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Everything posted by JohnS

  1. Very nice results for such a low graft count. Things can only get better over the next 6 months.
  2. Contrary to most opinions, lasers can effect hair growth, unfortunatley none of these hand held LLLT is capable of doing so.
  3. I would have to agree. Even at that age appearance is important. Very nicely done.
  4. Finasteride has basically a flat dose curve, makes very little difference how you take it. Cut it best you can.
  5. I am constantly amazed at the work done by this doc and his staff, puts most other clinics to shame.
  6. I would be curious to know what type of hobby requires you to hold your breath so long.
  7. All studies I have read advocate continual use of minoxidil up until the transplant, with resuming its use within 3 days after. This has shown to minimize shockloss and jump start new growth, even to the point of preventing shedding of transplanted hairs. Do the research through PubMed and see for yourself.
  8. The only docs that can do this everyday of the week would be Hasson & Wong. Other doctors may get lucky here and there and achieve 4000 or more, but never consistently. One exception may be Rahal.
  9. Most of the concealer made today state they are safe after transplants. Unless the chemical are caustic or somewhat toxic, I do not think they will be harmful.
  10. Looking forward to pics of your surgery. I am sure you will be very pleased as time goes on.
  11. I think this is very interesting, kind of blow away all the current FUE tools I have seen. I would be very interested in finding out more and knowing patients that have undergone this procedure.
  12. Excellent work as usual. I am sure this patient is very happy he made the decision.
  13. No one I know has ever gotten any benefit from this shampoo, may be nice to use and leave you hair in good condition, but Suave does the same for a buck!
  14. Nice results, unfortunately hair loss continues and basically you keep trying to catch up.
  15. I would like to see results from someone using this.
  16. I have seen the results of a few guys done by Greco on another site a while back, so far no one has been satisfied with it. Personally, I wouldn't bother.
  17. Personally I prefer Toppik, don't care much for the paint on types.
  18. Don't bother with it. I have known a few individuals that have used it in the past, did nothing. For a period of time it was the "hot" thing, but has cooled off since then.
  19. I could never understand how Rassman gets patients to pay his exorbitant fees!
  20. Just run a search on PubMed. According to numerous studies daily doses of as little as 150IU were associated with a higher incidence of death. This has also been shown with Vitamin A and Beta Carotene. PS....the topical Retin-A was recently shown to increase death rates. On the otherhand, higher level of Vitamin D were associated with lower levels of mortality.
  21. I would have to agree. Hopefully a few more docs will join him in time.
  22. Short and to the point, steer clear of dutasteride. True, it is more potent than finasteride and may result in less hair loss and/or more hair growth, but it can have neurological implications. Research in mice raises questions about its safety when it comes to managing long-term risk for neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer, since this drug through it affect on the AR1 enzyme wounds the production of allopregnanolone, a neuroprotector. Long term human trials, up to 20 years are needed to determine its safety in this respect. Stick with finasteride, it has a long term biological model.
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