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Everything posted by troy

  1. what about buzzing it down to a 4 all over, just a thought
  2. domie, where did you post your pics?
  3. Well I think you should try a different hair style. and let it all grow in togather
  4. MattK I also went to DR Rose, and had a similiar expience as yours. I like that he was a good listener and tried to understand you. I am now aproaching 4 and a half months post op and am glad with my choice with Dr Rose. good luck
  5. I think if you goto my web blog and look at my pics all of these question will be answered for you. I recently shaved down to a number 3 and will try number 2 at 6 months post op, I think it will be undectable, I dont know about a number 1. good luck
  6. I think about 3000 with propecia, but would recommend doing some online consulting. you can do it on this site. good luck
  7. Mhr has had a lot of bad reviews on this forum, but what is done is done. So a few things we will need from you to help is, who was your doc? and how many grafts? and some updated pictures. If you provide these things you will get great advice on here. Also there was a poster who had 2 procedures done with mhr and was very happy, so provide those things and lets get the facts on the table.
  8. go to a Doctor, Why would you choose to do it yourself? Im sure Hasson and Wong could recommend someone close to you. If you do it yourself you may need to change your name from Domie to Rambo, lol. best luck
  9. Funny you ask that m&m, I was wondering the same thing, also which one is the most effective for hiding the scar and why?
  10. congrat Rockwell!! IMO the hardest part is now done. There is a nice feeling of being on this side of the whole emotional expirence. In a couple weeks you will have your stiches out and be well on your way, best of luck to you.
  11. Thanks for your post I learned a lot from it and look forward to your up coming post. I think the new people will greatly bennifit from this type of information. Thanks.
  12. that is going to look amazing when it grows in, very clean, very tight packed, I bet you are very excited. Ill look forward to watching your posts.
  13. Your post op pics look great!! Looks very densley packed!! I will be eagerly watching your posts over the next few months. Congrats on making the leap. IMO the hardest part is now done. Goodluck too you!!!
  14. I have only seen good things about him. I can remeber being full of anxioty myself. Now that I have been through it, I wouldnt be woriied at all to do it again. I think the biggest fear was the unknown. I think with Konier you be in good hands.
  15. I am a day early, but I just updated my 4 months post op pics on my web log.
  16. I would want to see more proof than just a alligation. I am not saying your wrong,or it didnt happen, but to come out and say things like that you should back it up. It seems a lot of people have hidden agendas. Thanks
  17. ok my web log is up. in 2 days I will be 4 months post op and post my 4 month pics. Im not sure if I can see results, this waiting can really play mind games, sometimes it seems like i can see results and other times i cant really tell. I can see some of the ht hairs growing. I have looked at a lot of pics and it seems 4-7 months are the big ones , so I am hoping. check out my web log let me know what you think, thanks
  18. I will look forward to seeing your post op pics!! Good luck, Im sure you are nervous, but you will be fine.
  19. ya will be interesting to watch it progress.
  20. There was some interesting post the other day about how involved a doc should be during the placement of grafts. Some thought the doc should be involved with the placement the whole time, othes thought just the hairline, but it seemed all thought the final result is the docs resposibilty. I know why he was taken off the list recommended, and I would not reccommend him for his error in judgement in his staff, even if his pics are ok. just my thoughts.
  21. Im not sure, it would be nice if some docs chimed in on this.
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