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Eugenix | 3003 grafts | FUE| Dr. Arika Bansal| Nov 20th, 2021


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Hello All,

I stumbled upon this great forum few months back as I started researching more about HT’s. I am very grateful for this forum and its members as it provided me with useful information and the most honest reviews of clinics around the world. The amount of knowledge available is beyond anything else out there. So, to give back to this community, below is my Hair Loss journey and experience with @Eugenix Hair Sciences clinic in New Delhi, India.

Brief Background:

I started to notice my hair thinning around 19 years old, but I never took any action as it didn’t bother me much. Around age 23, I decided to try Laser Light Therapy to help stimulate growth. I stopped after about 6 sessions as I didn’t really notice any difference and it was expensive. Around the same time, I consulted with a Dermatologist who performed a biopsy of my scalp and results were that I had “High telogen effluvium”. He suggested I use Rogaine to help promote hair growth and do activities to lower stress. After 4 months of using Rogaine, I didn’t notice any difference and stopped using it. Fast forward to now, I am 31 years old and NW3 per Eugenix.

Clinics Consulted:

·         Feller & Bloxham Medical – I loved the natural hairlines Bloxham has been able to create so I consulted with his clinic via email early September. I liked his recommend plan of building hairline and density with around 2,500 – 3,500 grafts and finishing the back half of the scalp in another session down the road. However, after further research I didn’t want to take the FUT approach, so I took him off my list.

·         Eugenix – As I reviewed the list of recommended HT Surgeons on this forum, Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep stood out because of their credentials and the DHT method. After reviewing patient results and videos of Eugenix, and the fact that    @Melvin- Moderator was getting his “final” HT from there convinced me to consult and book HT with them. Another factor that played a role is I am Indian and figured they would be the most experienced dealing my hair type and facial framing. Based on the pictures I sent, they recommended 3,000 grafts.

Goals & Expectations:

My main goal is to have natural looking hairline with density and coverage for mid scalp. I also wanted to make sure donor area wasn’t overharvested and still have enough left for future HT if needed.

My Overall Plan:

Arrive one day prior to surgery to allow myself time to settle in and complete Pre-Op procedures. Stay 7 days after HT, to receive daily dressing and first head wash from clinic before flying out. As most of you may or may not know, it is not mandatory to stay for full 7 days post HT. This is just what I felt comfortable with doing.

Package and Cost:

Premium Package with Dr. Arika Bansal. Please see Eugenix website as the cost and services may have changed.

As of my booking the premium package contained the following:

·         Cost Rs. 210/graft plus tax

·         Planning, Design and 100% slits done by Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Designing Hairline – Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Significant Implantation (Hairline) – Max 300 to 400 - Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Crucial Extraction - Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Rest of the extraction and implantation by Senior Techs

·         3 nights stay at hotel


I decided to arrive one day prior to my surgery to complete my Pre-Op. The pre-op consisted of filling out paperwork, pictures, local anesthesia testing and blood pressure check.

Surgery Day:

·         Arrived at the clinic around 9am. Blood pressure was checked again, given pre-op medications, and changed into operational clothing.

·         Around 10am, Dr. Arika came and quickly drew hairline. Allowed me to provide feedback and she adjusted it accordingly. I ultimately differed to her expertise on how it should be.

·         More pictures were taken after hairline was drawn and donor and recipient area shaved.

·         Surgery started around 10:45am with nurse injecting anesthesia in frontal half followed by Dr. Arika making slits at the same.

·         After the slits are made, Dr. Arika leaves, senior techs start extracting and planting simultaneously.

·         Around 3-4PM, we had our lunch break. I believe around 1900 grafts were extracted/implanted by this time.

·         After lunch, the senior techs continued extraction and implantation.

·         Towards the end, Dr. Arika came in to extract few grafts and solidify the hairline.

·         Surgery ended around 9PM. Given post op care package and instructions and went back to the hotel.

Medication Regime:

·         Finastride: Started taking 1mg daily week prior to surgery and will continue to take it post-surgery. If I see any side effects then I will consult with doctor first and either go to alternate days, lower dose or stop. I decided to get 6 months of supply of Finax by Dr. Reddy as recommend by the clinic. Costs between $3-$4 for 30-day supply.

·         Biotin: 5000 mcg

The following I’ve been taking on/off months prior to surgery and will continue to use.

·         Ashwagandha: 1,000 mg

·         Tumeric: 1,000 mg

·         Collagen+biotin: 6,000 mg

Pros/Cons of Eugenix:


·         Dr. Arika Bansal – As many other members have stated, she is very knowledgeable, personable, and skilled. She knows what she is doing and overall nice person.

·         Friendly Staff – All Doctors, Technicians, Nurses, Sales Team, Concierge, Post Care team and drivers.

·         Accommodations – 5-Star hotel with daily pick up and drop off.

·         Post-Surgery Care Support – WhatsApp Group created for any questions and concerns.

Cons:  As great as this clinic is, there were some shortfalls in my experience compared to experiences others have shared on here.

Doctor Consultation: I requested few times during initial consultation with sales rep to set up meeting with Dr. Arika or Dr. Sethi for one on one individual case review and just get to know the doctor and feel comfortable. I was assured he would but that never happened and at that point I already committed to date and made deposit. So, I requested if something can be setup day prior to surgery so I can come meet the doctor, complete my pre-ops, tour the facility, and maybe see other patients. This never came to fruition as when I arrived day prior, I was giving some paperwork, blood pressure check, local anesthesia testing and sent back to hotel. At this time, I requested to see Dr. Arika but was told she was busy, and I can meet her prior to surgery.  

Hairline Design Process: I was expecting to be in an office with Dr. Bansal and getting my hair evaluated and go through hair designs. Guessing 15-20 mins as this is the most important part. However, that was not the case. I met Dr. Bansal (first time)  after I changed into surgery clothes in patient lounge and she came in with 2-3 others, quickly drew hairline, which I thought was too high and she lowered a bit to what she felt was best for my facial frame. Since, I trusted her expertise and 2-3 people just staring at you, I gave the ok. This whole process took no more than 5 mins.

Surgery Process: The team needs to better prepare/inform patient the process of surgery. After the initial slits were made by Dr. Arika and left, I had to keep guessing who was doing what and at what part of the surgery we were at. After awhile I just started asking questions and the team provided updates.

Local Anesthesia: This process can be improved to minimize reapplication in the same area.

Package Value: I chose the premium package for Dr. Arika’s involvement. However, I could have gotten away with Exclusive as I don’t believe I got what I paid for. Similar to @nodono experience. The procedure was supposed to be lead/supervised by Dr. Arika however after the initial slits were done by her in the morning, the next time I saw her was in the evening for final few hairline implantation. I understand she is busy and there were maybe 3-4 other surgeries going on at the time. But they should do better job scheduling to ensure patients get what they paid for.

Overall: Aside from few cons I listed, I believe Dr. Arika and team (too many wonderful people to list) did a great job with my HT. I’m very optimistic about my results. Thank you all in advance for reading/following my post and hopefully this will help someone in the future. Looking forward to your thoughts and answering any questions regarding my HT experience at Eugenix.

Updates: After my initial post which includes pre and post op pictures, I will provide monthly updates afterwards.

Lastly, it was great meeting fellow forum members @HyderabadBlues, @Berba11 and @juanjs84. Can't wait till our final results!




Edited by DJ40
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Hello DJ,

Hoping you are safe looks like its already one month, as you mentioned its on 20th of Nov

Congratulations on you HT, everything looks so good from the pics looks like you will be getting great results. I will be tracking your posts.

Regarding package value, yes I have gone through similar experience as I explained in the my post Eugenix needs to improve on that which will increase the confidence.

Regarding Finex side effects: try doing more leg work out (post 1 month of your HT) I mean squats, lunges dead lift which will really help boosting your testosterones. I have stopped it completely but doing proper healthy diet.

Please ping me if you need any help as I have gone through recently I would be happy to talk 😀


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15 hours ago, DJ40 said:

chose the premium package for Dr. Arika’s involvement. However, I could have gotten away with Exclusive as I don’t believe I got what I paid for. Similar to @nodono experience. The procedure was supposed to be lead/supervised by Dr. Arika however after the initial slits were done by her in the morning, the next time I saw her was in the evening for final few hairline implantation. I understand she is busy and there were maybe 3-4 other surgeries going on at the time. But they should do better job scheduling to ensure patients get what they paid for.

Thanks for the detailed write-up and also outlining the cons of the operation.

To feel rushed in something as significant as drawing a new hairline must be quite an anxiety-inducing thing. Drawing attention to the negatives as well as the positives is important to help this industry improve as a whole I believe. 

Happy growing my man!

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Thanks for your contribution @DJ40. The work looks clean and I am sure that you will get excellent results!

The fact that Eugenix is getting big quickly leaves me concerned about how they ensure quality control. Did you have any idea as to the amount of experience of the extraction technicians? Did everyone seem like and expert at their role?

Since they now have so many technicians, how do you ensure that your team will deliver the same results as another team.

Curious to hear your thoughts as well as others such as @Berba11@kirkland@MazABand others who have recently walked the Eugenix path. Would also like to hear from @Eugenix Hair Sciences@Eugenix Hair Scienceas to their thoughts on this matter.


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32 minutes ago, SLA said:

Since they now have so many technicians, how do you ensure that your team will deliver the same results as another team

That will definitely be a challenge for Eugenix or for any clinic that is fast-growing. The first step would be to acknowledge that consistency of results is what, in part, led to their success. In my conversations with Dr. Sethi, he comes across as truly caring for his patients. And Dr. Bansal reflects the epitome of professionalism. I am confident that they will choose quality over larger profit margins and that they will consciously try to avoid becoming a hair mill.

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I appreciate it @kirkland

What would help instill more confidence, at least for me someone such as Dr. Arika and/or Dr. Pradeep saying things such as:

"Our extraction technicians all have at least X amount of years of experience and are trained in Y manner. The all have extracted more than Z amount of grafts on our human models before extracting on an actual patient. The are trained to keep transection rates under X% and regularly do so on ALL types of hair types including curly and afro and have the compassion to treat every graft like a baby. They are rigorously trained and retrained in Y manner to homogenously extract from the donor area. They are so good that I would put them against any top doctor in the world as far as being able to extract grafts."

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1 Month Update:


1st Week: Followed the post care instructions which included taking medications supplied by the clinic, saline spray to the recipient area every 1-2 hours and dressing donor area. On Day 7, I received my first head wash by one of the technicians and good number of scabs came off.  It took me 3-4 head washes to get the remaining scabs out since I was being extra careful. I used Dove shampoo as recommend by the clinic. Also, swelling in the forehead occurs around day 3. This can be managed by certain massage technique shown by the clinic.

2nd Week: This week, I flew back to US. I didn’t wear a hat or surgical cap as I was comfortable with the healing progress and how I looked. At this time, I switched to Johnson & Johnson Baby shampoo for my head washes.

3rd & 4th Week: Minimal shedding started in week 3 and continued to progress into week 4. From what I’ve been reading and per clinic’s post care team, this is normal and part of the process, so I am just going with the flow.

Overall, I am happy with how things are looking after 1 month and on track for amazing results. Initially I did have concerns about my hairline being too high, but I am getting used to it. It looks like I had some shock loss behind my right temple point and maybe crown/donor area?? The left temple point doesn’t look as sharp as the right side so I am little concerned on how the temple points will turnout. Let me know what you guys think. I appreciate your feedback.


Edited by DJ40
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21 hours ago, nodono said:

Hello DJ,

Hoping you are safe looks like its already one month, as you mentioned its on 20th of Nov

Congratulations on you HT, everything looks so good from the pics looks like you will be getting great results. I will be tracking your posts.

Regarding package value, yes I have gone through similar experience as I explained in the my post Eugenix needs to improve on that which will increase the confidence.

Regarding Finex side effects: try doing more leg work out (post 1 month of your HT) I mean squats, lunges dead lift which will really help boosting your testosterones. I have stopped it completely but doing proper healthy diet.

Please ping me if you need any help as I have gone through recently I would be happy to talk 😀


Thanks Nodono! I just updated myself on your progress and looks like everything is going well. I think I started to experience minimal side effects but will continue to use it for now. Hoping that once I am able to resume gym, I should be able to up my testosterone as you mentioned and things may go back to normal. 

I started eating healthier as well so let's see.

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20 hours ago, Berba11 said:

Hello mate!

Looking forward to following your progress. Having seen seen your post op HT in the flesh, it’s going to look killer for sure!


Hey Bud,

Thank you so much! Just caught up with your progress and it's looking good so far. Will be following!

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19 hours ago, Gatsby said:

Great write up and a great result is coming your way @DJ40 Going by the pics you have great quality hair. I look forward to following your updates!

Thank you Gatsby! Looking forward to your experience and successful HT with Eugenix!

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13 hours ago, follically challenged said:

Thanks for the detailed write-up and also outlining the cons of the operation.

To feel rushed in something as significant as drawing a new hairline must be quite an anxiety-inducing thing. Drawing attention to the negatives as well as the positives is important to help this industry improve as a whole I believe. 

Happy growing my man!

Thank you Sir! I agree it's good share the full experience good & bad so future patients can make informed decisions.

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33 minutes ago, DJ40 said:

1 Month Update:


1st Week: Followed the post care instructions which included taking medications supplied by the clinic, saline spray to the recipient area every 1-2 hours and dressing donor area. On Day 7, I received my first head wash by one of the technicians and good number of scabs came off.  It took me 3-4 head washes to get the remaining scabs out since I was being extra careful. I used Dove shampoo as recommend by the clinic. Also, swelling in the forehead occurs around day 3. This can be managed by certain massage technique shown by the clinic.


2nd Week: This week, I flew back to US. I didn’t wear a hat or surgical cap as I was comfortable with the healing progress and how I looked. At this time, I switched to Johnson & Johnson Baby shampoo for my head washes.


3rd & 4th Week: Minimal shedding started in week 3 and continued to progress into week 4. From what I’ve been reading and per clinic’s post care team, this is normal and part of the process, so I am just going with the flow.


Overall, I am happy with how things are looking after 1 month and on track for amazing results. Initially I did have concerns about my hairline being too high, but I am getting used to it. It looks like I had some shock loss behind my right temple point and maybe crown/donor area?? The left temple point doesn’t look as sharp as the right side so I am little concerned on how the temple points will turnout. Let me know what you guys think. I appreciate your feedback.


Can’t see your pics, please upload again 

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13 hours ago, SLA said:

The fact that Eugenix is getting big quickly leaves me concerned about how they ensure quality control. Did you have any idea as to the amount of experience of the extraction technicians? Did everyone seem like and expert at their role?

Thanks SLA! 

I share the same concern regarding growing big too fast. We can only hope the quality remains. Honestly, I feel like I got in at the right time, giving how booked they are and changes in the packages.

As for the techs, I had no idea what their experience was for extraction. There were too many rotating in and out to keep track. But judging from my progress and results of others, they do quality work. But it would make me feel more conformable knowing who is performing on my head.

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Looking very good at one month! Following your progress closely! 

@SLA I had a number of techs work on me throughout my procedure, but was told by Dr Arika that they were all senior techs with over 5 to 10 years experience, having been trained by Eugenix from the very beginning.

Dr Sethi always stresses quality of work and patient care over everything else. With that said, Eugenix is opening an office in Dubai, and they plan on only making it a sales office. They want all of there work done in India where the process and procedures are under tight control. I think that speaks volumes to how much Eugenix cares about quality control as they rapidly expand. I couldn't agree more though @SLA, it will be very challenging for Eugenix as they are exploding with bookings right now. 

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7 hours ago, DJ40 said:

1 Month Update:


1st Week: Followed the post care instructions which included taking medications supplied by the clinic, saline spray to the recipient area every 1-2 hours and dressing donor area. On Day 7, I received my first head wash by one of the technicians and good number of scabs came off.  It took me 3-4 head washes to get the remaining scabs out since I was being extra careful. I used Dove shampoo as recommend by the clinic. Also, swelling in the forehead occurs around day 3. This can be managed by certain massage technique shown by the clinic.

2nd Week: This week, I flew back to US. I didn’t wear a hat or surgical cap as I was comfortable with the healing progress and how I looked. At this time, I switched to Johnson & Johnson Baby shampoo for my head washes.

3rd & 4th Week: Minimal shedding started in week 3 and continued to progress into week 4. From what I’ve been reading and per clinic’s post care team, this is normal and part of the process, so I am just going with the flow.

Overall, I am happy with how things are looking after 1 month and on track for amazing results. Initially I did have concerns about my hairline being too high, but I am getting used to it. It looks like I had some shock loss behind my right temple point and maybe crown/donor area?? The left temple point doesn’t look as sharp as the right side so I am little concerned on how the temple points will turnout. Let me know what you guys think. I appreciate your feedback.


Looks really good work.

i REALLY hope they don't start cutting corners in pursuit of money.

Without naming names certainly a couple of HT surgeons seem to have started to prioritise money as opposed to results.

Comfort, time spent with patient, and peace of mind are all vital parts of this process. As soon as a clinic stops providing such care, that is when their reputation goes down hill.

Look forward to following this one. 

By the way, do you know what micron size your hair is? Seems thin like mine

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On 12/24/2021 at 5:06 AM, DJ40 said:


Hello All,

I stumbled upon this great forum few months back as I started researching more about HT’s. I am very grateful for this forum and its members as it provided me with useful information and the most honest reviews of clinics around the world. The amount of knowledge available is beyond anything else out there. So, to give back to this community, below is my Hair Loss journey and experience with @Eugenix Hair Sciences clinic in New Delhi, India.

Brief Background:

I started to notice my hair thinning around 19 years old, but I never took any action as it didn’t bother me much. Around age 23, I decided to try Laser Light Therapy to help stimulate growth. I stopped after about 6 sessions as I didn’t really notice any difference and it was expensive. Around the same time, I consulted with a Dermatologist who performed a biopsy of my scalp and results were that I had “High telogen effluvium”. He suggested I use Rogaine to help promote hair growth and do activities to lower stress. After 4 months of using Rogaine, I didn’t notice any difference and stopped using it. Fast forward to now, I am 31 years old and NW3 per Eugenix.

Clinics Consulted:

·         Feller & Bloxham Medical – I loved the natural hairlines Bloxham has been able to create so I consulted with his clinic via email early September. I liked his recommend plan of building hairline and density with around 2,500 – 3,500 grafts and finishing the back half of the scalp in another session down the road. However, after further research I didn’t want to take the FUT approach, so I took him off my list.

·         Eugenix – As I reviewed the list of recommended HT Surgeons on this forum, Dr. Arika Bansal and Dr. Pradeep stood out because of their credentials and the DHT method. After reviewing patient results and videos of Eugenix, and the fact that    @Melvin- Moderator was getting his “final” HT from there convinced me to consult and book HT with them. Another factor that played a role is I am Indian and figured they would be the most experienced dealing my hair type and facial framing. Based on the pictures I sent, they recommended 3,000 grafts.

Goals & Expectations:

My main goal is to have natural looking hairline with density and coverage for mid scalp. I also wanted to make sure donor area wasn’t overharvested and still have enough left for future HT if needed.

My Overall Plan:

Arrive one day prior to surgery to allow myself time to settle in and complete Pre-Op procedures. Stay 7 days after HT, to receive daily dressing and first head wash from clinic before flying out. As most of you may or may not know, it is not mandatory to stay for full 7 days post HT. This is just what I felt comfortable with doing.

Package and Cost:

Premium Package with Dr. Arika Bansal. Please see Eugenix website as the cost and services may have changed.

As of my booking the premium package contained the following:

·         Cost Rs. 210/graft plus tax

·         Planning, Design and 100% slits done by Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Designing Hairline – Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Significant Implantation (Hairline) – Max 300 to 400 - Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Crucial Extraction - Dr. Arika Bansal

·         Rest of the extraction and implantation by Senior Techs

·         3 nights stay at hotel


I decided to arrive one day prior to my surgery to complete my Pre-Op. The pre-op consisted of filling out paperwork, pictures, local anesthesia testing and blood pressure check.

Surgery Day:

·         Arrived at the clinic around 9am. Blood pressure was checked again, given pre-op medications, and changed into operational clothing.

·         Around 10am, Dr. Arika came and quickly drew hairline. Allowed me to provide feedback and she adjusted it accordingly. I ultimately differed to her expertise on how it should be.

·         More pictures were taken after hairline was drawn and donor and recipient area shaved.

·         Surgery started around 10:45am with nurse injecting anesthesia in frontal half followed by Dr. Arika making slits at the same.

·         After the slits are made, Dr. Arika leaves, senior techs start extracting and planting simultaneously.

·         Around 3-4PM, we had our lunch break. I believe around 1900 grafts were extracted/implanted by this time.

·         After lunch, the senior techs continued extraction and implantation.

·         Towards the end, Dr. Arika came in to extract few grafts and solidify the hairline.

·         Surgery ended around 9PM. Given post op care package and instructions and went back to the hotel.

Medication Regime:

·         Finastride: Started taking 1mg daily week prior to surgery and will continue to take it post-surgery. If I see any side effects then I will consult with doctor first and either go to alternate days, lower dose or stop. I decided to get 6 months of supply of Finax by Dr. Reddy as recommend by the clinic. Costs between $3-$4 for 30-day supply.

·         Biotin: 5000 mcg

The following I’ve been taking on/off months prior to surgery and will continue to use.

·         Ashwagandha: 1,000 mg

·         Tumeric: 1,000 mg

·         Collagen+biotin: 6,000 mg

Pros/Cons of Eugenix:


·         Dr. Arika Bansal – As many other members have stated, she is very knowledgeable, personable, and skilled. She knows what she is doing and overall nice person.

·         Friendly Staff – All Doctors, Technicians, Nurses, Sales Team, Concierge, Post Care team and drivers.

·         Accommodations – 5-Star hotel with daily pick up and drop off.

·         Post-Surgery Care Support – WhatsApp Group created for any questions and concerns.

Cons:  As great as this clinic is, there were some shortfalls in my experience compared to experiences others have shared on here.

Doctor Consultation: I requested few times during initial consultation with sales rep to set up meeting with Dr. Arika or Dr. Sethi for one on one individual case review and just get to know the doctor and feel comfortable. I was assured he would but that never happened and at that point I already committed to date and made deposit. So, I requested if something can be setup day prior to surgery so I can come meet the doctor, complete my pre-ops, tour the facility, and maybe see other patients. This never came to fruition as when I arrived day prior, I was giving some paperwork, blood pressure check, local anesthesia testing and sent back to hotel. At this time, I requested to see Dr. Arika but was told she was busy, and I can meet her prior to surgery.  

Hairline Design Process: I was expecting to be in an office with Dr. Bansal and getting my hair evaluated and go through hair designs. Guessing 15-20 mins as this is the most important part. However, that was not the case. I met Dr. Bansal (first time)  after I changed into surgery clothes in patient lounge and she came in with 2-3 others, quickly drew hairline, which I thought was too high and she lowered a bit to what she felt was best for my facial frame. Since, I trusted her expertise and 2-3 people just staring at you, I gave the ok. This whole process took no more than 5 mins.

Surgery Process: The team needs to better prepare/inform patient the process of surgery. After the initial slits were made by Dr. Arika and left, I had to keep guessing who was doing what and at what part of the surgery we were at. After awhile I just started asking questions and the team provided updates.

Local Anesthesia: This process can be improved to minimize reapplication in the same area.

Package Value: I chose the premium package for Dr. Arika’s involvement. However, I could have gotten away with Exclusive as I don’t believe I got what I paid for. Similar to @nodono experience. The procedure was supposed to be lead/supervised by Dr. Arika however after the initial slits were done by her in the morning, the next time I saw her was in the evening for final few hairline implantation. I understand she is busy and there were maybe 3-4 other surgeries going on at the time. But they should do better job scheduling to ensure patients get what they paid for.

Overall: Aside from few cons I listed, I believe Dr. Arika and team (too many wonderful people to list) did a great job with my HT. I’m very optimistic about my results. Thank you all in advance for reading/following my post and hopefully this will help someone in the future. Looking forward to your thoughts and answering any questions regarding my HT experience at Eugenix.

Updates: After my initial post which includes pre and post op pictures, I will provide monthly updates afterwards.

Lastly, it was great meeting fellow forum members @HyderabadBlues, @Berba11 and @juanjs84. Can't wait till our final results!




@DJ40 same here man, all the best for your results, they'll be great.

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On 12/25/2021 at 12:48 AM, MazAB said:

Looking very good at one month! Following your progress closely!

Hello Maz,

Thank you. I've been following your progress and looking to replicate medication regime as well. Will be adjusting mine based on valuable information you provided on your post. 

One thing I wanted to ask you, when did you start using Nizoral and how often do you use it? Did you have any conversation with Dr. Arika about this?


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On 12/26/2021 at 11:26 PM, gsd2k12 said:



 I was wondering if you had any discussion on density in hairline and frontal area. What calculation do they perform in deciding number of Grafts required.  


Hello, since I didn't get to meet the doctor for one v one consultation, I never had discussion regarding this. I just sent them my pics via Whatapps and they had doctors look at them and reply with what they believe is good amount of grafts.

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21 hours ago, DJ40 said:

Hello, since I didn't get to meet the doctor for one v one consultation, I never had discussion regarding this. I just sent them my pics via Whatapps and they had doctors look at them and reply with what they believe is good amount of grafts.

ah ok. definitely would have thought they'd provide that for the premium package. thanks for responding anyway!

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