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Everything posted by corvettester

  1. Mickey, In my opinion, the top three docs in North America for dense packing are Hasson, Wong and Rahal. If dense packing were my goal, those three would be my only choices in the world! H&W only do FUT. I wouldn't worry too much about their scars being too high. I'm sure they know exactly what they're doing. To date, I have not seen any patient complaints regarding their scars being too high, only a few posters (not patients) questioning it. Once I see a patient of H&W complaining, then I'll revisit the topic, but until then, all I can say is that they do things their own way and have an amazing track record to back it up. Of course, Bisanga produces outstanding results and has a huge following here on the HTN. If you only wanted FUE and dense packing, then it'd be Dr. Rahal or Dr. Bisanga, in my opinion. I think traveling to Ottawa or Brussles would be equally boring. Corvettester
  2. Hairgirll, Even if you can travel anywhere in the world, I still recommend those doctors for a woman who wants to lower her hairline. It's only natural that NYC has the best and the brightest of the scientific and medical community. Now that I think about it a little more, I also suggest Dr. Rahal. He's just great with hairlines. He is located in Ottawa, Canada which is only a 90 minute flight from NYC. Yes, they all have very nice websites that are easily located via Google. Corvettester
  3. Sorry to hear about the rough past couple of years. I started to notice my hair loss right around age 25 too, so I understand the added blow to your confidence and self-esteem. Unfortunately, I cannot make out much from your photos. It looks like you either have really fine hair with low density, or that you’re a diffuse thinner. Either way, it looks like you are definitely experiencing some thinning. The first thing I would do is go consult with a hair restoration physician in person: not online, not over the phone, but in person! He’s probably going to recommend medication such as mox and fin. I’ve seen many guys on the HTN who have had enormous success from medication. I don’t know where you are, but judging from your features, your language and the shirt you’re wearing, I'll assume that you’re in the England. Hence, may I suggest seeing Farjo Medical Centre in Manchester for a consultation. They'll be able to give you an accurate analysis of what's happening with your hair. Keep your head up though. This is one of life’s obstacles of which, to a certain degree, you can control the outcome. Good luck. Corvettester
  4. Hairgirll, For women in particular, since you're in or around NYC, I suggest that you consult with Dr. Dorin, Dr. Schweiger, Dr. Robin Unger or Dr. Wesley. All four are local NYC docs and I often see their names associated with regard to female patients—especially Dr. Schweiger. I do have a friend who has an excellent result from Dr. Epstein, but that friend is a male. From what I've seen, I do think Epstein does quality work and has an especially good eye for cosmetic artistry. If I understand correctly, he is also a facial plastic surgeon and he lives in Miami—so what does that tell you! LOL! A lady friend of mine consulted with Dr. Epstein and she was very impressed, but she was also very impressed with Wesley as well. Dr. Wesley is developing a scarless surgery procedure that he said should be available in late 2012. See him for details. I consulted with both Epstein and Wesley and I too was impressed. I really like Wesley though. Search through my posts to find a review that I wrote about him. As for Dr. Schweiger, he works mostly with female hair loss sufferers so I think that you should definitely see him. If I understand correctly, he is something of the “go to” doctor for female hair loss sufferers. He works out of Bernstein Medical, NYC. As for Dr. Dorin (the doctor I chose), I've seen a lot of his female patient results so I would definitely recommend him too, of course. His B&A book was just full of female patients! I hear very good things about Dr. Robin Unger as well. She is the daughter of Walter Unger who was a pioneer in the HT industry and is highly regarded by many. I have to surmise that woman doctor would intuitively understand the unique needs of a female hair loss sufferer. As I tell everyone, you should consult with several doctors before making your decision. A good HT, is a well researched HT. Research takes time and patience. I think you'll find a lot of people who will to help you along the way. If you like, I can put you in contact with my female friend who is also in pursuit of a doctor. I think maybe you two may want to compare notes. She's very thorough in her research and has impressed me with her due diligence. PM me if you'd like her contact info and I'll put you in touch, with her permission of course. I hope this helps. Good luck. Corvettester
  5. Dr. Lindsey, My apologies for the misspelling of your name. I don't know if it was spellcheck or personal error. It won't happen again. Out of respect, I went back and edited my original post. By the way, it's CorvettEster, with an "E"... not Corvettster! Looks like we both have issues with spelling! LOL! CorvettEster
  6. Neal, If you end up going to T&D for a consultation, ask to meet Peter and Eyal. They've both had HTs by T&D and have wonderful results to boot. Corvettester
  7. Neal, Bernstein has my vote without reservation. In fact, I don't even think it's proper to compare Bernstein to Lindsey. Bernstein probably has about three times as much experience as Lindsey. He is a pioneer of the HT industry, as well as an established authority who has published countless scientific and clinical research studies and won numerous awards and accolades from the highest echelons of the hair restoration and medical community. The list goes on… Both Dutch and TC17 are right about predicting future loss. However, if I understand correctly, Bernstein argues that although he cannot definitively predict future loss, he can reasonably estimate a person’s potential for loss. I think that a lot of it is based upon the personal experience Bernstein has had over the years—it’s not exactly something on which a longitudinal study can or has been done. In addition, Bernstein factors in individual variables among patients such as age, current pattern, family history, hair and dermatological characteristics, etc... I’m sure he looks at the whole picture before making his “prediction.” As a pioneer and founding father of the industry, I bet he's seen enough action to know that when a person has a certain amount of miniaturization in a certain area, in a certain way, at a certain age, he can give a pretty damn good estimate as to what is going happen further down the road. With definite certainty, of course not—with a high likelihood, I think so. Bernstein has probably forgotten more about HT than most doctors will ever know. The guy has been looking at heads of hair long before Lindsey ever came on the scene. For this reason, among others, I have a lot of faith in Berstein's ability. Furthermore, he is also considered one of the most conservative doctors in practice. I personally know two people who he rejected because they didn't have enough balding or because he didn't think it would progress enough... if that isn't integrity, then I don't know what is. Now this may not be something a 29 year-old, NW2 who is feeling a little insecure about his minor recession may want to hear, but it is something you ought to consider (I should know, I was a 29 year-old, NW3 when I got my HT 7 months ago). Bernstein isn’t going to pack 4,000 grafts into your hairline, but he is going to give you a no nonsense analysis of your current, as well as your likely future, condition. That is why he charges $175 for a consultation—so he doesn’t have to waste his time or yours! However, unfortunately there is no shortage of doctors who will tell you whatever you want to hear, and claim that they can give you whatever you want—for a price! To conclude, since you’ll be NYC this July consulting with Bernstein, why not see a few other top docs such as True & Dorin, Wesley, Unger, Schweiger or Epstein. Why stop at a second opinion and not get a third or fourth? A good HT is one that has been well researched. Good luck on your journey. Corvettester
  8. Brian, I think that you're looking good for 6 months out. I really like your result so far as it's clearly a definite improvement from where you started. You probably won't see a lot more new growth, but I do think that the maturity factor will play a big role in your final result. You have great hair characteristics, so once it all finally matures, I think it's going to look great! I don't, however, think that 3,000 grafts will be enough for what you want to achieve based on what you said in your hair loss blog. If you end up wanting more density, another 1,500 should be more than enough. Just give it at least another 6 months before even considering going back for a second pass because maturity is going to play such an important role for you. Regardless, you're looking good and I'd be very please with that result for only 6 months post-op. Corvettester
  9. Congratulations and good luck! I'm interested to see your results as you and I have similar hair characteristics (mine is just longer) and we went to the same doc. Grow well! Corvettester
  10. Good post. It's always refreshing to see a new posters doing their due diligence of research, seeking second opinions, and NOT JUMPING INTO THINGS!!!! This is a big decision. I don't know anything about Dr. Charles, nor do I have an opinion on him (which doesn't mean anything for or against him, I just don't know anything about him), however, I must commend you for being prudent and patient in not taking the plunge the very next day. This is not to say that he wouldn't have given you an excellent result, it's just that I've heard too many horror stories of patients making rash decisions which they later come to regret. Based on your post, I think you have realistic expectations. My only concern is your family history. I would definitely have a very long conversation with more than a few physicians concerning that matter. Personally, I don't think 26 is too young. I know plenty of fellas who got HTs around that age. I got mine at age 29. I'm 7 months post-op. The only thing is that you have to take a few other things into consideration when you're in your twenties such as family history and response to medication, etc... It looks like you've responded well to the medication. I can see a definite improvement in your B&A medication photos. Also, I think approximately 2,000 grafts is fair and realistic. It's not conservative, but I wouldn't really call it too aggressive either. It's midrange, leaning aggressive, in my opinion. I say this because of the photos in which you pull back your hair with your hand to reveal the true depth of your hair loss and widow's peak. The scar is a nonissue for anything that is buzzed over a #3. I've always used a hair stylist and keep my hair a little longer so it is a complete nonissue for me as I would never shave or buzz my hair. Consider FUE if you're really paranoid about the scar, but of course, be sure to research all the advantages and disadvantages. Personally, I'm neither for nor against it. I've seen excellent results with it. I think it is usually situational whether someone needs it. I totally understand that you want to be looking great for your wedding, who wouldn't? But you have to remember that the final result typically takes anywhere form 1 year to 18 months. If you're dead set on getting married in 2012 (or rather your soon-to-be wife is dead set) then I wouldn't expect a final result by then... although, if you live in Florida, I guess you could get married towards the end of the year and the weather would still be nice. The fact that you're willing to travel is a good sign and essential component of a well thought out HT. You mentioned that you were eying SMG. I'd say that that is an excellent choice. Consult with them as well as others. Most clinics do online consultations for free. Hope this helps. Good luck. Corvettester
  11. Uncle Jesse, I always thought that people with thicker hair shafts needed less graft because the actual hairs do a lot of the camouflaging and that people with fine hair actually needed more? It's always the guys with thick, dark hair that consistently come out with the "wow!" results, in my opinion. I don't see to many fine haired blondies with outstanding result, (aaron1234 is one of the few exceptions). Hence, my expectations have always been very modest. Your points are well taken. I'm actually going for a minimum of 1,750, but hopefully closer to 2,000 grafts for my second pass... I don't want to risk having to go back for a third pass like you felt that you needed to do. Once was already too much... yikes! I just want this to be done already! Corvettester p.s. Stamos was married to Rebecca Romijn and we all know about the ladies of Pitt... Have Mercy!
  12. Mr. Katsopolis, Thank you for understanding where I was coming from with my questions. I'm glad that I didn't offend you. It's too bad about the photos though, but I understand better now. Thank you for sharing your story. Your result is truly the "talk of the town" this week! Feller is correct in wanting you to share your result. I think your story was very well written, fair and balanced. I think a lot of us younger, NW2/3 type of guys will experience similar feelings as you have because we want to stay young bucks for as long as possible and hair is important to that end. Thus, there is a very fine line between hair greed and just wanting a fitting, kick-ass result! Also, I don't think your hairline is too low at all. I like low hairlines. I remember that you said something in your first post about how Brad Pitt, Clooney and Tom Cruise all had low hairlines and it looks great on them, even at their age. I couldn't agree more. If you got the donor supply to support it, then I'm all for it... 10k grafts, WTF! Lucky bastard! As for the multis in the hairline, I don't know what to make of it. As I'm sure you guessed, it's almost sacrilege to do that in this day and age and I'm sure T&D feel the same way. Maybe it's what Bill said, that the singles in front of the multis didn't grow? I really don't know. Either way, it's moot now that you're happy. But still, it's a shame that we don't know what happened... I just mean for the sake of knowing! It's always good to know. Oh, and just to clarify: you had 1,100 at T&D, followed by 2,100 with Feller and another 1,200 with Feller recently for a total of 4,400 grafts in the hairline. Is that correct? Damn, that's awesome! Anyway, now I can totally understand why density and a young hairline is important for you and I couldn't agree more. I'll be going back for a second pass as well as I'm definitely interested in something close to what you have, except the fine, blonde version.... so watch out because it's a well known fact that Brad Pitt gets laid more than John Stamos! Have Mercy! Corvettester
  13. Good point about the other consultants. However, I've never seen any of the above consultants accuse, berate, question, insult or belittle a poster for stating their personal experience. They would fall out of favor with me and a lot of others very quickly if they did. I have, however, seen Spex do this to ANYONE who dares question his Dr. Feller's greatness! As for the comments about Spex working for free, all I can say is that that is part of any salesman's job. You'd have to be pretty naive not understand why. It's called being the "go to" guy for prospective clients. I used to work in sales. I didn't last long, couldn't stomach it. Anyway, gentlemen, that's it for me on this thread. Corvettester
  14. Ej, I'm sorry to inform you but Spex most certainly is paid for representing Dr. Feller. Just ask him or Dr. Feller, I'm sure they'll tell you as much. Dr. Feller publically stated it on the HTN here: http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/160114-spex-one-good.html I don't know how much Spex earns for his consulting work for Dr. Feller, nor do I care. I do, however, think that this fact should be known to any prospective HT patient receiving services from Spex or any paid physician consultant. For this reason, among many others, I cannot consider Spex a credible source of opinion. I've dealt with too many salesmen in my life. Of course, this is my opinion. You should feel free to develop your own. By the way, thanks for staying positive. Why did you delete the jokes? Corvettester
  15. Spex, I don't debate with salesmen. You're paid for your opinions. I am not. You will never have any credibility in my eyes. There is nothing left to discuss between you and I. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it.” Upton SInclair. Corvettester
  16. Bill, At no point did I suggest that the pics were doctored or photoshoped. The flash is too bright for me to make an informed opinion on the scar pics though. That is all that I said. My request to Uncle Jesse was clear and unequivocal: personally furnish the community with photos of your scar and hairline from the less than optimal result that you stated that you received from Dr. Dorin. Of course, he shouldn't have to prove that he is happy with Feller's result. That is clear. At no point did I suggest, imply or insinuate that he should have to provide better photos of his result with Feller... it was always clear that it was his result with Dorin that needed to be substantiated. Corvettester
  17. Thanks for the input Bill, your points are well taken. As I'm sure you saw, I went back and apologized to Uncle Jess for my humor being taken so poorly on three separate occasions. I didn't mean to sound accusatory. If it's common practice to repost such threads, then that is news to me. But Bill, I've seen you insist several times that patients post pics to substantiate their claims when there was a question to the veracity of said patients claims. I simply cannot see the difference now. Please clarify. Corvettester
  18. Agreed. I'm glad he's happy too. That is all that really matters. I too see multi's in the hairline of the posted pics. I'm unsure about the scar though, because of the flash, it's too washed out for me to make anything of it. Kudos to those who can. However, perhaps you need to check the definition of the term "defensive." I simply want pics from the patient in question. Nothing more, nothing less. Corvettester
  19. Call them. It's toll-free! Corvettester
  20. EJ, This is already the rule! If you’re going to criticize a doctor, you are required to post B&A pics. Thus, the “Before” pics would by default be the “After” pics of his procedure with his previous doctor. If uncle Jesse is going to say that Dorin took his scar too high or put multi's in the hairline, then he should most definitely be required produce photos substantiating his claims. This is the bare minimum and is already enshrined in the terms and conditions of the HTN. This applies to any and all doctors, not just Feller. Bill-Managing Publish has made a point of this on several occasions. Where have you been? In my opinion, the pics Spex posted don’t cut it. For one, I don’t trust the source. Also, they are too washed out by the flash. I don’t doubt UJ’s great result. However, until I see pics posted by the OP of his bad scar and poor result from Dorin, I cannot comment in good faith, neither can you. Corvettester
  21. For the last time, I apologize to Uncle Jesse that my humor was poorly taken. I mean it: I'm sorry. I thought we could all have a laugh at the expense of the Olsen twins. My fault. I take the jokes back. I hope this is good enough. Moving on... I would like to see some of the B&A's of this wonderful result posted by the patient—not the doctor, not one of his paid representatives, but the patient himself. I’m not asking too much. Otherwise, this thread belongs in the Results Posted by Leading Clinics section. Which, by the way, it’s already there! As a patient of Dr. Dorin, I hope anyone of you could understand why I particularly want to see photos of these multi’s used in his hairline and his poor result. Does this really sound so strange to any of you? Yes, to be perfectly clear, I am extremely biased against any paid representative. I generally do not find them to be credible sources. This is my opinion. Call me crazy! Again, Uncle Jesse is looking good. I make no claims about Dr. Feller. This is a job well done. Please go back and see that my contention is with the veracity of Spex as a credible source. I don't trust it one bit. I make no apologies for that. I just want to see UJ's results coming from his own hands, not a paid consultant. Otherwise, it should be posted in the Results Posted by Leading Clinics section. Thanks for chiming in WB, it’s been a while. I hope that your concerns with your personal case have blown over and your rockin a nice head of hair by now. Corvettester
  22. EJ, For sure, the result speaks for itself. It looks great! It looks like the real life John Stamos! If you go back and read, I simply asked the OP to post his own pics of his procedure, including post-op from Dr. Dorin. I don't think this is too much to ask, In fact, it's quite common. I have to disagree with your logic, EJ. The fact that the OP has already paid for his procedure is irrelevant. So what? Now that they have his money, they’re going to give it to him straight? No offence, but what world do you live in? Do you think that the hairstylist who just butchered your hair is going to tell you that it looks bad? Or anyone who works for the same salon? What about the clerk that sells you that pink leather suit? As you walk out the door, everyone who works there will be telling you how great it looks on you! I see this nonsense everyday, so forgive me if I’m skeptical. My contention is that as a paid consultant for Dr. Feller, it is impossible for Spex to criticize any of Feller’s work… whether the results are good or bad is moot. The fact of the matter is that Spex would never admit it if they were bad, so why should his opinions be considered credible when the results are good like with Uncle Jesse here? This is the crux of my argument. I hope you follow. As for my beef with Feller, I don’t think I stated one on this thread. It looks like a great result in my opinion. I’m just the type of guy who only gives trust with verification. I really don’t think it’s too much to ask the OP to post some of his pre-op and post-op pics of his own. Sorry if I’m too skeptical for your taste, but that’s just the way I am and it serves me well. Such a perfunctory gesture of posting his own pics can only help his case and, in my opinion, is the minimum required of each poster. How often have you seen Bill-Managing Publisher insisting posters to post their own pics or stop posting all together? Quite frequently! In addition, I want to be clear that I did not find the OP’s comments regarding his procedure with Dr. Dorin to be unbalanced or malicious. I think he was quite fair and went out of his way to state that he was not trying to attack Dr. Dorin. He certainly has a right to state his experience to the community—that is what it’s here for! I’m glad he did. Thank you Uncle Jesse. However, EJ, as a veteran poster, I’m sure you can appreciate the manifold ways certain posters in the past have gone about praising one doctor, while subtly bashing another. You would be remiss not to acknowledge that Uncle Jesse’s posts do have some of the hallmarks of such posters, i.e. first-time post, no pics, excessive praise or blame, etc…Therefore, I simply ask him to post his own pics, especially those of his procedure with Dr. Dorin. If this is too much too ask, then I’m guilty of cynicism; but then the HTN is guilty of a double-standard. I’m happy for UJ, who wouldn’t be? Again, his result looks great. I’ve never shied away from commenting on a good result by Dr. Feller, provided it was furnished by the patient himself (See what I publically stated about Hairthere’s results and temple points). I’m not being unfair here gentlemen; I’m being strict! Corvettester
  23. Again, I'm sorry my humor was poorly taken. My bad! As I'm sure a veteran poster like yourself can appreciate, I'll be glad to comment on the result once Uncle Jesse posts some of his own pics. You see, I simply cannot trust the source of the current pics. Is that really so crazy? Corvettester
  24. Spex, No need to get so defensive, buddy! Yes, I understand that UncleJesse went to the same doctor that I used. I have no problem with that because I know for a fact that there is no doctor out there that has a 100% satisfaction rate… not Dorin, not Feller, not Hasson, not Wong, not Rahal, not SMG, not anybody! Personally, I find the idea that Uncle Jesse has trouble posting pics a little incredulous, to say the least. That is why I asked him to post his own pics. What’s so wrong with that? I just thought it was very unusual to see that Uncle Jesse and you had made two of the exact same posts in two separate threads in two separate sections. I’ve never seen that happen before on the HTN, so forgive me if I’m skeptical. Two things here: You cannot criticize me for not doing something. In other words, you cannot call upon a person to prove a negative. That would be a logical fallacy. Also, for future reference, I recently decided to cease commenting in the Results Posted by Leading Clinics section anymore. This is a personal choice of mine and it has nothing to do with you, Spex. The way I see it, all the results are cherry-picked anyway, so it’s really pointless to comment considering that clinics never post any of their less than optimal results… I mean, why would they? Of course, this is just my opinion (I think the last comment I made was about a week ago on a really nice SMG result for a blonde guy). If uncle Jesse wants to post his own pics, in a topic of his own creation, then I'd be glad to comment on his results. However, Spex, you may be disappointed to learn that, unlike you, I do not blindly support anyone. If Uncle Jesse has a poor result, I'll be the first to admit it. I don't care if Dr. Dorin gave him said poor results. My loyalties are to nobody but myself. All I ask is for some semblance of veracity! Uncle Jesse needs to post his own pics and T&D need to confirm that he is a former patient. I apply this standard to all cases where I criticize the work of a physician. In fact, I did the same thing just last week with a poster who goes by the username: MitchJohnson1. See for yourself, bro. Again, I wasn’t trying to discredit you Spex. As mentioned before, with all due respect, you are a paid consultant for Dr. Feller: You are paid for your opinions. I am not. You are, by definition, not a credible source… As Upton Sinclair once said: “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon him not understanding it.” All the best, Corvettester
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