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I am going to EUGENIX in April trying to work out best practices for post op

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My Journey has been fast thanks to all the great content on this site,  I recently joined and  have have already booked in to get my hair done I April.

I am excited and nervous at the same time.

I want to make sure I do everything right to give me the highest chance of a great result.

I am flying to India from Australia.

How long should you wait before you fly.

when is it ok to start wearing a cap without damaging the transplant.

what is the best pillow for sleep.

Anything else I need to know.

I just started 2 days ago using topical monoaxial and fin as I want to avoid side effects of the oral version, do I keep taking it or do I stop prior to surgery and how long after surgery do i a start again.

Once I get home I was thinking of using HBOT, the lazer cap and also the sauna to speed up the healing, anyone got any experience with this?

I just wanted to express my gratitude for the members of this forum, all the support and the advice  gives me a lot more certainty and really makes the journey so much easier, you are all a great bunch of people.

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@Aussie2020Congrats on your upcoming surgery. You'll get lots of good advice on here for all your questions. I'll pipe in and say that it's worth getting a good travel pillow, both for the flight and for sleeping with post-HT for those first few days when the donor is healing. Also, bring a couple of shirts that you can take off without pulling over your head. I would not do a sauna for at least one week post-HT and after that, with really restricted periods of time. No doctor but seems like too much dehydration for the scalp environment is risky for new grafts. 


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Your doctor should answer this question but my doctor told me at least 30 days without sauna. I waited almost 2 months though to be safe. 

You can usually wear a cap after 5-7 days. 

Laser cap is not really needed for healing/growth but if you have $700, it likely can't hurt either. How much it helps, I'm not sure but I'm convinced that you can grow hair without one. 

I'd wait at least 3-5 days before flying back but everyone is different on this. Some people hop on a plane the next day. Cabin pressure can increase swelling though. 

Edited by JoeMan
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@Aussie2020 where abouts in Australia do you live? Excellent choice for your surgery. How many grafts have you been quoted? I live in Melbourne and I had surgery with Eugenix just over two months ago. As kirkland mentioned bring a good travel pillow, a couple of button up shirts. I would cease minoxidil one month before surgery (they have probably told you this) and wait a month to use anything topical. Always watch your head getting into and out of cars, watch out on the plane with over head luggage, etc. You could wear a loose cap after a week but really wait a good two weeks. Also remember to follow all of their post op instructions. Especially spraying the grafts every two hours while you are awake. Wishing you all the best!

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I would also add some vitamins to your routine. @MazAB is a good resource but I added a few others too. I'm taking liver pills, Zinc, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, Vitamin D, Collagen and a multivitamin with biotin in it. I think it's possibly helping with early growth for me but who knows if I would've grown the same without it. Here is a picture of my Vitamin routine. 

I also drink a protein shake every day and eat about 3-5 avacados a week. Again I'm not sure this does anything as I'm always skeptical but this is relatively cheap to do and it may help? 


Edited by JoeMan
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1 hour ago, JoeMan said:

I would also add some vitamins to your routine. @MazAB is a good resource but I added a few others too. I'm taking liver pills, Zinc, Hyaluronic Acid, MSM, Vitamin D, Collagen and a multivitamin with biotin in it. I think it's possibly helping with early growth for me but who knows if I would've grown the same without it. Here is a picture of my Vitamin routine. 

I also drink a protein shake every day and eat about 3-5 avacados a week. Again I'm not sure this does anything as I'm always skeptical but this is relatively cheap to do and it may help? 


Definitely agree with the supplement stack @JoeMan! You also want to have a healthy amount of Omega 3's as well. Try and get at least 3000mg daily. You are in safe hands now😁

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8 hours ago, Gatsby said:

@Aussie2020 where abouts in Australia do you live? Excellent choice for your surgery. How many grafts have you been quoted? I live in Melbourne and I had surgery with Eugenix just over two months ago. As kirkland mentioned bring a good travel pillow, a couple of button up shirts. I would cease minoxidil one month before surgery (they have probably told you this) and wait a month to use anything topical. Always watch your head getting into and out of cars, watch out on the plane with over head luggage, etc. You could wear a loose cap after a week but really wait a good two weeks. Also remember to follow all of their post op instructions. Especially spraying the grafts every two hours while you are awake. Wishing you all the best!

I am from Adelaide, I have been quoted 3,000 grafts to fill in the front of my hairline. I only started mixinal and fin 2 days ago, so I might as well stop that, thanks for the advice.

The button up shirt is a great idea didn't even think of that.



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6 hours ago, MazAB said:

Definitely agree with the supplement stack @JoeMan! You also want to have a healthy amount of Omega 3's as well. Try and get at least 3000mg daily. You are in safe hands now😁

Yes I am using this stack and taking biotin injections weekly prior to surgery.

7 hours ago, Gatsby said:

The next day. However my surgery ended up lasting for six days. I had originally planned to stay a few days post op. 

I am booked for the 18th for 1 day and flying out the on 22nd 

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Firstly, have you sorted your Visa out? That's a really important part to get out of the way and although you might not have any issues, it's best to get it sorted ASAP because you will not be travelling without it. 

Your flight out there hopefully will go fine, but personally i have allocated 3/4 days post-op to recover in the same place and close to the clinic so they can check everything for me and whatnot before i will leave. 

Ultimately i think there's a lot of good advice from @Gatsbybecause he has made this very trip before from Australia.

Good luck and looking forwards to following your full journey. Which package did you end up going fo? 

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Personally I think you can save yourself a ton of money and hassle by skipping loads of supplements. Unless there's some really compelling papers in the literature that show good evidence that a lot of this stuff actually works for hair growth above and beyond just simple and mundane care/maintenance, it seems a waste of money. You should be getting a lot of this stuff from your diet anyway.

My hair growth post op has been fast and I didn't shed very much hair. I don't take anything other than 0.5mg of finasteride daily and I don't particularly think about trying to incorporate anything specific into my meals. A HT is quite a lot of trauma to the head. The best way to let things heal and growth is to really leave it alone. The only thing I did for a while was some aloe vera gel to try and bring down the redness.

As for flying back from India, I was on the plane just shy of 2 full days post op.

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17 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

Personally I think you can save yourself a ton of money and hassle by skipping loads of supplements. Unless there's some really compelling papers in the literature that show good evidence that a lot of this stuff actually works for hair growth above and beyond just simple and mundane care/maintenance, it seems a waste of money. You should be getting a lot of this stuff from your diet anyway.

My hair growth post op has been fast and I didn't shed very much hair. I don't take anything other than 0.5mg of finasteride daily and I don't particularly think about trying to incorporate anything specific into my meals. A HT is quite a lot of trauma to the head. The best way to let things heal and growth is to really leave it alone. The only thing I did for a while was some aloe vera gel to try and bring down the redness.

As for flying back from India, I was on the plane just shy of 2 full days post op.

Well said sir, 

Saying it how it is. I am also flying to India for mine. I decided to take 3 days upon surgery to spend them all sitting in the hotel watching netflix and catching a flight back home afterwards. I believe you should do nothing on the scalp until the 7th day wash. let everything take its course.  The saline spray is the only thing you'd wanna put.  Regarding Aloe Vera, I heard people use it for itching, although i would put absolutely nothing on recipient area.. maybe on the back only

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5 minutes ago, Ryan Daniel said:

Well said sir, 

Saying it how it is. I am also flying to India for mine. I decided to take 3 days upon surgery to spend them all sitting in the hotel watching netflix and catching a flight back home afterwards. I believe you should do nothing on the scalp until the 7th day wash. let everything take its course.  The saline spray is the only thing you'd wanna put.  Regarding Aloe Vera, I heard people use it for itching, although i would put absolutely nothing on recipient area.. maybe on the back only

My donor area wasn't actually very itchy so after the first 7 days of aftercare, I never touched the donor. I found my recipient to be a bit more itchy and very red so the aloe vera really helped to soothe things. Whether it helped the redness I couldn't say, but certainly some nice cold gel on the recipient helped if things felt itchy or irritated. That said, I only did it maximum once per day, in the evening, and not every day but any means. And probably for no more than a month or so.

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17 minutes ago, Berba11 said:

My donor area wasn't actually very itchy so after the first 7 days of aftercare, I never touched the donor. I found my recipient to be a bit more itchy and very red so the aloe vera really helped to soothe things. Whether it helped the redness I couldn't say, but certainly some nice cold gel on the recipient helped if things felt itchy or irritated. That said, I only did it maximum once per day, in the evening, and not every day but any means. And probably for no more than a month or so.

Leaving the Aloe over night is excellent for the skin. It's like something you would do on a sunburned area. 

Im very scared of buying Aloe because alot of brands put chemicals in them. What brand did you use?

If i dont find a good aloe vera gel product, ill just end up buying a damn plant lol.

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3 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

Leaving the Aloe over night is excellent for the skin. It's like something you would do on a sunburned area. 

Im very scared of buying Aloe because alot of brands put chemicals in them. What brand did you use?

If i dont find a good aloe vera gel product, ill just end up buying a damn plant lol.

I just grabbed a tube from Boots - no idea what brand it is to be honest!

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5 hours ago, Ryan Daniel said:

Leaving the Aloe over night is excellent for the skin. It's like something you would do on a sunburned area. 

Im very scared of buying Aloe because alot of brands put chemicals in them. What brand did you use?

If i dont find a good aloe vera gel product, ill just end up buying a damn plant lol.

It's always a good idea to read the ingredients on the label because you never know what is being added; especially concerning absorption rates, healing additives, and the like....stick with purely organic products without additives.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Hi Aussie2020,

You've been given lots of good advice. I'd like to say one thing though, and that's to take your time during the hairline design.

You'll have just flown across the world- you'll be jet lagged, tired, and likely overwhelmed by the intensity of Delhi. Prepare for this by envisioning your expectations now - picture them drawn on your head. Bring some pictures on your phone of your old hairline if you can. It all helps give the Dr the best impression of what you want, and will leave you happier.

Have a great time and enjoy the food :) the butter chicken was amazing.

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Follow my second hair transplant journey below

Caucasian - 4613 Grafts - Eugenix, Dr. Arika Bansal

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14 minutes ago, rob7331 said:

Hi Aussie2020,

You've been given lots of good advice. I'd like to say one thing though, and that's to take your time during the hairline design.

You'll have just flown across the world- you'll be jet lagged, tired, and likely overwhelmed by the intensity of Delhi. Prepare for this by envisioning your expectations now - picture them drawn on your head. Bring some pictures on your phone of your old hairline if you can. It all helps give the Dr the best impression of what you want, and will leave you happier.

Have a great time and enjoy the food :) the butter chicken was amazing.

To add to this, it might be a good idea if you can to try drawing it out and taking pictures to get an idea. 

I tried to make a photoshop thread where people could try and maybe get an idea of what they'd look like but i don't know if there's many users here able to do it or have the time. 

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Hey Aussie 2020, 

Best of luck mate, later this month, some of this information was also helpful for me as well. I can throw some fresh ideas your way next week, if you like?

I am on my way Tuesday, out of Melbourne, for a 3 day stint under the caring knives and needles of the Eugenix team in Delhi, although i have added a week post op, to heal, and get some daily, follow up TLC from the team there, taking some advice from Gatsby, and doing a little travell as well.

I have the usual butterflies, and concerns, but feel that the due diligence done, genuine and helpful information disclosed here, plus visible results portrayed by many previous Eugenix clients, confirms the Eugenix team are more than capable of tackling any curve balls thrown, or googlies spun their way!  

Just 2 concerns i still have, that perhaps can be discussed for all prospective clients moving forward.

Clearing up the non disclosure issue-have we the right, to 'not' agree to signing this, with the hope it does not jeopardise the way in which we are treated, [visibly or secretly] by the team there? Has it been already cleared up in those previous posts that were going to and fro?

Rob 7331 has some good advice, regarding designs, and being patient and clear headed.

With my original discussions with the Eugenix team, they looked at the pictures, drew and decided to create their ideal 'design' of what they think should be done to your head. I have thought it through a few times, as i'm sure others have, or will have.

Can we alter things on the day of the design consultation, and how firm can we be with our desires, if we have thought it through a lot more, as i believe there isn't much time, with a couple of ops being done on the day, and the Doctor being busy?

All the best Aussie 2020, and others going in April, hoping the Eugenix Easter Bunny brings us all some memorable chocolates!




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2 hours ago, ANDYMAL said:

Hey Aussie 2020, 

Best of luck mate, later this month, some of this information was also helpful for me as well. I can throw some fresh ideas your way next week, if you like?

I am on my way Tuesday, out of Melbourne, for a 3 day stint under the caring knives and needles of the Eugenix team in Delhi, although i have added a week post op, to heal, and get some daily, follow up TLC from the team there, taking some advice from Gatsby, and doing a little travell as well.

I have the usual butterflies, and concerns, but feel that the due diligence done, genuine and helpful information disclosed here, plus visible results portrayed by many previous Eugenix clients, confirms the Eugenix team are more than capable of tackling any curve balls thrown, or googlies spun their way!  

Just 2 concerns i still have, that perhaps can be discussed for all prospective clients moving forward.

Clearing up the non disclosure issue-have we the right, to 'not' agree to signing this, with the hope it does not jeopardise the way in which we are treated, [visibly or secretly] by the team there? Has it been already cleared up in those previous posts that were going to and fro?

Rob 7331 has some good advice, regarding designs, and being patient and clear headed.

With my original discussions with the Eugenix team, they looked at the pictures, drew and decided to create their ideal 'design' of what they think should be done to your head. I have thought it through a few times, as i'm sure others have, or will have.

Can we alter things on the day of the design consultation, and how firm can we be with our desires, if we have thought it through a lot more, as i believe there isn't much time, with a couple of ops being done on the day, and the Doctor being busy?

All the best Aussie 2020, and others going in April, hoping the Eugenix Easter Bunny brings us all some memorable chocolates!




You should 100% do your own input on the hairline if you strongly feel about it being a particular way and are properly informed about that being realistic. 

Like you don't see them draw a hairline at like 7cm and say, "No, i want it like 4cm" and have it sit on the frontalis muscles lol. 

They do have a great tutorial on considerations that need to be made when doing hairline positioning on their YouTube and you should use that as a base and then tweak it to your individual aesthetics.

I do not believe bar that one single individual that an NDA agreement has been mentioned again and Melvin has stated many times before that they do not seem to like or work i think with clinics who would engage in such behaviour. So it would be very weird to see them try to request you to sign such a document and if you are asked to do so by any clinics then i believe they deserve to be named and shamed. 

I personally would not go ahead with any clinic that told me on arrival as an international patient that i have to sign an NDA or i can't get the surgery. That's unethical on their part and imo a tactic of coercion that's disgusting in the highest category because usually you don't speak the language and are already feeling vulnerable. Add to that the potential psychological affects of feeling this procedure will improve your quality of life and you travelled all that way "for nothing" if you don't get it done and the entire situations a mess. 

Eugenix have so far shown themselves to be welcoming to patients that manage to get there without issues generally but like all clinics, it does seem they are not immune to a few stumbles and i hope they are using feedback from here to improve things. 

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  • Senior Member
5 hours ago, ANDYMAL said:

Hey Aussie 2020, 

Best of luck mate, later this month, some of this information was also helpful for me as well. I can throw some fresh ideas your way next week, if you like?

I am on my way Tuesday, out of Melbourne, for a 3 day stint under the caring knives and needles of the Eugenix team in Delhi, although i have added a week post op, to heal, and get some daily, follow up TLC from the team there, taking some advice from Gatsby, and doing a little travell as well.

I have the usual butterflies, and concerns, but feel that the due diligence done, genuine and helpful information disclosed here, plus visible results portrayed by many previous Eugenix clients, confirms the Eugenix team are more than capable of tackling any curve balls thrown, or googlies spun their way!  

Just 2 concerns i still have, that perhaps can be discussed for all prospective clients moving forward.

Clearing up the non disclosure issue-have we the right, to 'not' agree to signing this, with the hope it does not jeopardise the way in which we are treated, [visibly or secretly] by the team there? Has it been already cleared up in those previous posts that were going to and fro?

Rob 7331 has some good advice, regarding designs, and being patient and clear headed.

With my original discussions with the Eugenix team, they looked at the pictures, drew and decided to create their ideal 'design' of what they think should be done to your head. I have thought it through a few times, as i'm sure others have, or will have.

Can we alter things on the day of the design consultation, and how firm can we be with our desires, if we have thought it through a lot more, as i believe there isn't much time, with a couple of ops being done on the day, and the Doctor being busy?

All the best Aussie 2020, and others going in April, hoping the Eugenix Easter Bunny brings us all some memorable chocolates!




Anything you send them on WhatsApp photos or videos is just to give them an idea of what is required.

It is a must that on the day of the surgery you can alter anything you what, design anything you want and demand however grafts you wish. 

You are paying them, they work for you. please remember that 

Edited by Ryan Daniel
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On 3/29/2022 at 6:19 AM, Aussie2020 said:

My Journey has been fast thanks to all the great content on this site,  I recently joined and  have have already booked in to get my hair done I April.

I am excited and nervous at the same time.

I want to make sure I do everything right to give me the highest chance of a great result.

I am flying to India from Australia.

How long should you wait before you fly.

when is it ok to start wearing a cap without damaging the transplant.

what is the best pillow for sleep.

Anything else I need to know.

I just started 2 days ago using topical monoaxial and fin as I want to avoid side effects of the oral version, do I keep taking it or do I stop prior to surgery and how long after surgery do i a start again.

Once I get home I was thinking of using HBOT, the lazer cap and also the sauna to speed up the healing, anyone got any experience with this?

I just wanted to express my gratitude for the members of this forum, all the support and the advice  gives me a lot more certainty and really makes the journey so much easier, you are all a great bunch of people.

when is it ok to start wearing a cap without damaging the transplant.

- You can start wearing a loose cap after the procedure. You can wear a tighter cap after the first headwash.


what is the best pillow for sleep.

- you can use a travel pillow to sleep. We will teach you the different positions how you can sleep after the procedure. You need to be careful whole sleeping only for 7 days after the procedure.


Anything else I need to know.

- you will be given a saline spray for your scalp. You need to spray your scalp with the saline water for 7 days after the transplantation procedure. You will be given antibiotics, antacids and painkillers for 7 days after the procedure. There can be a mild swelling after the procedure due to the anesthetic fluid gravitating towards your forehead and your eye sockets. We will teach you exercises to prevent it and also to avoid it in the first place. You don't have to do much for faster healing. It naturally heals up by the 7th day. You do not need extra supplements or any other treatments for the healing process.


You can start using Minoxidil after a month of the surgical procedure.


Please do connect with your coubsellor for other queries also.


We wish you a wonderful journey with us.

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