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Everything posted by somya

  1. Guys lets have a discussion about pros and cons of FUT and FUE. I do prefer FUR bcos of below mentioned reasons any idea about its limitations except cost? reasons to choose FUE --------------------------------------------------------Strip or FUT--------------------FUE Pain after the procedure--------------------------------Minor-------------------------None Percent of time the doctor operates on the client------10-30%------------------------80-90% Stitches required---------------------------------------Yes---------------------------No Extensive bleeding during or after the procedure-------May occur---------------------No Wearing hairstyle short in the donor area--------------Not possible------------------Possible Natural results-----------------------------------------Possibly----------------------Yes Nerve damage, numbness, permanent pain-----------------Possibly----------------------No Healing Time: donor area--------------------------------Months------------------------Aprox.7days Healing Time: recipient area----------------------------Approx. 14 days---------------10-14 days Transection rate (grafts damaged during extraction)----Varies 10-60%-----------------5-10% Recovery time needed before exercise is possible-------1-2 months--------------------1 -2 week Amount of time after which client may return to work---1-4 weeks-----------1 day after The strip
  2. Sir, I don't think this is not relevant to this thread . As people are concern with the scar problem in FUT so i just tried to cite it as alternate. More ever if any one else has reason for discouraging FUE he should reply to this citing all the disadvantages as well. Thanks
  3. guys , what i am looking is everyone of us is going for FUT which is a STRIP technique. And this is causing us to think about the problem of ugly scars means we can never shave our head bald if desired. But now some doctors in India are also performing the same by FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). So try to look for the surgeon having skill in FUE. not FUT . Advantages of Hair Transplant by FUE 1. Stitchless. 2. No linear visible scars. 3. Less pain. 4. No numbness at the site of hair donor. 5. Less bleeding. Patient Selection for Hair Transplant * Age: 23 yrs. or older * Inadequate response to medication * Significant hair loss * Other causes of hair loss have been ruled out * No medical contraindication to surgery * Reasonable patient expectations here is short comparison of both : STRIP Technique Comparison Table Observation --------------------------------------------------------Strip or FUT--------------------FUE Pain after the procedure--------------------------------Minor-------------------------None Percent of time the doctor operates on the client------10-30%------------------------80-90% Stitches required---------------------------------------Yes---------------------------No Extensive bleeding during or after the procedure-------May occur---------------------No Wearing hairstyle short in the donor area--------------Not possible------------------Possible Natural results-----------------------------------------Possibly----------------------Yes Nerve damage, numbness, permanent pain-----------------Possibly----------------------No Healing Time: donor area--------------------------------Months------------------------Aprox.7days Healing Time: recipient area----------------------------Approx. 14 days---------------10-14 days Transection rate (grafts damaged during extraction)----Varies 10-60%-----------------5-10% Recovery time needed before exercise is possible-------1-2 months--------------------1 -2 week Amount of time after which client may return to work---1-4 weeks-----------1 day after The strip
  4. also i forget to ask that can anyone tell about the approximate cost for this treatment there? Thanks
  5. Hi riz It looks like you has a surgery from dr madhu. Can you please meet to me on yahoo er.somya@yahoo.in i will be very thankfull to you for this. i want to visit this Dr. for HT but want to disuss with you somthing before. Many Thanks.
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