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Everything posted by corvettester

  1. Thanks Multiplier. Yes, the transplanted hair that has matured the most looks very natural. So I'm sure I just have to wait a little longer for the left side to catch up in maturity and all will be well. Yes, Dr. Dorin has been nothing but supportive, helpful and honest. Corvettester
  2. I’ve been following your case as well, Levrais. Your result is really something! No doubt, Dr. Bisanga is a top doc. I like to follow doctors not affiliated with the HTN such as Bisanga, Epstein, Unger, etc… As for my case, I consulted with four separate doctors and all agreed that I could go back for my second HT at 8 months post-op at the earliest. If you already know for sure that you're going to need a touch up, then I don't see the point in waiting the full year. What difference would it make? You’re not getting any younger. As for damaging the late bloomers, I really haven't seen or heard of anyone who had significant growth after 8 months... Maturity, yes! New growth, nope! Every doctor I’ve ever spoken to, except one, has said not to expect any new growth after 8 months (the one exception said no new growth after 9 months). However, maturing will last up to 18 months. You do have to remember your recently transplanted hairs will get cut and/or damaged (not the follicle unit, but the actual hair above the skin) during the next procedure. This is because the doctor has to go back and squeeze more grafts in between the old ones—it will all grow back though. This is not the same as transection. It’s nothing to worry about. I’m sure your doctor will explain it to you. Good luck with your second procedure to Levrais. Corvettester
  3. The Emperor, Hey dude, it's been a while. I'm sorry to see that things didn't work out for you after all. I totally feel for you on this one. It's really unfortunate that you're still not happy. I have to admit, I'm a little surprised—I thought you would be able to work it out with H&W. As you may or may not know, I place a very high premium on post-op and customer care—especially when such a large amount of money is involved! Thus, to me, the worst part of your situation is that you still haven't come to an amicable and mutually satisfactory resolution with your doctor. The fact that you still feel let down and unsupported is a real shame. The way I see it, no doctor is capable giving an excellent hair transplant to each and every patient for reasons beyond his control; however, he should be capable of giving an excellent customer care experience to each and every patient. It’s a pity when clinics fall short on this. I mean, you seem like a reasonable guy. I don’t see why they haven’t been able to placate you in some way or other. I wish I could contribute intelligibly to the factual results of your HT, however, there are simply too many variables involved for me to form an opinion in good faith. I do not discount your opinion and analysis at all, as I think you’re very well informed and knowledgeable in regard to URFUT. Thus, I do think you are well within your right to be disappointed with your result. Lastly, I want you to know that I personally don’t think your hair looks that bad at all. I see an improvement, albeit certainly not anything to write home about. You still got a decent amount of coverage so hopefully you can find a way to make the most of it. Again, sorry to see that things didn’t turn out well for you. Many thanks for being so forthright, detailed and gentlemanly in your postings. I wish you... all the best, Corvettester
  4. Yes, Dr. Dorin's standards are high. He was the first to admit that it wasn't up to his standards. Your points are well taken on my donor availability. Including FUE, I had a total of approximately 8,000 grafts available. After this second procedure, I should have another 4,500 or so to tide me over if things get worse down the line. I don't have much MPB in my family though. Of course, there are no guarantees as we all know. Either way, in my opinion it's pointless to go for the illusion of density in the hairline. I want a dense hairline. If my hair loss continues, then I will go much less aggressive in the back. At that point, I will aim for the illusion of density. Corvettester
  5. To see photos please view my HTN User Profile, 8 Month Update Folder. My Hair Loss Website is giving me issues with uploading photos. Once I resolve it, I'll post pics with commentary. Corvettester
  6. 8 Month Update: Dr. Dorin 1,696 FUT Here’s a brief breakdown of the major elements of my HT followed by my analysis and plan of action. Right Temple: Looking great. Excellent result for 1,700 grafts. Left Temple: Still lagging behind the right in both maturity and growth by approximately 20%. By now, it’s probably safe to say that it won’t get as good of a yield as the right side. Dr. Dorin concurs. Immediate Center Hairline: Still the sour apple of the bunch. Poor growth yield. Dr. Dorin agrees that it is not up to his usual standards. He is committed to making it right though. Left Temple Point: Looking great. Excellent Result. Right Temple Point: Almost no yield. Looks the same as before my HT. Dr. Dorin agrees. Scar: Pretty refined for the most part. There is one section about 3” in length in the back, right side that has stretched a little, perhaps 2-2.5mm. Dr. Dorin wants to revise this section. The rest of it looks very refined and I’m quite pleased. To me, it’s not that big of a deal. Some people stretch, some don’t. Those that do, have to go back for scar revision—tough luck! Analysis & Plan of Action: Today Dr. Dorin gave me the go ahead for a second procedure, which I will undergo next week. I have known from the beginning that I would need two procedures for my hairline and temples, as I wanted to play it safe and take the conservative route. I’m very pleased that I get to have it done so soon. I really didn’t want to have to wait a full year before getting my second pass. My reasoning is that since I already know I will need a second HT, why wait? Let’s get it done as soon as safely possible so that I can have my final result by next summer… I’m not getting any younger after all! So I feel fortunate that Dr. Dorin happened to have an opening in his schedule next week, otherwise I would have had to wait until mid to late July. That being so, next week I will undergo a second FUT procedure of approximately 1,800 – 2,000 grafts. The aim of which is two-fold: first, to shore up where the first HT fell short; second, to add density to the hairline and temples, thereby bringing it closer to the native density. Dr. Dorin was very generous in unconditionally offering me a complimentary procedure of however many grafts I felt necessary to get the result I wanted for my first HT, including any extra I desired for density for a second HT. He said that he treats all his patients like family and that if I wasn’t 100% satisfied with the result, then he would see to it that I was. For this reason, even though I was already planning on getting a second HT for density regardless of the outcome of my first HT, Dr. Dorin offered to do it free of charge. I certainly don’t need 1,800-2,000 to shore up my first HT. Just to be clear, I do not believe that my first HT is a failure by any means. My result is simply less than optimal in certain areas such as the immediate center of the hairline, the left temple, and the right temple point. Dr. Dorin was very gracious in his explanation of the possible causes of my poor yield. He explored all possible variables including technician/physician error and at no point did he shy from taking responsibility. This to me shows a physicians commitment to his patients and I believe is the gold standard of care when things don’t end up just right. In all fairness, there really are a lot of unknowns. He said my results are rare and kind of quirky. Therefore, I don’t think it fair to assume technician/physician error any more than it is to assume physiological limitations. I’m willing to meet him half way on this one. For example, one of the oddities of my HT is that my right temple came out so well, but the left fell short. Yet the left temple point came out perfect, while the right temple point had almost no growth whatsoever! I really don’t know what to make of it; there are simply too many variables involved. Either way, Dr. Dorin made it very clear from the beginning that if things didn’t turn out as I wanted them, that he would make it right. So to be perfectly honest, I’m not really worried or even disappointed at this point. The way my mind works is that there is simply no point in wasting time on regrets, “what ifs” and pointing fingers because there is no way to change the past. I need to move forward, period. Of course, all of this is predicated upon the knowledge that my doctor stands behind his work unconditionally. Thus, with the second procedure we will shore up whatever didn’t turn out well enough in the first HT and we’ll add to the density to make it look more like my native hair as originally planned. I have felt very supported by Dr. Dorin and his staff since day one. At no point have I felt left out in the cold on any issue or concern, no matter how minor. I have had full access to the doctor and his team since then and have taken full advantage of his post-op hospitality by going in for bi-monthly check-up and photos since my HT. As for my second procedure, we’re going to weigh the left temple area down with even more grafts. I part my hair on the left so it’s essential that it is well covered as it is the most exposed area of my entire hairline. Also, we’re going to really focus on my hairline in the immediate center due to its low yield. Further, I requested that we smooth out the jagged hairline that Dr. Dorin originally designed because I personally prefer hairlines that are more contoured. I’ve debated this matter with several people and I’ve concluded that it’s really just a matter of taste. Some docs prefer jagged hairlines, others prefer contoured hairline. I want mine to be somewhere in between the two—simply a personal preference for which Dr. Dorin is glad to accommodate me. I’m very happy with the way Dr. Dorin has handled my case so far and I look forward to my second procedure with him next week. He said that I could be certain that a second pass would give me the density that I wanted and shore up where the first HT fell short. Long story short, I have complete faith in Dr. Dorin. He made it abundantly clear to me that he wants me to be happy with my result. He meant it too. It’s not about the money for him, otherwise, he would not have offered me a complimentary touch-up procedure and second pass. To me, his generosity epitomizes his integrity and his confidence in his ability to perform URFUT. Corvettester
  7. JPGR5, So you have seen other men in person, in your NW category do what you want to do and it looks good? If so, how many? Did they have similar hair characteristics? I hate to sound pessimistic, but I've never seen anything like what you're talking about... it seems so risky. I mean, you will effectively forego any chances of ever being able to shave your head and get a tan like Dr. B suggested because you'll have a scar. Also, even with half and inch of hair creating a hairline, will it really be that much of a difference? Yes, I'm sure it will soften the transition from you hair system, but will it be noticeable to anyone besides yourself and the very few people who know about your situation? An HT is like opening a whole other can of worms. I think that a lot of guys like us run the risk of over-analysing our situations because we see it up so close and so frequently that it becomes something that it isn't. I recently told a few friends about my HT and they were shocked to learn that I had any recession whatsoever. I didn't believe them at first, I thought that everyone had noticed, but apparently, they hadn't. Don't get me wrong either, we bust on each other for anything. My friends aren't the types to be polite and sensitive about one another's insecurities. To know that it was all in my head, for the most part, was a real eye-opening moment for me, to say the least. After seeing your pics, I just have to wonder how much good a mere half inch in the hairline will really do you. Is there any way you could also post some pics of what you look like with your hair system in? I'd like to see up close what your hairline area looks like with the bonded hair or whatever else you use. I apologize if I sound skeptical or depressing, I don't want to be THAT guy. But it's just that this sounds so risky to me and it seems like such a huge price to pay for such a small victory. And from what I've seen, I'm not a fan of BHT either. Either way, I'd take Bernstein up on his offer for a complimentary consultation. He seems genuine and you might learn something. Good luck to you my friend. Corvettester
  8. Aman, I do see an improvement, albeit a small one. It's certainly coming very slowly for you buddy. Considering the magnitude of your procedure, I think it's best to just wait this one out. I mean, each update does look better than the previous one, so let's hope for the best. Also, I'm glad to know that your doctor is there for you. Stay positive. Corvettester
  9. Albion, Sorry to see that things didn't work out for you. I think you're justified in regarding this HT as a failure. At this point, I don't know how open I would be to a "repair" procedure if I were you. I mean, it would be different if your result was simply less than optimal; however, it seems to be more of an outright failure, in my opinion. I tend to take a hardline view of less than optimal results. It's just too easy to write everything off as a physiological limitation. So perhaps it's better to wait for some more feedback from the community. I can imagine your frustration with all the waiting and anticipation, not to mention the cost, time and effort you put into this. I really feel for you on this one. Corvettester
  10. azazelgs, I don't understand how you concluded that you were a NW5/6. To me, you look like a NW2/3 with some thinning in the midsection. How are the meds working out for you? Your case looks particularly auspicious to me: good laxity, good donor supply, good hair characteristics, minimal balding, etc... Also, why the dramatic title? If anything, you're one of the lucky ones. Corvettester
  11. JPGR5, I seriously doubt that. A NW6 is big money. Corvettester
  12. Michael, I'd be really interested to see your results too. Do you have them posted anywhere? Corvettester
  13. Multiplier, To give you a little perspective, I had 1,700 grafts in my hairline and temples. I'll be getting at least another 1,700 to give me the density that I want. That will be a grand total of 3,400 for only my hairline and temples. Hairline and temples are not the only area of the frontal third. The frontal third encompasses the hairline, the temples and the forelock or area behind the immediate hairline that goes until the end of the temples. Thus, I would say that the average person would need about 4,500 grafts to give good coverage to the frontal third. However, that same person would probably only need about 3,000 grafts for the hairline and temples. Then you have to take into consideration the midsection, which would probably need around 3,000 grafts. The crown alone would probably need at least 3,000 grafts too. I imagine that to completely cover a NW6+ patient with good density, you would need a total of around 10,000 grafts. You could probably do it with less though you'd have to sacrifice density the further back you go on the scalp... but would it look good?:confused: I hope this helps. Corvettester
  14. JPGR5, True and Dorin will definitely give you copies of the photos they take of you—just ask! They upload them to a CD and give it to me in person at each of my check ups. It’s probably pretty difficult for them to email the photos though because they use a proper high-definition camera, and each photo is about 5MBs in size! However, if you ask, I bet they'll go out of their way to get them to you. The patient advisors, Peter and Eyal, are great guys. As per your consultation, “NW6+” probably means either that he believes that you will lose more in the future or that you may actually be a NW7. The Norwood scale is not precise, it’s only a rough guide. As to why Dr. True wants to use 3,900 grafts out of a possible 6,000, I would surmise that he thinks that that is all you will need in your frontal third. The remaining 2,000 or so grafts probably wouldn't be enough to do anything worthwhile in your midsection, especially since you're going to use a hairpiece. So why bother? I consulted with both Dr. True and Dr. Dorin. I found both of them to be very impressive. I ended up choosing Dr. Dorin simply because he had an earlier availability. Once I made the decision to get my HT, I was keen on getting it done as soon as possible. I'm coming up on 8 months post-op now. Feel free to check my profile and hair loss website. If you have any questions, I’d be glad to help. Lastly, I think it's a great idea that you're doing several in person consultations. I did five separate consultations with various doctors before I chose True & Dorin. I would also suggest consulting with Dr. Carols Wesley. He's located in the UES: 69th & Park Ave. Corvettester
  15. McCloud, It took me about 3-4 months to get normal sensation back to the scalp. The weird part was that it was mostly numb in the midsection where I didn't have any grafts placed.:confused: The donor incision bothered me for a good three weeks until I got back to sleeping normal again. I had to go back to Dr. Dorin to get a refill on the pain killers because I just wasn't comfortable enough without them. I gradually phased them out over the three week period. Hang in there, bro. Corvettester
  16. Great result man! It's looking really good for only 4 months. I bet you're really happy. Also, thanks for posting such high quality photos. Corvettester
  17. Congratulations! Looks like it's coming in well. Corvettester
  18. B&A is Before and After photos. No offense, but I get the impression that you haven't done enough research. Whether a doctor is well known, has a nice website or office, should not be a primary concern. There are lots of well known doctors. Most people have only had experiences with just one, so anything else they recommend is not a primary source. Research takes time and effort. There is no one who can just tell you who the best is. It just doesn't work that way. Corvettester
  19. J, Great post man! Thanks a lot. Corvettester
  20. Ugh... No. I was just trying to say that I see certain docs with far more female B&As than other docs. Dr. Schweiger is known to deal mostly with female patients and writes extensively on the subject. Any reputable doc should be able to help you. Corvettester
  21. Maverick, If this is how you think, then baldness is the least of your worries. Women want to marry men. Men don't think in such terms. Change your thinking and your reality will follow. Corvettester
  22. Maverick, I don't see the retrograde alopecia that TC17 does, but then again, your pics aren't very good either. I'd consult with a doc as soon as possible. He will probably put you on medication. If it turns out that you do not have retrograde alopecia, then I’d say that you do have a good chance for a reasonable cosmetic improvement via HT. Of course, you're going to have to have very realistic expectations. You're definitely never going to have hair like Elvis, but I do think you have a shot at something better than your hair system that looks age appropriate and natural. I’d put you at a NW6. As for graft count, I'd say a minimum of 6,000 grafts, but probably closer to 8,000—if you even have that many available, which you probably don't. Most people have between 6,000-8,000. However, I do think 6,000 will give you some decent coverage. Also, it will certainly take at least two procedures. Probably two procedures of 3,000-3,500 FUT each and then maybe they can squeeze out another 1,000 via FUE later. This is all conjecture though; your case looks difficult. Go see a doc and let us know what kind of donor availability you have. Good luck. Corvettester
  23. Hey usedandabused, Sorry to hear about your poor result. Have you created a hair loss website or blog? I can't find any photos of you results. I'd really like to see some though. Many thanks. Corvettester
  24. Mickey, Your post made me laugh out loud! If Rahal rejected you then I'd hate to see what the other docs are going to say! Rahal is considered to be one of the most aggressive doctors out there, in a good way. If he declines to take your case then that definitively means that you really are too young and your goals really are too aggressive or unrealistic. He is an ethical doctor. Take his rejection as a blessing and a warning. Something tells me that the only doc that will take you would be Armani or Larry Shapiro... yikes!!! :eek: No offense, but something tells me that you haven't done enough research. Spend a couple more weeks or months on the forums and hair loss websites, have a few more consultations with other docs, and then get back to us with your newfound wisdom my friend. We're only here to help. Corvettester
  25. Chuck, Excellent detective work my friend! And here I was trying to figure out the logo on his jersey! LOL! Corvettester
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