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Everything posted by brentipold

  1. Im assuming by what you've said that youve been taking the drug for sometime now and are having success.. I took propecia for 8 months, had extrememly good success.... took me almost 5 months for my hair to go back to it pre-propecia state once I quit taking it.... just get back on the meds and you should be fine...
  2. people tend to shed in the winter time.
  3. dude.. are you blind? There is obviously some thickening going on... He combed it in everywhich way the hair could go.. You can barely see his scalp in the after pics.. I wish I had a result like this..
  4. It could be, but also keep in mind the weather is changing and I usually shed a lot when the season changes....
  5. I'm 22 as well.. You'll be fine.. Take it for a month and see what happens.
  6. Honestly, after living one of those horror stories, I must say that the mind really has nothing to do with it. I took the drug for nearly 8months.. quit cold turkey.. went back to normal in 2 weeks... Then I decided to take the drug again.. quit after 1 week... and its been near 6 months and I haven't returned to normal.. So that's proof alone that the mind really doesn't have anything to do with it.. The side effects are real, not some figment of your imagination... To answer the question, is it safe? I think for most yes. Once I return to normal I will take the drug again. I think when some people quit real fast they shock their systems.. which is what I believe happened to me.. So if you are thinking of taking the drug I would definitely say go for it.. and thats from someone who is still dealing with the side effects.. With the new treatments they are developing I don't think you would have to take it any longer then 6-7 years.
  7. I personally had seen visual results at about the 4th month.. The results were much increased hair thickness in crown, mid scalp and front... Probably some regrowth as well, but I think regrowth is hard to see unless You have a severly bald scalp. I myself have nearly a full head of hair so its hard to gauge.. Also I believe that you will have better results if catch baldness early like I did. Unfortunatly the sides got to annoying so I decided to quit. 6 months later im back to where I was prior..
  8. dr. fellers been doing prp for 3 months... according to grecos study most dont see results till the 4th month and the 6th month...
  9. I let my mom go pickup the prescription for me that's how i avoid the embarrassment all together
  10. what is this mysterious "natural hair loss cure" called
  11. No need to even worry about that right now. You are way to young. Focus on being a kid while you still can and enjoy your life. You should be out chasing chicks not worrying about your hair. 15 years down the line if it still bothers you or you have some degree of hairloss then your options will be a lot better. because as of right now you have none.
  12. 2 weeks is probably to early unless ur really lucky.. It's been 7 weeks for me. I think i've had less loss.. Actually I know I have. But no thickening yet.. I know one of dr. Grecos patients didn't see thickening till 4 months
  13. Keeping- I suggest you really need to wait to see what fin does for you.. you've only been on it for what 3 weeks?
  14. um i'll have to look around facebook lol. im sure i have some shots, both with long hair, and a year apart.. but anything super close up. no.
  15. It should really work well for you. I think results are a lot better in young people such as us. I never really saw any regrowth. personally I don't know how anyone can see regrow unless they have a bald scalp. But every part on my the top of my head, crown, front, thicken like crazy. The difference is really day and night. Not only did it get thicken, but darker as well.
  16. quite strange.. but good to hear.. should probably do wonders for you in about 3-4 months.
  17. keeping, you're back on fin? Are you still expereincing sides?
  18. Interesting... I'll believe it when I see it.
  19. In some shots it looks more significant then others... I'm assuming your collic area hasnt looked like that since birth? If it hasnt then you might be thinning.. I know some ppl have collics that are very thin, so maybe you are one of those ppl.. either way.. it doesnt look very extensive at all.. you have more hair then me and i'm 22. If it worries you that much, see a dermintologist.... take care.
  20. brentipold


    yea i'm the same way, i always have like emo hair and since ive been off propecia, my hair characteritics have gone to shit and its thinning quite rapidly.. ive never been a hat wearer... maybe I should start.
  21. brentipold


    Its kind of funny how I never worried about losing my hair one day when i was younger.. well I still am super young, but im saying when I was a teenager.. If I would have known this was going to happen I would have gone into the medical field and done this kind of research.... It would have been especially good for me seeing as the fact that I am obsessed with my hair..
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