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22 minutes ago, Louis123 said:

Hey Guys, how would you rate my donor ?

I‘m Planning to do a hair transplant but not sure about my donor. What would you say, how many grafts are possible?



Firstly, nobody looking at a picture even a Dr could properly give you information like that.

You need to do an in person assessment but your donor area appears healthy in the "Safe Donor Area" some doctors talk about.

What's the frontal hair loss look like that you want to address and what have you tried so far to address any hair loss? 

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They say a photo is worth a thousand words. But an in-person consultation is worth a thousand photos.  Thus, nobody could give you an accurate assessment of how many grafts are available for transplanting.  From the photo itself it looks like there may be some thinning and loss at the nape area. But because this is more rare, more photos would help in assessing this.

Have you consulted with any reputable  surgeons yet?   Can you post some photos showing your hair loss?  What’s your family history of hair loss?

best wishes,

Rahal Hair Transplant

Rahal Hair Transplant Institute - Answers to questions, posts or any comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice.    All comments are the personal opinions of the poster.  

Dr. Rahal is a member of the Coalition of Independent of Hair Restoration Physicians.

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Definitely needs a in person consultation to check your donor area. Does appear like you could have retrograde Alopecia.
Have you seen the forums recommended list:


You may have a decent clinic in your area that could have a proper examination. 



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Hello guys, thanks for your answers yet, really appreciate it. Im quite young with 28 an i`ve always had a high hairline. since my birth i had high corners and now i wanted to spend to about 1500 grafts for them. I didn't have any significant hairloss yet, luckily. Im like my dad, im thinning out a bit, but very slowly.( He is now 67 and a Norwood 5, always had thin hair and high corners.) I just wanted to have a little impression with your opinions. I didn't take fin or min until now and i´m still not sure about it. I don't really think it´s retrograde, I had my hair like 3mm about 2 weeks ago and it always stands out in different ankles when ist a bit short, it was always like that, no changes in the past. i search for some pics with a little bit longer hair. I´ve talked to some surgeons(no hair mills), they said donor is good to average.


WhatsApp Image 2022-01-11 at 16.21.54.jpeg

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  • Senior Member
5 minutes ago, Louis123 said:

Hello guys, thanks for your answers yet, really appreciate it. Im quite young with 28 an i`ve always had a high hairline. since my birth i had high corners and now i wanted to spend to about 1500 grafts for them. I didn't have any significant hairloss yet, luckily. Im like my dad, im thinning out a bit, but very slowly.( He is now 67 and a Norwood 5, always had thin hair and high corners.) I just wanted to have a little impression with your opinions. I didn't take fin or min until now and i´m still not sure about it. I don't really think it´s retrograde, I had my hair like 3mm about 2 weeks ago and it always stands out in different ankles when ist a bit short, it was always like that, no changes in the past. i search for some pics with a little bit longer hair. I´ve talked to some surgeons(no hair mills), they said donor is good to average.


WhatsApp Image 2022-01-11 at 16.21.54.jpeg

The lighting in that picture makes it appear less affected in some ways but as mentioned above. Search the recommended clinics and ask for a free consultation. In person if possible. 

I know you've mentioned hairline being high and temples, but if you don't share an image (you can blur/block face) it makes it harder to evaluate the goals and whether potentially 1500 grafts would achieve what you want. 

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16 minutes ago, Louis123 said:

Here is my status right now in the front.


WhatsApp Image 2022-01-11 at 16.48.41.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2022-01-11 at 16.48.42.jpg

Thanks for sharing. 

Yeah, i can see you look like you have pretty solid temple points already. Nice and thick on the right side. Little less on the lest, so the corners of the temporal areas are really the focus of what you want to close in and in some cases, without an examination by doctors or maybe a few photos, it's difficult to see how much lower your hairline should be placed. 

Are you taking any medication and if so what dosage? 

Also have you noticed a change over the last 8 years in your hairline and if so, how much by comparing pictures. Memory is a bad thing to revert to for that. Pictures are tour friends even if only to be objective to yourself. 

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Donor looks a bit below average.  A little narrow and not the best density.  By narrow I mean the surface area relative to the area on the top of your head you may need to cover over your lifetime.

I would try to get on Fin and preserve what you have before anything else.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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It’s hard to say in pictures but looks like retrograde alopecia a bit at the nape. Have you seen a surgeon in person?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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Again, thanks guys for all the input.

@NARMAKno, im not taking any medication yet. If im recognizing more hairloss, i would consider it. Not much changes in my hairline, but my hair is thinner than 8 years ago.

@Melvin- Moderator okay i will check that. No not in person, im living in south germany, most of the reputable surgeons are a bit far away for a consultation in person. 

Do you know a surgeon who maybe can check that, based in Germany?


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  • Senior Member
8 minutes ago, Louis123 said:

Again, thanks guys for all the input.

@NARMAKno, im not taking any medication yet. If im recognizing more hairloss, i would consider it. Not much changes in my hairline, but my hair is thinner than 8 years ago.

@Melvin- Moderator okay i will check that. No not in person, im living in south germany, most of the reputable surgeons are a bit far away for a consultation in person. 

Do you know a surgeon who maybe can check that, based in Germany?


Personally i would say it might be a pro-active method to begin medication and if you don't have any side affects, you'll probably be all the better for it with preventing potential further hair loss, delaying it and potentially even a small chance of regrowth. 

I genuinely wish i could go back in time to when i was about 21 or so and not listened to the fear mongering and used it. I think i would have benefitted from probably keeping the midscalp and crown thicker than it is atm. I still generally have good coverage, and i've been taking Dutasteride for 7+ months. Took the nuclear option but lost ground and time never returns imo. At most you usually hope to maintain and regrowth and gaining ground back on Finasteride/Dutasteride would be exceptions. 

Personally i'm not probably able to be as committed to a Minoxidil regime but i will probably invest in a derma pen and use that soon. 

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16 minutes ago, Louis123 said:

Again, thanks guys for all the input.

@NARMAKno, im not taking any medication yet. If im recognizing more hairloss, i would consider it. Not much changes in my hairline, but my hair is thinner than 8 years ago.

@Melvin- Moderator okay i will check that. No not in person, im living in south germany, most of the reputable surgeons are a bit far away for a consultation in person. 

Do you know a surgeon who maybe can check that, based in Germany?


Closest would be in Belgium, there’s a relatively new doctor in the Netherlands Dr. Munib.  

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

Check out my final hair transplant and topical dutasteride journey

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Topical dutasteride journey 

Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

Follow our Social Media: Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, and YouTube.


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It's too early for HT, you need to be at least NW3 and sbove 24 years old to even consider.

Doron Harati - Patient coordinator for HDC Hair Clinic, HT procedures are done by MD Doctors with Microscope FUE.

For consultation contact me: WhatsApp +972526542654


HDC Instegram: https://instagram.com/doronhairadvisor_hdc?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

* All comments from this account should not be taken or construed as medical advice, all comments are only the personal opinions of the poster.

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7 hours ago, Doron Harati said:

It's too early for HT, you need to be at least NW3 and sbove 24 years old to even consider.

Just wanted to ask. 

Are you saying at a minimum a patient should be Norwood 3 and above age 24?


You have to be above age 24? 

Because obviously people with Norwood 2 also go for a hair transplant all the time. 

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