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HLH is Censored...bogus forum

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I was just banned by the fdog over there for questioning his bogus decisions. Now more and more guys are seeing the light. I just checked the thread that got me banned and more guys are agreeing that farrel's actions are insane



Any members from hlh forum on here?


Hopefully this place is more real and allow open and honest discussion.

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I was just banned by the fdog over there for questioning his bogus decisions. Now more and more guys are seeing the light. I just checked the thread that got me banned and more guys are agreeing that farrel's actions are insane



Any members from hlh forum on here?


Hopefully this place is more real and allow open and honest discussion.

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i saw your banning... it was a joke.. he is tryin like HELL to play the victim card.in his heart he knows hes full of shit, and it probably takes its toll on him, if not hes just not a good human being.. he cant have posters like you who stand up to him.. not when hes trying to save the reputation his own actions destroyed. i feel for the guys who buy his bull shit. he tried to blame others for the fall of HLH,he tries to get people to believe that hes actually important enough that people would try to destry him... c mon, hes just a dude running a site who is now suffering from HIS OWN actions....


all he is now is a dude trying to deflect the truth.. that HE is the reason hes in this mess


DERRR!! "the truth will come to light when the trial starts" DERRR!.(you sure you want that??lol)...."the sites struggling cause im so powerful people made it there lifes goal to hurt me" derrrr!!!!


keep fightin for you cred farrel--- anyone who has payed attention on these sites isnt fooled by your slick words... you can only manipulate idiots



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appreciate the post RTC icon_smile.gif I looked on Player1,s thread that got me banned and now I see a few guys saying exactly what I was saying. its total b.s.


Ill admit that his forum helps ppl make better decisions but he has serious issues and I am glad that I finally awoke to that fact months back. I still see too many frightened posters on hlh who stay silent like F has some control over them.


Cant believe I used to respect him. He banned me because he knew i would continue to call bull sh it on all his bogus decisions and that lame hacked site excuse is a joke.


I hope people continue to hold him up to the light.

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I dont know the history of the banning on the other site but I can comment on this site.


In my 4 plus years on this site anyone who has been "banned" on here has been deserving due to the following reasons


Rudeness / lacking respect


Being senseless


Hairloss is a serious matter and although we joke often here which is a plus.. There is always a line where people should repsect..


At the end of the day the purpose is to educate and support people..



1417 FUT - Dr. True

1476 FUT - Dr. True

2124 FUT - Dr. True

604 FUE - Dr. True








My views are based on my personal experiences, research and objective observations. I am not a doctor.


Total - 5621 FU's uncut!

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The first site I started reading was hlh, I never posted, but I felt that I gaind plenty of wisdom from reading other accomplished posters. I to noticed that F was making some poor jugement calls, but I thought at the time that all sites were run that way. When I discovered HTN, I realised that some sites were run better than others. This site is much more transparent than HLH, but there are still some posters which try to pass some bs, Bill usually does a good job of handeling it. On a different note, HLH is going down the drain very fast. There is almost no traffic on the site at all....


Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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OMG! NOW Farrel has a new thread asking for ppls opions on if he should have a members only section and that I contributed nothing and basically helped no one(not by name)


I think a lot of great posters have been banned from his site or have just left. He is so paranoid its ridiculous.


He has a thread asking for opinions but when u give one he doesnt like he bans you lol. what a nutjob.


aside from a few good posters hlh has fallen to bits and I dont think is a good source for info anymore. when a forum begins censoring names of docs, locking threads, and banning 2 plus year members its time to realize the forum is not open anymore.


I think the only thing hlh has over other forums is its format. but as for open discussion and honesty that forum is dead.

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I know it seems Im just blasting him. The reality is however he has continued to ignore questions or flip flop on when the blogs are going to be back up. when he does answer its just more b.s. and his blanket statement that people are out to get him and "we all know who is responsible"


Am I upset I was banned? Of course. I had well over 1200 posts and 2 years of getting to know members and help out as many rookies as I could.


It just seemed I was the only one speaking out against all his extreme and foolish decisions as of late but hopefully more guys step up over there. a site is only as good as its members so...


All farrel does lately is play the innocent role or try and fool ppl with his replies. He is now saying its only a minor thing he has changed a threads title. what a joke. sorry for the rant icon_smile.gif

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Farrel is a joke and he keeps reminding people that hes lying .

I quit looking at the site for a quite awhile and I go on there ONE time and hes still saying ,if I do that then people will think Im the one who hacked my own site.

No Farrel we all know your the culprit. Your so frickin obvious . Its funny how stupid you think we are

Your lame site is the result of things blowing up in your face because you thought you were slick guy .

He should be lucky there are desperate, ignorant and a few caring guys on his site or there would be NO traffic at all

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hey hlhbanned, was your handle kkwilliams over there? well, welcome to htn. it's a very good site and there are plenty of hlh members on here.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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Welcome to our forum community. I'm not sure your identity over there, therefore, I cannot comment on the reasons you've been banned. However, I do want to comment on a couple recent remarks made by Farrel:


1) "Listen friend. The only reason my credibility has come into question lately is because anonymous "posters" on another rival site are allowed to make one false accusation about me after another."


2) "These forums are slow because of the damage that was done to them as a result of certain individuals publishing false and defamatory info about them. It's not because of the blogs. "


Farrel continues to make bad decisions and then blames other people for them. Notice the insinuations he's making in the first quote above. I guess because we "allow" anonymous "posters" to vent their frustrations about Farrel's decisions to ban them on this site, we must be the bad guys. I also wonder what he's insinuating when he puts quotes around "posters". icon_wink.gif. If Farrel has an accusation to make, I'd like to see him make it - especially after his whole "innocent until proven guilty speech" icon_smile.gif


3) "We live in a country where you are innocent until proven guilty. If you feel I am guilty and now must prove myself innocent then I don't want you around here anymore. If you want to be able to post here you WILL treat me as innocent until proven guilty, just like YOU would want to be treated if the shoe was on the other foot."


I wish instead of passing the blame Farrel would own up to his poor judgement like a man. If he insists on making poor judgements and banning the few members he has left on his forum, I think it's absurd for him to expect that we are going to clean up his messes.



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And another thing,


I really could care less what Farrel does, though I fnid it a bit sad that he's blinded by his own ego and single handedly destroying his own site. I suppose it's not surprising after his last statement:


"I would truly love to shut this transplant section of the forum down one day, there are far too many complaints about the most mundane issues. A person like me has to be out of their minds to subject themselves to this on a regular basis."


Perhaps his recent judgements are a sign of his inherent desire to shut the hair transplant forum down.


But if he continues to make insinuating that we are to blame for his forum's demise, I'm going to call him out on it.



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this thread just came to my attention. I'm the "friend" he refers to when he asks me to listen to him.. he also apparently things I'm a fake "poster" because I asked for transparency. All I was asking for was this..


OLD TITLE: How I got screwed by Dr. Rassman


NEW TITLE: My Experience with dr. Rassman (edited by moderator)

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I am in no way defending anyone. I read that thread and yes it was interesting. I respect what Player was saying but at the end Dr. Rassam has a good reputation the whole thread made little sense. I think in time we will see what the growth will be and who is right or wrong.

I try to understand both sides, Dr. Rassman and Player. Although I don't neccessarily agree on changing title I also believe that damaging a doctors reputation without waiting for final results isn't correct either. If somebody is researching Dr. Rassman and comes across this thread saying how somebody got screwed it would be damaging. Again I am not taking sides only saying that there needs to be patience until you see the final result.

Representative for Hasson & Wong.


Dr. Victor Hasson and Dr. Jerry Wong are esteemed members of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.


My opinions are my own and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Hasson & Wong.


My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Hasson

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i also think that changing the thread's name was lame and totally unnecessary.

but what bothers me is that few posters are asking for intra-op pictures or immediate post-op pics and for some reason those questions are getting ignored by farrel, Dr. Rassman, and other posters as well. i would like to see those immediate post-op shots as that is a huge piece of the puzzle and should not be overlooked so easily. looks like that few slick words, eloquent expressions, prolonged text, and the fact that is coming straight from the horse's mouth can indeed pull the wool over ones eyes. although my last point would be true if Dr. Pak had written the response since he was the one in charge of the whole process and graft placement.


so where are the pictures guys?

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Farrel's last posts:


Everything was left the same, so how can he claim that I did this to protect Rassman?

was this a rethorical question or what?

if anyone unbaised reads the whole thread from beginning, it clearly shows whose side he picked from the first words that he typed. therefore putting big pressure on player1 from the very start.

If I wanted to protect Rassman I would have deleted the entire thread, why just change the title???

is that what happened to Laser thread and negative Armani threads? so why stop now nothing bad happened to you last time when you tryed to pull something like that off. or did it?

My approach here has always been to be fair to both sides, and this is a fair thread, both sides got to present their case.

where are the immediate post-op or intra pictures?

So why should I feel bad about getting rid of a poster who has no problem lying?

what was that poster lying about? that you changet the thread's name? i'm confused here.

The weird thing is he goes over to post on a site that has no problem deleting entire threads whenever it suits them to do so.

is that true Bill?

or is he talking about john36 thread?

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As much as Farrel and I don't usually see eye to eye, as a forum moderator, I happen to agree with Farrel on changing the name of the Dr. Rassman thread. After leaving the thread as is for awhile, no evidence surfaced to suggest this patient "got screwed" by Dr. Rassman. Therefore leaving the thread title as is only causes unsubstantiated damage to Dr. Rassman's reputation. Quite frankly, I would have done the same thing, not out of obligation, but because it's the right thing to do.


Honestly, I found Dr. Rassman's description of the patient's case plausible.


I understand why members would would to see post-operative photos, but if you read the detailed description, you'll know that the top of the grafts were cut and hair wouldn't show through anyway. So post-operative photos technically wouldn't prove anything, hence quite possibly why Dr. Rassman didn't post these pictures.


Now transplanted hair typically grows for a few weeks before the initial shedding period, so if any of the follicles take root, transplanted hair will most likely pop through the surface before the initial shed.


I certainly feel for this patient given the complications he experienced with previous surgeries. However, I trust that Dr. Rassman did everything he could for this patient and now, the patient just has to wait it out to see if the hair grows. However, just like plants can be choked by weeds and rocky soil, transplanted hair growth yield may be less than optimal in scar tissue.


In my opinion however, Farrel's decision to suspend members when they challenged him appears to be the result of emotional stress from defending his bruised ego. In my opinion, many of his recent decisions are highly irrational and his passing blame onto our community shows he refuses to take responsibility for his actions and poor judgment calls.


Best wishes,



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Mr GQ,


The weird thing is he goes over to post on a site that has no problem deleting entire threads whenever it suits them to do so.


Is that true Bill?

or is he talking about john43 thread


Farrel's intent by posting the above accusation is to make it appear that we remove topics and posts to suit our own selfishly motivated interests. Therefore, his statement is entirely false.


To clarify however, there are times it may be necessary to remove a post or thread, but it's a very rare occurence. This is discussed somewhat in our terms of service.


Examples of times we might remove a thread include:


1. When one party (patient or doctor) is being unfairly maligned or mischaracterized without sufficient evidence


2. A poster has a clear agenda to unfairly discredit this community, a doctor, a patient, promote their product, or continually breach our terms of service. Keep in mind this is different than constructive or genuine criticism. We are very tolerant of opinions that differ from ours.


3. A patient doesn't give his physician the necessary permission he needs to share his side of the story. We feel it's only fair to let both the patient and doctor present their case since it's the only way our members can draw a well informed conclusion.


Every situation is handled individually one at a time. However, there are plenty of patient posted experiences that are less than favorable that can be found on this forum. Some include experiences with doctors we recommend.


We believe it's better to let these threads run their course, give all parties a chance to share their sides of the story, and then let the adult members of the community draw their own conclusion.


Additionally, we take patient feedback (privately and publicly) very seriously. Surgeons who don't stand behind their patients and/or show signs of consistently less than optimal results are promptly removed from our community.


I hope this clarifies how we run our community to keep it both open and fair to all parties.


Best wishes,



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I understand why members would would to see post-operative photos, but if you read the detailed description, you'll know that the top of the grafts were cut and hair wouldn't show through anyway. So post-operative photos technically wouldn't prove anything, hence quite possibly why Dr. Rassman didn't post these pictures.


i disagree with you here.

i hate to speculate so why not just show some pictures and be over with. there sould be some signs of head trauma and redness even if those grafts were shaven and "unvisible". i mean a person really gotta be blind to not see at least that. as i said earlier it's the biggest piece of this whole mistery and remember it's the claim that no work has been done at all at the top/hairline section.

so i'd like to hear the explanation for lack of photos from doctor himself.


for the name change thing - if i was reading just a threads titles, i would not be getting a HT that's for sure, and i would probibly just kill myself for being so stupid and lazy for not reading the whole thing especially if i was considering that particular doctor for my HT.

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Mr. GQ,


I'm not arguing that the doctor shouldn't present postoperative photos at the request of Hair Loss Help members. My point is that people need to understand that this patient's postoperative photos will look different than the norm due to the top of the grafts and tissue being trimmed before they were implanted. Though I agree there would be obvious signs that surgery took place.


Feel free to contact Dr. Rassman with your concerns and see if he'd be willing to post them over there.


Best wishes,



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