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Hairline line graft estimate

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Hello, I have a consultation with fue hair clinic in Los Angeles next week and was wondering what are your guys opinion on how many hair grafts I should have to fill in my left and right hairline corners.  I'm not looking to fill my density in zone 1 or mid hairline since I'll be on preventative care(fin/roagaine) which will hopefully thicken my existing hair and I don't want shock loss since i heard implanting hair into existing hair(especially weak hair) can cause more hair loss. So just my 2 corners, and photos are attached. Any opinion will be gladly appreciated.  Thanks




Edited by Smacias15
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Honest opinion. 

Start Finasteride, Minoxidil and add Microneedling into the mix. Your temporal areas where you currently drew the lines look like they could be saved by the above and reduce the amount of grafts you require and after 12 months of consistent ongoing use, it will also give you an idea if you want a HT and what goals you want to achieve. 

Transplants are and always should be a last resort after hair restoration has run its course and can no longer benefit you. 

Maybe not the answer you were quite looking for but it's honestly what i would advise. 

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7 hours ago, Smacias15 said:

Hello, I have a consultation with fue hair clinic in Los Angeles next week and was wondering what are your guys opinion on how many hair grafts I should have to fill in my left and right hairline corners.  I'm not looking to fill my density in zone 1 or mid hairline since I'll be on preventative care(fin/roagaine) and I don't want shock loss. So just my 2 corners, and photos are attached. Any opinion will be gladly appreciated.  Thanks




It will literally be impossible to regrow your temples with medication and micro needling in my honest opinion, Finasteride can regrow hair, especially in the crown, but is very rare, for most people it stabilizes the loss only and for some it does not even do that. Minoxidil can strenghten minituarized hairs, but you have none, its all receded. What you should do is think about taking Finasteride long term to slow down your hairloss.

I think Drs will estimate about 2000 grafts for your case. 

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I agree in that taking finasteride, etc for a solid year first, puts you in a good place prior to surgery. You never know how much benefit you may actually get IMHO and if it can improve the donor quality then that's just a bonus at the end of the day. All the best.

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On 1/12/2022 at 11:31 PM, Gatsby said:

I agree in that taking finasteride, etc for a solid year first, puts you in a good place prior to surgery. You never know how much benefit you may actually get IMHO and if it can improve the donor quality then that's just a bonus at the end of the day. All the best.

Thanks for the response. But If I go on finasteride before my transplant and it improves my donor hair and that those improved hair is extracted and implanted into my hairline then that means I have to take fin forever or my transplanted hair will fall since it was a by product of fin correct ?

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6 hours ago, Dillpickle123 said:

1500-2000 grafts my hair loss is similar and I was they said 1500  

Ok thanks. Did you get good enough density for your tranplant? Will appreciate it if you can share a photo here of private message.  Thanks 

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On 1/12/2022 at 4:12 PM, NARMAK said:

Honest opinion. 

Start Finasteride, Minoxidil and add Microneedling into the mix. Your temporal areas where you currently drew the lines look like they could be saved by the above and reduce the amount of grafts you require and after 12 months of consistent ongoing use, it will also give you an idea if you want a HT and what goals you want to achieve. 

Transplants are and always should be a last resort after hair restoration has run its course and can no longer benefit you. 

Maybe not the answer you were quite looking for but it's honestly what i would advise. 

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, my temporal corners are bald, so transplant in those areas is the only option. But I will look to take on fin/Minoxidil after transplant to strengthen my existing hair to delay a second transplant if needed. Whats your recommendation of the dosage of fin and Minoxidil and how often i should take them?



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4 hours ago, Smacias15 said:

Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, my temporal corners are bald, so transplant in those areas is the only option. But I will look to take on fin/Minoxidil after transplant to strengthen my existing hair to delay a second transplant if needed. Whats your recommendation of the dosage of fin and Minoxidil and how often i should take them?



Don't get me wrong, i'm probably one of the best people to know about temple areas and needing a transplant. My temple points were gone by like 17/18.

However, beginning medication about a year or so before your transplant actually allows you to get a good idea of the 95% maximum results that will allow you. Then a transplant is basically what will be required probably for the rest. 

To start Finasteride, some people like to do Blood Tests, helps allow you see if there's any potential issues elsewhere that side affects might crop up from. Also to begin with, taking 1mg a day 3x a week is something i see recommended to start off with and see how you manage it. 

Regarding Minoxidil, the treatments usually listed as 2x a day if topical. I don't personally have a massive amount of information on Oral Minoxidil but i feel topical can be a little better targeted to the scalp and avoid some of the side affects listed for Oral Minoxidil. 

I would 100% recommend adding in a Derma Pen for Microneedling too 1x a week at maybe 1-1.5mm in depth. 

Your mid scalp and crown, it's hard to see if you have thinning there, but Finasteride will help all over where it can but crown is usually difficult to regrow on medication alone. It's up to you whether you want to use the Minoxidil across that area. 

Regardless of what you do, you need to realise that once you begin those treatments, they have to be used indefinitely to try and maintain the results. 

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5 minutes ago, AlexMeister21 said:

Depends on your doctor, but looks like 1,300 - 2,000 grafts imo.

Thanks for the response. I just saw the doctor today. He said 650 grafts for each corner so 1300 total plus a new hairline for another 700 grafts. So 2000 grafts total. This is without reinforcing my forelock. Is he over harvesting to over pay or is this a accurate estimate?

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On 1/18/2022 at 9:26 PM, Smacias15 said:

Thanks for the response. I just saw the doctor today. He said 650 grafts for each corner so 1300 total plus a new hairline for another 700 grafts. So 2000 grafts total. This is without reinforcing my forelock. Is he over harvesting to over pay or is this a accurate estimate?

Sounds about right if you’re also lowering the hairline. Who is your doctor though? 

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