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Everything posted by brentipold

  1. yes I would also appreciate anything Dr. Cooley would like to add to this..
  2. Maybe you should try taking half a pill everyday instead of a whole pill, or .25mg of a pill everyday... Might help minimize the side effects...
  3. Interesting stuff. The procedure is sort of like prp, but really nothing like it. Ive never heard of this treatment before, and Id like to learn more, but I cant watch of the videos. No before or after photos are shown. Im not sure if I cant watch the videos because of my browser or the website is messed up.. Have you watched them?
  4. Do whatever you want sir. I'm just giving my opinion... They say to wait a year before you giving up, and its been a year for you as you said, so I'm thinking its probably not going to work for you.. In my case I saw results in about 3 months...
  5. IF you're losing just as much hair as you were before you started, I think its pretty safe to say that Propecia isn't going to work for you. I guess you're just one of the unlucky ones.
  6. It is sorta hard to tell like mattj said..Have you been losing hard amount while showering or noticed a bunch in your hands after you run your hand thru your hair?
  7. The foam is less messy, and also dries quicker. So in my opinion I'd say go with the foam..
  8. For right now I'd say you're fine.. Looks like an ordinary colic to me..My 16 yr old brother has the about the same texture and colic as you.. You may bald in the future, but it hasn't hit you yet I do not believe. You can continue to monitor it, but personally I wouldn't be worried. Just keep an eye on it from time to time..
  9. It does look like you have some miniaturized hairs in the crown. Get on propecia asap.
  10. If you're seeing benefits from the drug, and aren't having side effects, then stick with the 1mg a day... bye
  11. I have to agree with wtb, most people on this site have been through it all and seen it all, so they don't get too excited about anything. Especially something thats 3 or 4 years before ever coming to the States. Althought I am pretty excited about it being someone who is in the early stages of hairloss.. It does give me some comfort knowing that something is hopefully not to far off.
  12. ive taken propecia twice, the first time I experienced side effects on the first day I took it. The 2nd time I took it I experienced them after 1 week. I think after a month without side effects you should be pretty much in the clear.
  13. well I don't think that testostrone is affected up to 15%.. I've heard is more like 5.. and its probably the same timeline of a month...
  14. most people return back to normal within a month, and some never do.
  15. Or you could try cutting it into quarters, and taking .25 everyday.. I think that some people who take Propecia for the first time get there body shocked with the 1mg dosage.. I believe there was a study that says you can take as low as .20 mg a day for it to have the same effect.. That's why they sell it in japan in .20mg dosages.
  16. I'm a diffuse thinner... propecia halted my hairloss.. and made my hair super thick and healthy again...in a matter of 4 months... end of discussion...
  17. Maybe a decrease in shedding but I don't think dht levels are normal, I've been having a hard time recovering from propecia... So that may be the cause of less shedding.
  18. I'm not as worried about the sides, I want to keep my hair, and I thought if I can take fin every 6 months I should be able to sustain.
  19. Ive been off the drug for 6 months now, due to the fact that Ive had a hard time recovering from the side effects. This past week has been a lot better for me, so hopefully things are moving in the right direction. Anywho, When thinking of going back on it I had talked to my Derm about a month ago he said that propecia might not be as effect because my follices will be resitant to the drug. He didnt say it in those exact words, but something like that. So im wondering if anyone has quit taking fin for a decent amount of time, and then starting talking it and got the same results. Because my results hair-wise, were mesmeristing. Thank you kindly for any response.
  20. um.. I don't know where you saw that, but its probably bogus..They say about 2% experience side effects, I would think its more around 20%.... that seems more reasonable.. we'll never really know.
  21. brentipold


    T.C thats a good theory. When I took a pill everyother day, the days that I took the pill it was worse.. obviously.. but the next day things were better, but did not completely solve the problem. I guess that would mean that goes through the body very quickly.. maybe a coalition doctor could help answer my question, anyone?
  22. Personally, I don't see why you would rush into this. You haven't given fin a chance to even work yet. I didn't see results till the 3rd or 4th month mark, and your not going to lose all your hair in that span of time. Isn't there a decent amount of ppl who shed when starting to use fin? Didn't a lot of there shedding stop overtime? Also I thought shedding was suppose to be a sign that the medication is working.
  23. brentipold


    Maybe someone can explain to me why lowering the dosage would have any effect at all. I believe there are studies that .20 mg of fin can reduce just as much DHT as 1mg.. I believe thats why in Japan they sell it in .20mg dosages. So how could lowering the dosage get rid of the side effects if your still blocking just as much dht.....?
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