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Eugenix 4801 grafts (TBC) by Dr Somesh NW5/6 40yo

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Hi everyone,

After reading a countless amount of reviews, the time has come to write my own.

To make it interesting, I thought about sharing my journey as I go through it (more details will be added as we go).

Photos pre-procedure





After thorough research for the past 5 years, I was finally ready to get a hair transplant surgery. I've lost my job a few months ago which means that, even though I have less money, I have way more time (and when you have money, you have not time, always like this...). Eugenix has always came back to the top of my list so I decided to establish contact with them (25/26 of Jan). After lengthy exchanges, I've been told they have available slots in the upcoming weekends and we've agreed to try to make it work, but post-pone if the admin would take time.

On the 28th I had my eVISA, on the 29th my flights and on the 30th my blood tests. And I've chosen the Exclusive package with Dr. Somesh.

Day one (03/03/24)

I've arrived (delayed flight) very early today (3rd Feb). Being tired was the only 'not ideal' aspect, the rest I must say went extremely smoothly. Drove by a Eugenix chauffeur to the clinic at 11.30am, taken care of by the staff to first sign all the paperwork, they then took photos of my current hair situation. Meeting Dr. Somesh in person, we discuss my hairline, he draw what he thought would be ideal and we took new photos. Then the shaving of the soon-to-be implanted areas, wash and we took the direction of the operation theatre. It took around 2 hours for Dr Somesh and his team to do the local anesthesia, the 4,801 slits and the PRP injection.

To be clear, it was an entirely painless procedure. And the staff was lovely and caring. Back to my accommodation where I had diner (or lunch considering the jet lag), and get as much rest as possible before tomorrow.


hairline design and areas definition front view


hairline design and areas definition angle view


hairline design and areas definition top view


after first shave


slits front/top view


slits back/top view

Day one (04/03/24)

[transplantation day, stay tuned]

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(right, I thought I'd be able to edit my post but apparently not. So I will reply to myself until the admin/modos can advice)

Day two (04/03/24)

Gosh, that was a long day. Waking up at 7.30am IST, breakfast then at the clinic at 9am. Dr Somesh wanted to see how the day go to perhaps do all transplants in one day. A bit nervous as I didn't know what to expect in terms of sensations or pain. In 3-4h, the team already extracted and implanted 1780 grafts (right side of my donor, and implanted on the top, behind the hairline). Time for a lunch break (the mushroom biryani was delicious) and we were back at it at around 2pm.

Now onto the left part of my donor area, with around the same amount of grafts (final numbers will be shared later). Implantation followed the first one on the top but in direction of the crown. Dr Somesh was really happy with the condition of my skin and how it reacted. Not much bleeding and I could handle the low pain. So we decided to continue and finish everything today.

Last part of my donor, the middle was extracted (~1300) to fill my crown and they started to isolate the single hair graft for the hairline. Once the hairline was done, Dr Somesh and the team took and extra ~50 grafts to fill the remaining slits.

Dr Somesh then had a very close look at the result and thought the crown could have 5 more grafts implanted in the right side of my crown whorl. Once done, the hair transplant procedure was finally done, a bit past 8pm.

I then had the final trim of my remaining hair, took photos and had the speech and package for the Care team (all you need for the following week).

A note on the pain: I found it more 'unsettling' or 'uncomfortable' at times rather than painful. The 'most' painful part for me was the repetition of the small needle for the anesthesia (probably like a 3/10). If the anesthesia was done properly and equally on the specific areas, extraction was completely painless and implantation was painless or a small 1/10. If the anesthesia didn't take properly or needed a bit more, the extraction was a 1/10, and implantation a 3-4/10. But is was rare. Out of 10-11h of procedure, I had a dozen of 3-4/10 painful moment. I almost feel asleep at some point.


End of procedure – front view


End of procedure – back and crown view


End of procedure – crown close-up view (before Dr Somesh wanted to had 5 more grafts)


Day three / post-op (05/03/24)

Struggled to get proper sleep, the first hours were horrible. But then I've found a position with the neck pillow that was ok with my head and got 4-5h of sleep from there. Woke up very well, felt good, had breakfast but shortly after I felt dizzy, weak and nauseous. I've checked with the Care team and they thought that I was dehydrated (you don't really realise how much they make you drink during the procedure but when you get back to your room, it's a different story). I was get anxious as my flight was supposed to be at 2am the next day (and it reminded me a situation I've been in the past). Anyway, they provided me with Oral Rehydration Solutions and Xanax-equivalent tablet to calm me down. All of that helped a lot and I felt better the rest of the day. However I've change my flight by one day to allow for further rest before a +9h flight back. Bit of swelling but nothing dramatic.


Day after procedure – top view


Day after procedure – back view


I would like to thank Eugenix, Dr Somesh and the entire technicians team. Their work met the standards I've seen among other cases and why I've chosen them. Now I can't wait for Day 7 and of course, seeing the evolution in the upcoming months!

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3 hours ago, artheus05 said:

(right, I thought I'd be able to edit my post but apparently not. So I will reply to myself until the admin/modos can advice)

Day two (04/03/24)

Gosh, that was a long day. Waking up at 7.30am IST, breakfast then at the clinic at 9am. Dr Somesh wanted to see how the day go to perhaps do all transplants in one day. A bit nervous as I didn't know what to expect in terms of sensations or pain. In 3-4h, the team already extracted and implanted 1780 grafts (right side of my donor, and implanted on the top, behind the hairline). Time for a lunch break (the mushroom biryani was delicious) and we were back at it at around 2pm.

Now onto the left part of my donor area, with around the same amount of grafts (final numbers will be shared later). Implantation followed the first one on the top but in direction of the crown. Dr Somesh was really happy with the condition of my skin and how it reacted. Not much bleeding and I could handle the low pain. So we decided to continue and finish everything today.

Last part of my donor, the middle was extracted (~1300) to fill my crown and they started to isolate the single hair graft for the hairline. Once the hairline was done, Dr Somesh and the team took and extra ~50 grafts to fill the remaining slits.

Dr Somesh then had a very close look at the result and thought the crown could have 5 more grafts implanted in the right side of my crown whorl. Once done, the hair transplant procedure was finally done, a bit past 8pm.

I then had the final trim of my remaining hair, took photos and had the speech and package for the Care team (all you need for the following week).

A note on the pain: I found it more 'unsettling' or 'uncomfortable' at times rather than painful. The 'most' painful part for me was the repetition of the small needle for the anesthesia (probably like a 3/10). If the anesthesia was done properly and equally on the specific areas, extraction was completely painless and implantation was painless or a small 1/10. If the anesthesia didn't take properly or needed a bit more, the extraction was a 1/10, and implantation a 3-4/10. But is was rare. Out of 10-11h of procedure, I had a dozen of 3-4/10 painful moment. I almost feel asleep at some point.


End of procedure – front view


End of procedure – back and crown view


End of procedure – crown close-up view (before Dr Somesh wanted to had 5 more grafts)


Day three / post-op (05/03/24)

Struggled to get proper sleep, the first hours were horrible. But then I've found a position with the neck pillow that was ok with my head and got 4-5h of sleep from there. Woke up very well, felt good, had breakfast but shortly after I felt dizzy, weak and nauseous. I've checked with the Care team and they thought that I was dehydrated (you don't really realise how much they make you drink during the procedure but when you get back to your room, it's a different story). I was get anxious as my flight was supposed to be at 2am the next day (and it reminded me a situation I've been in the past). Anyway, they provided me with Oral Rehydration Solutions and Xanax-equivalent tablet to calm me down. All of that helped a lot and I felt better the rest of the day. However I've change my flight by one day to allow for further rest before a +9h flight back. Bit of swelling but nothing dramatic.


Day after procedure – top view


Day after procedure – back view


I would like to thank Eugenix, Dr Somesh and the entire technicians team. Their work met the standards I've seen among other cases and why I've chosen them. Now I can't wait for Day 7 and of course, seeing the evolution in the upcoming months!

Clean work 👌 you should expect good density. best wishes 👍

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3 minutes ago, Hairboy67 said:

The work looks great. I'm particularly interested in Dr. Somesh's crown work. What is your country of origin?

Is he known for crown work ? 

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Post-op – Day 6 (10/02/24)

Quick photo update before my first wash tomorrow. All looks fine, my left donor area is a bit more "red" and "visible" than the others but I guess it might be healing slower than the others (from what I recall, my left donor area was the one the most harvested). One last annoying night!








Edited by artheus05
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Post-op – Day 14

All is going well from what I can see and the feedback from Eugenix. I went back to the gym for the first time today and the photos in this post is after my shower. I have a bit of dryness on my scalp and some flakes but I've been told to spend a bit more time with massaging with my baby shampoo.

I am on Finasterine 1mg/day and multi-vitamins. Can't wait to see the evolution!








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Thank you for the update. Everything is looking good and on track. You will experience shedding in the coming days, which typically lasts approximately 90 days from the date of the procedure. After that, you will experience gradual growth month by month.

Keep us update on your progress.

Warmest Regards
Eugenix Hair Sciences 

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  • Al - Moderator changed the title to Eugenix 4801 grafts (TBC) by Dr Somesh NW5/6 40yo
  • 4 weeks later...
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Post-op – 1 month and 20 days (~7w)

I didn't share an update at month 1 as I was travelling but basically, around week 4, I've lost a lot of hair for something like a week. Everytime I was passing my hand on my head, I had dozens of 1cm hairs in my hand, maybe a bit more when showering.

Then, it stopped almost suddenly. Now it's been two weeks that I am loosing almost no hair. And here are some photos from yesterday:






PS: don't look at my haircut, I've done a quick 5min trim and yes, next time I'll ask a professional 😅

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  • 1 month later...
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Hi everyone!

Another milestone, I've reached the 3 months mark! Everything is going well, still on multivitamins + Finasteride 2mg/d, I am going to start topical Minoxidil in the upcoming days.

I am already super pleased by the results, as it's already an improvement. Some photos:








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This is looking pretty good for the 3 month mark. 


Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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  • 1 month later...
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Posted (edited)

4 months

Still extremely happy with the results.

Finasteride every two days now (I have vertigo and dizziness so wanted to lower a bit in case of, even tho it might not be related).






And a quick comparison to show the progress more clearly



Let me know what you think!

Edited by artheus05
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Looks terrific! It was a big area to cover with the given no. of grafts and you might need a second pass, but the transformation is substantial and I think that is the goal of any transplant.

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Wow. You can see a big difference with that comparison photo even at just 4 months.



Forum Moderator

(formerly BeHappy)

I am a paid forum moderator for hairrestorationnetwork.com. I am not a Dr. and I do not work for any particular Dr. My opinions are my own and may not reflect the opinions of other moderators or the owner of this site. I am also a hair transplant patient and repair patient. You can view some of my repair journey here.

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