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  1. I'll try to answer as much as I can. First off, I didn't actually take photos myself. Probably should have considering I'm an amateur photographer but things were just so busy at the time that I didn't think to take any photos. Dr. Rose did though and I'll try to get some of his. Next, I'm 33. On the Norwood scale I was between a 4 and 5. Not so much happening in the back area (but its starting) but the frontal area was receding and thinning significantly. Most of the placement was in the frontal area with some along the sides as well. Not too sure about the actual hairs and how they were divided. I do recall Dr. Rose as well as the technicians working on me and the hair, that I had a lot of 2's and 3's. I heard that mentioned several times during the day. Hope this helps with some questions and I'll post some pics if I can get them. Thanks.
  2. Hey everyone, Just wanted to share a very positive experience with Dr. Paul Rose in Tampa, FL. Here's the run-down: - Procedure was done 1 week ago (3/30/06) in his Tampa office. 1500 grafts (I think I wound up getting close to 1600 though). - Arrived on time at 8:30 am and they had me prepped and moving along within 10-15 minutes. - Dr. Rose was there every step of the way in the beginning. He repeatedly made sure I was comfortable and understood what he was going to do (already knew most of it from the consult though). - Before I knew it I was laying face down and having the donor area strip removed. They recommended a Valium before hand and I took it. That made it all that more comfortable. Honestly, other than the shots to numb the area (barely felt it), I didn't feel a thing. I could have almost fallen asleep at that point and was slightly disappointed when they were done because I was pretty comfortable. Staff was hilarious and friendly though and you can tell they had all worked together many times before. - They had me sitting up right after that (again, very comfortable) and Dr. Rose began making the incisions. They put in a movie for me to watch and started quickly. Again, there was barely any pain as they numbed the area and I never felt the slightest prick after that. At this point, I think I did fall asleep because I don't remember that part of the movie. - The staff worked at removing the hairs from the donor area during the incision time and they were ready to get moving as soon as Dr. Rose was done. They started putting the hair in and lunch time came pretty quick. - Staff asked what I wanted and I chose pizza so they had it brought in. Didn't even have to get up. - Took a quick walk after lunch to get the blood moving again and they started back in while I watched the movie. Again, I think I fell asleep a couple times during the next couple hours. Staff was fun and talkative when I wanted but left me alone when resting. - Dr Rose popped in very often to see how things were going and looked over the progress each time. Toward the end, he seemed to have an area that he wanted to do so he came in and finished things up. Honestly, It was a great experience. I joked that it was one of the most relaxing days I've had in a long time and it was. As far as post-surgery info. I followed the prescribed medications and, a week later, the only thing I still feel is a little itchiness. Pain was negligible for the first day and pretty much non-existent after that. The donor area hurt a little for the first few nights while sleeping but the drugs helped me sleep so I never really noticed. So far everything looks and feels great. Dr. Rose and the staff there are top notch. I must sound like a sales person for him but trust me, I'm being candid. Excellent experience and I would hands-down recommend Dr. Rose to anyone. Good luck!
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