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Difference between Normal FUE and Sapphire FUE?


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Nothing. It's the surgeon's skills behind the blade that makes the difference. You will see the term 'Sapphire' marketed very heavily (especially in Turkey) for no other reason than for marketing purposes (it's the same with DHI FUE versus DHT FUE, etc). Sure they use a Sapphire blade but go on the results of the patients. All the best!

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6 minutes ago, Gatsby said:

Nothing. It's the surgeon's skills behind the blade that makes the difference. You will see the term 'Sapphire' marketed very heavily (especially in Turkey) for no other reason than for marketing purposes (it's the same with DHI FUE versus DHT FUE, etc). Sure they use a Sapphire blade but go on the results of the patients. All the best!

Some of the top class doctors are claiming that Sapphire blade ensures faster healing and more densed hair than normal blade. 

Is that true? 🤔

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47 minutes ago, Kajol said:

Some of the top class doctors are claiming that Sapphire blade ensures faster healing and more densed hair than normal blade. 

Is that true? 🤔

The difference would be so minimal, if even true, so dont worry about it. 

Which Dr are you planning to go to?

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8 minutes ago, digi23 said:

The difference would be so minimal, if even true, so dont worry about it. 

Which Dr are you planning to go to?

Hi there, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I am planning to go to Dr. Ziya Yavuz, Turkey. 

Please do share pros and cons of this decision. TBH budget is an issue for me

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Under no circumstances go to this “Dr” absolutely one of the worse choices in Turkey. Just put that name in to the search bar and see what comes up.

You want decent “affordable” options then consider Dr Bicer, Dr Yaman and Dr Demirsoy. If you can’t afford those then keep saving up. 

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1 hour ago, Kajol said:

Some of the top class doctors are claiming that Sapphire blade ensures faster healing and more densed hair than normal blade. 

Is that true? 🤔

Not a true statement. Which Drs have you seen boasting this ? Ones from hair mills. It’s a marketing technique. 

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I went with a lower cost clinic, it would be 2350 euros for you with Dr Yaman instead, if I were to give you a recommendation I would say go with him because its almost the same price as the clown Ziya Yavuz. If you can save up even more and go for someone like Dr Demirsoy or Dr Bicer it would be even better. For the same price as Yaman you have Dr Gur & Turan at FueCapilar which is also 100x better.

We atleast gave you a warning now, there is many people coming in here and we tell them the truth, they leave and probably go through anyways with the hair transplant. Now its your own choice.

You can see my thread here about Dr Yaman, I still have not got my results because it was only 2 months ago:


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  • Senior Member
2 hours ago, Kajol said:

Hi there, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I am planning to go to Dr. Ziya Yavuz, Turkey. 

Please do share pros and cons of this decision. TBH budget is an issue for me

@Kajolif you want, I will send you photos in PM of what this pseudo doctor is "capable" of doing, I think you would also be willing to lose the money you gave in advance, if you gave it to him, and to cancel with him.

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Sapphire along with DHI are marketing gimmicks, they do not guarantee results. They are just tools and techniques, in good hands they can be successful in the wrong hands they can be disastrous. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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6 minutes ago, Melvin- Moderator said:

Sapphire along with DHI are marketing gimmicks, they do not guarantee results. They are just tools and techniques, in good hands they can be successful in the wrong hands they can be disastrous. 

I would even go as far as to say that the use/mention of sapphire blades in particular is generally a big red flag as they're pretty cheap tools that, more importantly, are mainly used by Turkish hair mill clinics. I cannot recall ever seeing or hearing of a reputable clinic using Sapphire blades. 

As Melvin says here, worry far more about the doctor/clinic's skill than the technique used or whether they use manual/automated punches and at the same time be weary of terms like sapphire FUE as I can pretty much bet my life that any clinic who associates themselves with this isn't going to be good.

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  • Valued Contributor
9 hours ago, Kajol said:

Some of the top class doctors are claiming that Sapphire blade ensures faster healing and more densed hair than normal blade. 

Is that true? 🤔

It's not true, but in reality you should be asking these "top doctors" for some published papers in the literature that supports the claim. There aren't any on this of course, because it's just a marketing tool.

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  • Senior Member
10 hours ago, Kajol said:

Hi there, thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I am planning to go to Dr. Ziya Yavuz, Turkey. 

Please do share pros and cons of this decision. TBH budget is an issue for me

If you plan visit butchery, then dr. Ziya Yavuz is famous "cutthroat" , as his work and results more look like work from butchery, than from serious HT clinic, he is all , else right place to get your surgery.

Guy who false present himself as part of well know clinic "Acibadem", even he just used rooms in their building :) , is enough to easy to understand what type of doctor is that cheater guy, you can find many cases online of his patients, who damaged donor area by overharvesting.

So, friendly suggestion stay away from this guy dr. Ziya Yavuz, as after such doctor's work, will be difficult other good doctors repair such HTs. Don't allow budged define you to choose such bad doctors, better spare some money 6-12-18 months, whatever, and choose some of recommended doctors here at HRN, or from some people you saw real good HTs, not 1, but more them.

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