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23 year old, clinic advice needed

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Hi all, I’m 23 and I’m thinking it might be the time to get my hair sorted.

My temples have been gradually receding since I was about 19/20 and they seem to have found some form of stability in the last year or so.

My crown has stayed pretty thick throughout, my barber commented on the thickness of my crown the last time I had my hair cut.

As of now I haven’t used finasteride, but I do have a biotin shampoo that I use daily.


I’ve attached some pics to help, if anyone has any advice either in terms or next actions or clinics, it would be very much appreciated.

Thank you in advance.






Edited by YoungGuyOldHair
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You need to see a dermatologist and consider taking Fin, either oral or topical. With loss already you need a long term plan if you want to retain the hair you have . Or you will spend your time chasing your progressing loss. 
And just about any ethical clinic won’t consider performing a transplant until your at least 25. I would suggest you seek out a dermatologist and consider the usual classic combo of fin/Minox. 

Edited by JohnAC71
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As above: Finasteride first (to make sure you don't get any sides). Consider Minoxidil a bit later on (I always think it's better to use Fin first for a while not only to check for sides, but also to try and establish whether it's working before stacking other treatments on top, otherwise you won't know what is and isn't working if you start a bunch of stuff at once). If finasteride works you may not want to bother with the extra hassle of minoxidil or anything else anyway.

My own personal take which I rarely see get mentioned... Buzz everything off (nothing longer than a grade 3) and live with short hair for a bit. 3-6 months minimum - give yourself time to get used to it. You may like it. Others will almost certainly like it, and it may save you a lot of expense, worry, upkeep or a bad HT result down the line. Watch some Baldcafe videos on YouTube to get inspired. If you still think you'd like a HT down the line, then you can do so knowing that you took the time to try out other possibilities first and therefore will be making a decision from a place of experience and information. 

I started losing my hair in my late teens and early 20's. I'm 32 next month and will be getting a HT ideally within the next 12 months, once the ability to travel more conveniently from the UK is available again. What I'd say is... wait! Don't rush. I don't regret waiting at all. Having a good hairline wouldn't have done anything to improve my 20's, though I doubtless thought that it might at the time.

So, my best advice would be:

1. Finasteride

2. Buzz it all off at some point

3. Wait, and wait some more (& keep researching and learning in the mean time)


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You’re too young for a hair transplant. Look to be headed to a Norwood 6/7 by age 30. Without finasteride you will progress to that level, it’s a reality. I would suggest shaving it now and see how you like it, otherwise definitely try and fight with medication. Do you live in Canada? 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Yeah, it's not what you want to hear, but just getting a transplant now at the age of 23 whilst doing absolutely nothing to preserve your hair (finasteride) is a recipe for disaster. You absolutely shouldn't do that, there's a decent chance you'll just be in the same position in another 3 or 4 years except now you'll look extremely strange with a band of hair at the front extending into your temples and slick bald areas behind. And if it continues to advance aggressively then you'll run out of donor and just be in an all around terrible position.

I don't think it's a given that you'll proceed to be a NW7 by the time you're 30 though, you might do, but who knows. To be fair your hair does look pretty strong everywhere else so I would actually think you won't proceed to a NW7 anytime soon, maybe never, but you'll almost certainly continue to lose more hair in any case. If you do nothing though and you are destined to be a high Norwood, you'll certainly know about it in the next few years as you'll be well on your way by the time you're 26/27/28.

You need to get on finasteride and then wait until you're in your late 20's; if you get on fin now and in the next 3 or 4 years your hair stays pretty similar to how it is now then you'll be in a decent position to go ahead and get a HT.

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Biotin shampoo is nice and all but won't prevent hair loss.  Get on fin, don't get a HT

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

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I do notice the beginning of diffusion in the very center of your crown where the whirl is...medication can prevent it from getting worse.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Do not go see a hair surgeon at this stage.  Try meds and rogaine after seeing a dermatologist.  Get a blood workup to check vitamin d as well . 

you have signs of male pattern baldness but see how meds first.  Stay away from docs until you allow meds to work a year in your body.  

there are great surgeons in US and Europe.  Do not rush into this.  I was in similar boat and got screwed and trying to get out of the mess.  

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