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Eugenix Blood Work Required

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Hello all, 


Im scheduled for a HT with Eugenix at the end of March and had a question about the blood work they require. I've read from others on this forum that you can take those tests in India if you're unable to do it in your home country/place of residence. However, when mentioning this to my Eugenix point of contact they said I need to do these before I arrive since Im arriving the day before my procedure and they need tests to be done at least a week before hand. I'm from the US so Im hoping any US-based patients on here can point me towards lab companies I can do this with at a low cost? There are a number of tests Eugenix requires and it can easily exceed a few hundred dollars to get these done in the US. Here are the tests they require

Hb, TLC, DLC, platelet

HIV 1 and 2


Anti HCV

Prothrombin time

Blood sugar



Its a little overwelming trying to coordinate these tests so I appreciate any advice thrown my way. Thanks!


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I didn't go to Eugenix but I did go to a Dr in Portugal. They required similar blood test. I just took the list of orders to my general practitioner and he wrote the orders. I went to lab Corp I believe which is a national chain. I have insurance so it wasn't too much money though. For me it was cheaper to do it in the US. Do you not have health insurance? 

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10 minutes ago, SadMan2021 said:

Why do international clinics require bloodwork but U.S. clinics don't?

I think some probably will ask for it, but i'm also curious why it's needed too. 

I've been in hospital and had procedures and i'm not 100% sure but i certainly don't recall them taking as many blood tests as i had to do for the list Eugenix asked for via my GP. 

I think it's a bit weird and some of those tests requested are not standard either it seems. 

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2 hours ago, JoeMan said:

I didn't go to Eugenix but I did go to a Dr in Portugal. They required similar blood test. I just took the list of orders to my general practitioner and he wrote the orders. I went to lab Corp I believe which is a national chain. I have insurance so it wasn't too much money though. For me it was cheaper to do it in the US. Do you not have health insurance? 

Thanks for responding. Yes I have health insurance but not entirely sure how much, if any, of these costs they’d cover. I may just do what you did and send this list to my GP and ask if he can write up a lab order.

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2 minutes ago, Midwestkid0324 said:

Thanks for responding. Yes I have health insurance but not entirely sure how much, if any, of these costs they’d cover. I may just do what you did and send this list to my GP and ask if he can write up a lab order.

When is your surgery? Honestly it was super easy for me. I just happened to have an appointment with mine and told him what I was doing. I also felt like he should know just in case something went wrong, such as an infection or something. He was more than willing to write the orders for me and I received my results through the patient portal. 

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Just now, JoeMan said:

When is your surgery? Honestly it was super easy for me. I just happened to have an appointment with mine and told him what I was doing. I also felt like he should know just in case something went wrong, such as an infection or something. He was more than willing to write the orders for me and I received my results through the patient portal. 

It’s at the end of March. Right before responding to you I literally just sent my doctor a message via the patient portal with the list I shared above. I mentioned to him that if he’s not able to write an order for me maybe he could point me towards a lab or local facility where I can get these done affordably. I just realized i could probably use my HSA for quest or labcorp 😀

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I'm not affiliated with these guys at all, but I'm a bit of a germaphobe in general and I've been using them since the pandemic lockdown to avoid hospitals. Quick and easy, just pick your tests, pay online, select the lab closest to you, print the lab form or send it to the lab from the website, go get your blood drawn, and wait 24-72 hours for the results.

They have a test search box in the top right and on the left side you can also look through test categories. Or you can also call them at their number in the top right too, probably the easiest. Some of what you posted was a quick easy search but some of the other might be grouped into another test.


And if you don't want the whole STD panel here https://www.healthlabs.com/comprehensive-10-test-std-testing you can just get the individual tests you need here https://www.stdcheck.com/std-test-pricing.php




Edited by ciaus
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@Ryan DanielI do remember an earlier thread where it was mentioned that you can get your bloodwork done after you have landed. I am not sure if they have discontinued this for some reason. It would be best to ask them directly.

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7 minutes ago, Mggm said:

@Ryan DanielI do remember an earlier thread where it was mentioned that you can get your bloodwork done after you have landed. I am not sure if they have discontinued this for some reason. It would be best to ask them directly.

Ill ask them directly the next time I have a whatsapp call. 

However, I find it extremely strange that they would refuse to do a transplant if the tests weren't good or something. I believe the blood tests are all based on the amount of anesthesia they give you and what medication.. i could be wrong 

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Just now, Ryan Daniel said:

Ill ask them directly the next time I have a whatsapp call. 

However, I find it extremely strange that they would refuse to do a transplant if the tests weren't good or something. I believe the blood tests are all based on the amount of anesthesia they give you and what medication.. i could be wrong 

If this is the case, it would be better to get the bloodwork done locally 7 days prior to the surgery. But, it does sound very unlikely. I guess bloodwork is standard proceedure before any surgery since I have seen others ask for the same.

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I had a swathe of blood tests done that i requested from my doctor and apparently not all the stuff they wanted was on there so i've been asked to go get more done for:

Hep C, Hep B, HIV 1&2 and Random Glucose. I guess simply saying you don't have Hepatitis, HIV and diabetes wasn't quite the right answer lol. 

They apparently want it all on paperwork. 

I do think the tests requested are numerous and really an annoying bunch of different tests but they can apparently arrange blood tests for you the day before but the Eugenix reps i've all talked with don't seem eager to try and have it arranged for you. They definitely seem to prefer you do it yourself beforehand. 

@Melvin- Moderator what did you do to get your Blood Tests sorted? 

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If it helps, I've just had my blood tests done by someone on behalf of Eugenix in the last half hour.  In the DoubleTrees Hilton hotel down the road from the Eugenix clinic. Took 5 minutes, cost 3200 rupees.  Of course, there's a risk that if there's a serious issue, you could go to a lot of effort and travel a long way for nothing.

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2 hours ago, Davidf said:

If it helps, I've just had my blood tests done by someone on behalf of Eugenix in the last half hour.  In the DoubleTrees Hilton hotel down the road from the Eugenix clinic. Took 5 minutes, cost 3200 rupees.  Of course, there's a risk that if there's a serious issue, you could go to a lot of effort and travel a long way for nothing.

I genuinely wonder though what it is that would be seen in those blood tests that's genuinely a risk for a hair transplant? 

A diabetic for example would need to maintain their blood sugar levels with regular snacks. 

A person that's got Hepatitis B, C or HIV i get would be more serious but those blood tests are very specialised and extensive. I think it would benefit potential customers of Eugenix etc. to know why those specific tests are necessary because it just feels very heavy handed and a check box exercise at present for a very difficult set of tests that most cannot easily secure without going private. 

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2 hours ago, Davidf said:

If it helps, I've just had my blood tests done by someone on behalf of Eugenix in the last half hour.  In the DoubleTrees Hilton hotel down the road from the Eugenix clinic. Took 5 minutes, cost 3200 rupees.  Of course, there's a risk that if there's a serious issue, you could go to a lot of effort and travel a long way for nothing.

@Ryan Daniel it looks like you can get all these done at the hotel itself. 

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3 hours ago, Davidf said:

If it helps, I've just had my blood tests done by someone on behalf of Eugenix in the last half hour.  In the DoubleTrees Hilton hotel down the road from the Eugenix clinic. Took 5 minutes, cost 3200 rupees.  Of course, there's a risk that if there's a serious issue, you could go to a lot of effort and travel a long way for nothing.

Thanks for this.  Good luck with the procedure.  Might message you later

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20 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

I did all my blood work for Eugenix with my GP at home prior to going. 

Thanks Adrian, I reckon that is the best way to do it because its better to have everything sorted out rather than arrive at the clinic and find unwelcomed surprises 

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24 minutes ago, Ryan Daniel said:

Thanks Adrian, I reckon that is the best way to do it because its better to have everything sorted out rather than arrive at the clinic and find unwelcomed surprises 

Absolutely Ryan. It’s one more headache you don’t have to deal with. 

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