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Everything posted by JohnS

  1. Exceptional results! I have said it in the past, Umar is definitely the King of FUE. I can see how some docs are jealous of his work and try to criticize him (sour grapes, IMO). Please keep us updated on your results. Best of luck!
  2. Six months is way too early. If in the same area, then wait at least a year. If a totally different area, then maybe 6 months. You need to let the donor area heal so you have sufficient elasticity to obtain a decent size strip.
  3. Look very good to me. Quite a bit of density up front and more than likely will become even more dense as time goes on. Nice!
  4. In the past I have heard some not too good things about this clinic, but this work looks good, perhaps a different doc.
  5. This is really unfortunate and very odd. Usually when strip is removed there may be nerve damage, but that usually ends up with numbness, but never heard if with a FUE. If it persists ask you doc for either neurontin or lyrica, they are excellent for nerve pain. Good luck.
  6. I go along with the J&J shampoo. Use the mildest you can get your hands on, definitely never medicated.
  7. Looks very clean. I think Dr Cooley is way underated and would love to see more patients post their experiences so others can realize this.
  8. That seems pretty extensive to me, I hope this is just temporary. Please keep us updated.
  9. Taking any of these AR inhibitors can be a roller coaster ride. A much better alternative would be to consider Equol, though it is more expensive, its side effect profile is much easier to live with.
  10. Don'w waste your time, another worthless product.
  11. I have been seeing this on a number of forums, at first glance it appears to look pretty good, not sure how good if it was in person. Personally I would not do it, seems weird to me. It's your head.
  12. I doubt you would encounter a problem. It is unlikely the ingredients would react with a normal shampoo. I would just stick with a "plain jane" shampoo and skip anything medicated though.
  13. Have you ever entertained the fact of a hormonal imbalance? Finasteride is certainly capable of doing this. Have your estrogen/estradiol levels checked.
  14. I appreciate all the accolades that have been thrown my way! My opinion was honest and I have not changed my mind. I do not get involved in "pissing matches" so prevalent on internet forums, but feel free to continue if you wish. I will direct no more attention to this thread. Thank you for understanding.
  15. Be sure to update us on your progress, looking forward to seeing how this turns out.
  16. Doubt your age comes into play, unless you are very old. As long as your health is good and there are no skin abnormalities present, the work should be equally as good.
  17. In all honesty, can't really say I like it.
  18. I would like to see some proof myself.
  19. I am sure when you get the updated photos we will all be very impressed with them. Looking forward to this.
  20. Best thing is leave it alone. Too much fiddling can cause problems.
  21. What I meant was for the area to be covered I felt 3300 was a low graft count.
  22. Makes you wonder why anyone would go elsewhere for a hair transplant. H&W are the best hands down.
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