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When Can You Start Showering Normally Again?

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I am 12 days post op. No surgery complications, and all the work was very clean and well done. Even so, I've honestly just been too anxious to massage off the scabs and do a normal full pressure shower still. For what its worth most of the scabs are naturally falling off at this point. 

I'm wondering - when can I start showering like normal? Full, direct water pressure and rigorously washing my scalp like normal? 

Is 12 days enough time? When did you start with your normal shower routine again?

Edited by HappyMan2021
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You should be doing normal showers at this point. You can usually start normal showers at about 6 days after.


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(formerly BeHappy)

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At 12 days postop, you can definitely start showering normal again. Frankly, you would’ve been safe to start using full pressure on your scalp by day six or seven. At this point, you can rest assured that showering normal is good for your scalp and since you haven’t done much with it already, I suggest beginning to gently work the scabs off using your fingertips by rubbing the scabs in a circular motion gently. Make sure you don’t use your nails.

Best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant 

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Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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10 days forward you should be showering and removing scabs. 


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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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This is going to sound silly but i only let the shower water directly onto the native hair around the crown to midscalp and let it fall down over my recipient frontal hairline and temple points. Gently massaging it over with my hands as the water trickles down and then gently massaging if i used shampoo. 

I feel like showering as i normally would can maybe make the hair dislodge and shed even quicker than they otherwise might with the shower pressure and massaging more normally. 

I am over 4 weeks post-op at this point and call it superstition or something but i just feel like i'm more comfortable doing it this way and still managing to clean the area well. 

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A general rule would be 10 days after the procedure, but this varies depending on the surgeon. Dr. Mohebi actually advises to start washing normally/more aggressively on Days 5-7 to get rid of the scabs to help the scalp start healing. Either way, at Day 12, you're definitely able to start washing your hair normally and getting rid of any scabs you have, and the video Melvin posted will show you how to do that effectively. 

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I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

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57 minutes ago, NARMAK said:

This is going to sound silly but i only let the shower water directly onto the native hair around the crown to midscalp and let it fall down over my recipient frontal hairline and temple points. Gently massaging it over with my hands as the water trickles down and then gently massaging if i used shampoo. 

I feel like showering as i normally would can maybe make the hair dislodge and shed even quicker than they otherwise might with the shower pressure and massaging more normally. 

I am over 4 weeks post-op at this point and call it superstition or something but i just feel like i'm more comfortable doing it this way and still managing to clean the area well. 

I appreciate your candid honesty @NARMAK lol. I'm glad I'm not the only one who worries about things even when science and the clinic say its fine. 

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Probably you're good to start now.

I was a coward, I only started putting hard pressure on my transplanted area after 30 days, to be stupidly ultra safe.  Although I did go under full shower water pressure post 10 days.  But hard rubbing?  Hahaha, too afraid to mess something up.

Check out my journey here:


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6 hours ago, mafpe said:

what about hot water for shower? i got mixed input on hot shower, some says 2/3 months, some said it's fine after 2-3 weeks.

There's some out there of the opinion that hot water specifically is bad for the scalp because it raises the temperature and does some other reactions by the body which can be counter productive. 

They argue a more cool and normal lukewarm temperature is better to not spike the scalp to react in the way it might under hot temperatures. 

Anecdotally i have started using a cooler temperature as i suffered from dandruff and it seems to have helped keep it at bay a little more imo. There's definitely other factors too at play i think where i used to have more dry skin manifest but then i started to address a huge Vitamin D deficiency i had and it was particularly bad around the back of the ears and even towards part of the front of the face. Increasing to a more regular intake of Vit D pills, it's improved significantly and i'm now also trying to drink a lot more water to try and help my body stay hydrated. I need to make a full chart but the plan is 2-3 litres a day minimum. Measured on a calendar if i hit or missed the goals and by how much. 

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20 hours ago, HappyMan2021 said:

I am 12 days post op. No surgery complications, and all the work was very clean and well done. Even so, I've honestly just been too anxious to massage off the scabs and do a normal full pressure shower still. For what its worth most of the scabs are naturally falling off at this point. 

I'm wondering - when can I start showering like normal? Full, direct water pressure and rigorously washing my scalp like normal? 

Is 12 days enough time? When did you start with your normal shower routine again?

It is okay to shower normally even after the 7th day of the transplantation procedure. Since it is your 12th day, you can shower normally from now on.

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It’s not good to not clean the area, there’s absolutely no scientific reasoning for not washing it properly past 10 days. It’s secure past 10 days scab or no scab. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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