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Everything posted by HairHope

  1. My opinion, given the size of your first strip was moderate - Go FUE, then in the future FUE the scar. You will be able to clip lower as you get older and it will still look good (which is likely given your hairloss).
  2. Did you expect a company of hair loss specialists to find anything different? lol Always look for methods, in any kind of study - sampling, blinding, etc... It's like saying women like chocolate...no sheep sherlock! "A two-month experiment, conducted on behalf of hair loss treatment specialists Maximum Hair, posted two profiles on a variety of popular internet forums."
  3. I think 1000 FUE per day is a good number to help ensure high quality extraction and implantation. I had 2-3 techs and the doc and it took from about 9:00 am till 4:30 with a few short breaks. I would do multiple days if I wanted more.
  4. This thread is about FUE, and "butchering" is not a term I would associate with a poor procedure even done by a monkey.
  5. Hey Balboa! You my friend haven't started growing yet, your going to be amazed how good you look when it is done. Do yourself a favor and just give it a chance before you think too far down the road. Now go out and meet some girl or something AND forget about the mirror!
  6. Hi Balboa, there are no studies comparing the two, that was my point - only each one was compared to Placebo...it is the same drug, just different delivery system. Here is an interesting thread however that may help~ Best of luck. http://hair-restoration-info.c...6060861/m/1651054193
  7. Being one of the patients here who actually had both, healing time and down time for FUE were about 1/10th that of strip. To be blunt, it really is apples and oranges, hard to even compare. Imagine, plucking your eyebrows versus cutting them out (both under anesthesia! lol I wish I had an infinite supply of hair, I would FUE monthly!
  8. I bought pure tea-tree oil and just put a few drops in my hand with any conditioner or shampoo. It seems much cheaper. What were the comments on Nizoral?
  9. The evidence suggests just the opposite, but to be honest - the study was compared to placebo, as was the study of the original - not versus each other.
  10. Dude, you just had your surgery done in December - chillax, your going to be amazed at your results.
  11. I think we meant pictures of the Blond, not you! Congrats and Best of luck.
  12. No one can confirm anything, we are all a sample size of 1! Brush the hairs above the grafts don't rub to hard on the scalp yet. Your gel question is way to broad to even be answered, ingredients, etc. make all the difference. best of luck
  13. Coming in very nicely, you will have a great result. Best of luck.
  14. Try to do your best and relax, you are in good hands - it is an interesting ride, with a great ending! Best wishes.
  15. Prothik was 1000x better in my opinion, but in the end - they both felt like I was spraying paint into my hair. I would suggest a "toppik" like product.
  16. Everyone heals differently, there is nothing anyone can tell you that will indicate your HT won't be noticed. IMO, your head will be red for a month or so (if your lucky). My first it was a number of months, my second (FUE), it was about 2-3 weeks. My opinion is don't fear facing people afterwards, some will notice something different, others just won't.
  17. You look perfectly good as you are. In my opinon, your hair loss looks to me the type that will lose as much in the HT process as transplanted. Thus, wait till you lose more in the future...
  18. Why would knowing the doctor have anything to do with the hair that grew and then him losing it. That is not a doctor issue, so please don't say if it was done by a "TOP" doc, it would be different...(except only putting him on finasteride, minox). If the results were poor yield (or taken from the wrong donor area) then I agree. We all have biological differences, the docs job is to get it into his head and grow. After that, it is how he responds to hormones (DHT, etc, and other existing medical issues). With that said, the part that scares the crap out of me, and should you guys, is why the heck the transplanted hair was permanently lost!
  19. True story - I only tell the girls at work! lol.. They love it and when it comes in - they give me advice on style, cuts. Chicks dig confidence!
  20. Nice job bro! How are you doing? hope your spirits are hanging in there. I'll be going on a month here soon. Yeah it sucks, but I keep reminding myself that the future holds more hair, not less. Can't wait to see your final result!
  21. Best of luck, nice foundation transplant, you will be please - but it will take a year to see the result, expect thickening.
  22. In my opinion, the approach you take is exactly what I think is best practice. Nice job.
  23. Good discussion, However, since I have repeated measures data on myself with two different treatments (with some washout - excuse the pun). The inter-individual variablity on healing is controlled for in my own situation. Although anectdotal, saline spray only as a post-op treatment worked significantly better (clinically) then Graftcyte in terms of healing. Again, this is a within patient assessment - but on a VAS scale I would give it a 9 vs. 4.
  24. Good question, however - I believe if you need a significant number of grafts initially (or for a first HT to define new hairline), strip is probably the way to go, next I would think cherry picking grafts using FUE in any follow-up transplant is optimal. My 2 cents
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