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Everything posted by Broni

  1. I also find it's very good all things considered. There's always the issue of lighting, good hair day-bad hair day, length... It looks great in my opinion. Nobody notices these things except for us, the people experts in transplants:)
  2. From your photos it does not seem it's a large patchy area. You could resupply that part of the donor from other parts to even it out at some point...
  3. Not sure how it is possible to have such a donor after so many grafts removed?
  4. I am not sure you would waste 30K USD (if I'm not getting it wrong) for a HT when you have excellent doctors in Europe for ex. for much less money... If I were you I would refrain from anything significant other than perhaps about 2000 grafts for your crown, since everything else seems fine for now.
  5. At this length it is not that bad I think. Nobody would notice but us who are into the minutiae of hair transplantation.
  6. It looks more like in the 2000 range tops.
  7. Did you experienced any initial shedding of native hair due to minoxidil?
  8. This is an unbelievable transformation. Bear in mind that the photos you are making are the most unforgiving possible visually. Neither ourselves, nor other people EVER see us from this angle and rarely under such light. Your outcome is amazing, you've made the most of your hair and it's remarkable.
  9. This is very impressive... When did your growth start? I am at 13 weeks for a similar surgery and it is yet to start. But I've been told the crown growth is typically slower to start?
  10. Sorry, just this one last question - was the possibility of taking beard grafts from the chin and/or cheeks and moustache ever mentioned as a possibility? I am thinking about using beard grafts as a last resort and I seem to have the most of my beard on the chin and in the moustache, but I fear there might be scarring issues to be considered for this region...
  11. Are beard grafts slower or quicker to harvest in your experience? How fast did you beard heal after the surgery?
  12. Nothing to be nervous about, Michalis is a top shelf surgeon and Cyprus is great, just mind the sun outside:)
  13. Photos from above are always unforgiving. Illusion of density wise, people don't see you like this mostly, they look at your hairline eye-to-eye, unless you are sitting...
  14. Great work, this looks like 3500+ grafts and not like 2700. End result is brilliant. He estimated 1500 for your crown?
  15. Looks like you still have much more beard grafts in store
  16. Did he have to mix beard hair scalp grafts (because 1500 beard grafts is a lot) at a certain ratio. I think I read somewhere that you said that beard grafts are all singles, but are they generally thicker (and hence provide greater coverage) than hair grafts? Thanks!
  17. It's more or less incredible... Now it's just about finding the right styling...
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