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Potential Recommendation of Dr. Pathuri Madhu of India

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Dr. Madhu


my question remain un-answered. do you perform mega-session or only smaller session of 3000+ grafts.?


Bill pls let us know if Dr. Madhu and his team is good enough to perform mega session. since this recommendation got a strong backing from you pls reply.


Pat normally visits many clinics to personally experience the methods and results of the surgeons. In Mr.Madhu's case - Did any of the physicians or Drs. have paid a personal visit to his clinic? Or its only based on phone/mail/pics/members comments?


One more thing is that if most of the surgeons say that they can perform 3000+ in one session then the patient will have to go for another session which means more time and $$$. and its certainly not beneficial for the patients who require around 5000 grafts.



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For those of you responding specifically to Dr. Madhu on this thread who are interested in hair transplant surgery with him, why not do a free virtual consult? Contacting him privately would be better to discuss your individual concerns about hair loss and hair restoration goals.


Best wishes,



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Dr. Madhu can perform sessions larger than 3000 grafts when appropriate for the patient.


Pat has plans to visit and observe Dr. Madhu in live surgery sometime in 2010. The prescreening process involved extensive phone and email interviews, viewing photos, and input from our patient and physician community.


Best wishes,



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I am very happy to see a doctor from India. I hope more and more doctors from India will make it to list.


Thanks Pat and Bill...u have not just given us a doctor but you have given many guys HOPE and Saved thousands from making a wrong decision.



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Thanks riz,


for the info. can I have your email or contact. It will be of great to talk to you personally to know exactly your experience and a a chance to learn from your experience.


Thank Bill,


You and Pat are doing a great job and I really appreciate your efforts. You are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.



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Dear Bill,


Thanks for at last recommending a HT doctor in India. Dr.Madhu's results seems to be good. However, if he would provide more scar results it would be helpful to our forum members.I don't deny that he has provided scar photos but I don't think it is sufficient to make a perfect decision with respect to his closure technique. Moreover, in one of the photos displayed in our forum by a patient of Dr.Madhu who I believe to be our forum member,I felt the Scar was quite apparent. I have enclosed the link for your easy reference (http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/groupee_files/attachments/8/8/0/880105582/880105582_IMG_0014.JPG?ts=4B0A1C11&key=A6F528FFF1C9C2CDD4772BF28AC6199D&referrer=http%3A%2F%2Fhair-restoration-info.com%2Feve%2Fforums%2Fa%2Fga%2Ful%2F980105582%2FIMG_0014.JPG)

Your enquiry in this regard would help all our forum members.

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Dr. Madhu has recently provided a number of scar examples in the surgical album linked above. Take a look a few posts up.


The scar you linked too looks relatively fresh with some minor shock loss surrounding the donor. This is typical. Understand that a donor scar takes up to a year to mature and shocked hair takes months to return.


Thanks for sharing your feedback and concerns,



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I am happy with how my transplant is coming out but I am a little worried about the stretched scar towards the right ear. posting the pic. May be that can be removed during the next surgery. If I havn't mentioned before my 1st surgery was to augment my thinning hair on top. So hairline wasn't increased much. Well i guess finally people have a a Dr. Madhu patient with less caliber hair


3040 grafts by dr Madhu


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About scars, I would like to add some scientific insights in this context.


The width and thickness of the scar depends on the following factors:


1. Nature of the scalp of the patient.

2. Surgical technique.

3. Surgeon's skill.


The nature of scalp (skin) varies from person to person. No two skins will be identical in every parameter. In 50-70% of the skin natures, irrespective of the technique and skill of the surgeon, the wound heals very well leaving negligible scar. But some skin textures like, too lax or too tight skins and some unpredictable skin conditions will definitely produce a visible scar who ever may be the surgeon and whatever may be technique incorporated. This accounts to 5-10%. If the scalp is very thin and very lax, it tends to produce a wider scar. Scalps of African type / Black scalps produce thicker scars even leading to keleiods. Some scalps will be very tight and become difficult to approximate. They also appear wider after healing.


All these wider and thicker scars account for less than 10% of cases. More than 90% of the patients will be happy with negligible scars. That is reason why even the earlier versions of Hair Transplantation gave beautiful scars without adapting Trichophytic closures or any other techniques.


Surgical technique:

The latest technique called as Trichophytic closure has definitely minimized the width of the scar satisfying more than 90% of the patients.


Because of this technique you can even expect some hair growth through the scar.


Surgeon's skill:

Of course, skill also plays a role in defining the scar. The skill can be evident and appreciated better by an other hair restoration surgeon by simply watching the surgery performed live or even from immediate post-op pictures. Mainly, the performing surgeon should not take bites so tight enough to compromise the vascularity in that region.


All these above mentioned things are mostly related to the Indian skin types. Sometimes it even holds good for other white races also.


Note: Scar takes at least 1 year to mature completely and then only it should be analyzed and discussed about. The other thing is, in the first few months a photograph may show surrounding shock loss also, giving an appearance of a wider scar.


Most of the times, on the same patient, a session of 2000 grafts gives lesser scar when compared to a session of 4000 because of more stretching pressure in the scar area due to wider donor excession. A second session always produces a wider scar than the first one.

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Congrats on the recommendation and perhaps coalition status in a year or so possibly replacing rhymes with Bassman. Going through your album, your grafts appear quite finely cut by your techs allowing you to plant quite densely it seems? There doesn't appear to be much excess tissue surrounding the bulbs.


I did not do any rotations in India but I had several friends that did about 5 to 10 years ago. They always remarked how dirty and unsanitary medical facilities were over there - they wouldn't let anyone touch 'em with a needle much less have any surgical procedure performed. No OSHA, state medical boards etc. to verify cleanliness. They would see instruments get wiped off with alcohol and get re-used and not get sterilized properly. It does seem your facility does adhere to more stringent American standards just looking superficially at your surgical album. Could you comment on your facilities' sterilization protocols?

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guys , what i am looking is everyone of us is going for FUT which is a STRIP technique. And this is causing us to think about the problem of ugly scars means we can never shave our head bald if desired.


But now some doctors in India are also performing the same by FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). So try to look for the surgeon having skill in FUE. not FUT .


Advantages of Hair Transplant by FUE


1. Stitchless.

2. No linear visible scars.

3. Less pain.

4. No numbness at the site of hair donor.

5. Less bleeding.


Patient Selection for Hair Transplant


* Age: 23 yrs. or older

* Inadequate response to medication

* Significant hair loss

* Other causes of hair loss have been ruled out

* No medical contraindication to surgery

* Reasonable patient expectations



here is short comparison of both :


STRIP Technique

Comparison Table




--------------------------------------------------------Strip or FUT--------------------FUE

Pain after the procedure--------------------------------Minor-------------------------None

Percent of time the doctor operates on the client------10-30%------------------------80-90%

Stitches required---------------------------------------Yes---------------------------No

Extensive bleeding during or after the procedure-------May occur---------------------No

Wearing hairstyle short in the donor area--------------Not possible------------------Possible

Natural results-----------------------------------------Possibly----------------------Yes

Nerve damage, numbness, permanent pain-----------------Possibly----------------------No

Healing Time: donor area--------------------------------Months------------------------Aprox.7days

Healing Time: recipient area----------------------------Approx. 14 days---------------10-14 days

Transection rate (grafts damaged during extraction)----Varies 10-60%-----------------5-10%

Recovery time needed before exercise is possible-------1-2 months--------------------1 -2 week

Amount of time after which client may return to work---1-4 weeks-----------1 day after The strip

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I'm not sure how your last post is relevant to this thread. In fact, I'm inclined to delete it.


If you want to discuss and compare FUT and FUE, please create a new topic and do it.


And for the record, most of the advantages you sited of FUE are true however, there are a number of disadvantages you forgot to site. Start a new topic if you want to have a balanced and fair discussion about it.



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Yeah, but how would you verify that rickshaw puller isn't performing surgery. There's no equivalent of a medical board or medical association to certify credentials - this does not refer to Dr. Madhu btw just in general.


On a lighter note, I thought your old charge of 50 cents a graft could be used in some video by 50 cent advertising your services. But with a dollar menu charge charge now, not so much although still very reasonable for overseas patients. Roundtrip airfare from Houston to Hyderabad is $1336 as of today. This assumes the dollar doesn't completely collapse.

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I don't think this is not relevant to this thread . As people are concern with the scar problem in FUT so i just tried to cite it as alternate.


More ever if any one else has reason for discouraging FUE he should reply to this citing all the disadvantages as well.



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Originally posted by rpachigo:

Yeah, but how would you verify that rickshaw puller isn't performing surgery. There's no equivalent of a medical board or medical association to certify credentials - this does not refer to Dr. Madhu btw just in general.



I am surprised that you say this. Medical tourism is big in India, and yes there are many qualified doctors and surgeons in India with certified credentials, that can be verified. Having said that, I will agree that hair transplant is relatively new in India !

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  • 2 weeks later...

He is best in India no doubt....but still its always a concern for the patients in India.


Unfortunately from the pictures its very difficult to make a 100% clear decision cause as us said...most of the time the side hairs are combed to increase density....


He must be recommended for "INDIANS" i guess...


I dont know why in INDIA u will never find something u can really trust....[icon_frown.gif]

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