think it'll be anything you'd notice though...
  9. You can hope all you want for this stuff to work out, but as far as hair cloning is concerned I don't think its coming anytime soon. Quite honestly it's not that important to the world...Baldness isn't a life threatening...so therefore no one is going to throw a lot of money at it..Our best bet is on Histogen really.. and that even wont help nw6-7's...They fall better into the 5 year frame then any of this hair cloning crap... that's why I don't really get to into it.. Matt- as for you thinking that your side effects were just psychological..you're probably dead wrong. I'm sure it was the fin. I've been through it all with this drug and let me tell you, when you have the side effects, there not psychological...Being 22 myself there is no possible way that being worried about having side effects would effect your erections..You mean to tell me that if a really hot chick wanted to do it with you, you wouldn't be able to get it up.. come on... if you had sides they were real.. nothing to do with your head....of course that's how it would have been for me.. if propecia hadn't ruined my life forever.. Finhairloss- if you dont take finasteride.. then why the hell do you have the name finhairloss....? mischelstraus-- what?
  10. You just need to get on propecia.. No one would even know you lot any hair in your temples if you wore it long..
  11. Dude you would never know you had a HT. it's really incredible.. Now if only everyone had your hair characteristics, donor supply and scalp laxity... wow.
  12. I agree with Blondie.. do not go to that site.. it will scare the hell out of you.. literally.
  13. why would you want the sheds to come back?? I never shed from propecia, and had great success with it...
  14. the word fair, and liberal shouldnt be used in the same sentence...
  15. I don't think propecia had anything to do with your scalp pain.... However, .25 every mwf is probably not enough.. try .25 EVERYDAY.... if ur taking the very low dosage to try to avoid side effects i would recommend doing that.. If your not then take half a pill everyday or eod.. 1mg usually stays in ur system for 24-48..
  16. Yep looks like your a diffuse thinner... Get on propecia ASAP. Hopefully you'll salvage what you have and even regrow some.... adios
  17. I'm wondering if anyone here has tried Dr. Jones's instant hair product..? I believe it's on his website if you do a simple google search you can find it.. I don't want to post the link to it.. Anyway, If anyone has tried it i'd like some feedback on it please if you don't mind.. I looked for a topic of it on here but found nothing.. thanks.
  18. Stay on the drug, you've only been on it for 3 months.. I did not see results and stoppage of shedding till the 4-5 month.. stay the course.. bye.
  19. NO it does not. Don't you see older men at the gym with full heads of hair.....?
  20. I would wait till you get completely back to normal, If it takes 3 months for it to get out of your system then that's how long you should wait.
  21. 7.5mg of fin? For one.. that's overkill... and two, I would think your body is going to become immune to the drug much faster... Plus I wouldn't buy anyone's story of PRP working while on Propecia.. especially because propecia can help thicken up miniaturized hairs as it did with mine at an incredible rate.. just my two cents....
  22. Folko, You have to realize that results vary from person to person... I had zero shedding from this drug and saw increased thickness and regrowth within only 4 months..My problem was I had the sexual side effects... I'd say if you're not having any side effects, just stick with it.
  23. You're better off sending him a message then asking him through here...
  24. After listening to the interview with DR. Cooley, I seem less enthused about this.. He's only willing to accept helping scared patients . Which is great for them, but doesn't help anyone at any stage of hair loss..I don't see this becoming any help anytime soon.
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