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Everything posted by troy

  1. I think thats a great plan. your hair does look amazing with dermatch.
  2. Well if you goto the grocery store and buy a bodybuilding magazine you find it full of pictures of guys who not only take suplements but also steriods and lots of them and they have full heads of hair, so I say no there is no connection.
  3. You are at 6 months so you could have a lot of growth left to come. I think it looks thin like maybe 15cm2. I think Hairline placemnet is good, but poor density. You mentioned going to consult with Feller, anything ever come of that? Are you satisified with your HT? And now that you have gone through all of this what have you learned, what message would you tell a new person thinking about getting a HT?
  4. I remeber hoping with in 3 months i would have a major cosmetic change, but the more i researched i saw it was more 5-8 months that the real changes happened. When I go for number 2 I wont even be thinking about changes for at least 5 months. The biggest hurdle is healing getting back to stage one so you can go one with your life while patiently waiting for the growth to come in. My guess at one month you all should have jumped that hurdle and be well on your way.
  5. I shaved my head for about a year and met some beautifull women, but I fely i wasnt presented to my fullest capabilty and that affected me. I was out with a group last night one of the girls there was a perfect 10 absolutley beautifull and her ex boyfriend was there too, he was not attractive at all, but very funny. So I asked her "you 2 dont really seem like you would be a couple, you are very pretty and whats up with dating him?" She said " I knew him for 3 years and he kept hitting on me anf inally i said what the heck and loved him because he is so funny" crazy thing he cheated on her. So i think it depends on the person and more how it affects them, I have found in my life people respond to me on how i am to them.
  6. I have noticed that too. since my Ht i get a lot of attention from women, but im not sure if its because the hair changed or if it was my confidence went up and maybe the way i portray myself is different.
  7. I think you have recieved some great advice on hear. I disagree and feel you can have a HT at your age many have, but still you need to decide that on your own once you understand everything. A good one for you to talk to is m&m he posts regularly on these forums and can talk with you from personal expirience. good luck
  8. youngguy24 , I can tell you are very mature for your age and are approaching this wisely. Have you consulted with Dr Hasson yet? If so what were his thoughts?
  9. I had the same question, I asked Dr Rose he said no. I cant remeber all he said I commented on it somewhere on this forum
  10. it sounds fishy to me. I will await my verdict untill further posts and pictures. One reason It sounds fishy it you are hyped about how kind this guy was and you are thinking he has just gave you back what you wanted, but you have to be carefull because people will act on your posts, and in truth who knows if he is any good, we will have to see and follow your posts then give credit where credit is due. I wish you the best please keep us posted.
  11. My heart goes out to you, I think you have come to a place where you are truley understood. i think the posters above me have given you great advise. We all feel for you.
  12. one of the best transformations I have ever seen, congratulations to you.
  13. dhuge67 , i agree with you that your age should not stop you from moving forward with a HT, Im sure you are factoring it in with your game plan, but I agree what difference does it make if you are younger. Let us know what the docs have to say and there different approaches, if they are even different.
  14. Dr Cooley has had a great reputation on this forum.
  15. I think you would be just fine doing a online consultation then coming here for your procedure, if you so decide after you have educated your self. I also would encourage you to spend some time reading a lot of posts on here and ask a lot of questions, good luck.
  16. JUst-a-guy, You do bring up interseting points it would be nice for the sake of a healthy debate to hear some docs comment about this posts.
  17. I am guessing 2500-2800 dense packed. I think the hairline looks good.
  18. When i went to Shapiro I agreed to cut my hair short, Pamela one of the techs( she is awesome) she said she would cut it shorter, but leave it as long as possible. I actually liked the haircut. I literally pulled this off and people who see me on a regular basis still have no idea. They just thought I got my hair cut. At 7-8 days post op I had stitches in my head but noone had a clue i had this done, i had a big party for my son noone eyes wondered. With saying this I have olive like complextion and reddness didnt seem to be a factor with me. I dont think you could have a huge session 3000 plus without shaving your head, Im not sure where the cut off is that they need to shave, but for some of us shaving our heads and going through a month or 2 of downtime is not possible. I speak a lot in my posts about this being a very emotional roller coaster ride, and now looking back I cant remeber if I had much shockloss or if it was just the grafts shedding. I remember at about a month post op thinking holy crap my hair is thin, but it could have been it was cut a lot shorter, also you get to see your hair with with the grafts in and it looks thicker then they fall out and it looks thinner. so this can play mind games with you, so I really dont know if I had shockloss or not for sure.
  19. unfortunatley everyones results are different. It is common for some to not see results untill 6-7 months. I Think you have to just wait a bit longer. The waiting game is very emotional. At 4 months its still too early to worry. Hang in there
  20. Thanks guys for the kind words. I am very excited. I have noticed I almost never wear a hat anymore. I definatley feel more confident again.
  21. I have not heard of them, but this cost has been discussed on here a lot. I believe,as a buisnessman myself, you can cut cost to a point, after you goto far then you start to cut service. for example. To have good people you have to pay them and treat them good, or they will leave and who would want to goto a clinic where they have high turn over, I know I wouldnt. In order for a clinic to do large successfull sessions it takes a full team therefore it costs money. Yes the docs make money, but they deserve it. I wouldnt make this desicion on money. If you cant afford it wait untill you can. and when comparing prices make sure its apples to apples. Picking a great ht doc is like getting a top attorney, they can save you, or a bad one can bury you. BE VERY CAREFULL!!! also stay on here for a good 3-6 months and read a lot of posts. good luck
  22. Thanks for sharing. Your Ht is flawless!!! And what a difference from where you started. Congrats, I really appreciate when people document there story, thanks
  23. I agree with spursman. I would go as much as you can the first pass.
  24. also KG when my hair was a bit longer it looks thicker, I just cut it today before taking tose pics, that way the top shots would be better for comparision from 5 months.
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