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In need of guidance regarding my hair loss

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Hello everyone,

I am 27 years of age, from Ireland and I have been suffering from hair loss for the past 9 years.

To say that it has destroyed my self esteem would be putting it lightly and I am becoming increasingly depressed & suicidal. I am at the point now where I need to do something about my hair loss. I am scared of travelling to Turkey as I have seen a lot of horror stories and I think a botched FUE would be the finish of me.

I spend approx. 2 hours everyday fixing my hair with hair sprays and use a towel on my scalp in a circular motion to try and make the hair appear more dense to cover my receeding hairline. It is probably worsening my hairloss but I cannot leave the house unless the recession is covered over. I am really tired of living this way.

I have used minoxidil in the past and I have been taking finasteride for the past 6 month's but I fear it is worsening my mood and I have seen no improvement.

I received a quote from HOI (Hair Of Istanbul) for €4500 last year but I felt rushed by them so it turned me off going to them. I would rather go to somewhere in the UK or Europe later this year (I cannot wait any longer)

I have attached recent photographs of my hairloss (past year)


Any advice & discussion would be greatly appreciated 








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your hair is not that bad.

you are very good candidate to get a hair transplant.

I wouldnt go to Turkey. There are better surgeons.


- Saifi Poland - i went there very happy with results

- Dr Devroye Belgium

- BHR Belgium

- Hasson & Wong Canada

- Dr Freitas Spain - May have long waiting list.

Edited by hairman22
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Welcome to the forum ! You have many options open to you, and thankfully you already dodged a bullet by not choosing HOI. 
Have you seen the recommended list:


If your considering the UK then please look at Dr Arshad. He’s forum recommended and doing some of the best work here.

However if you can travel further afield then you could consider HDC, BHR and De Freitas. That’s just some names to consider. 


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Thank you so much for getting to this forum and I know that you cannot experience what I am about to write but you are in a good place with many, many people who have been where you are (myself included) and have come out the other side where all of this pain and depression is behind them. I living proof.

Firstly I would forget Turkey entirely. That's not to say that their are not a couple of surgeons there who could help you but it's not for you in the head space you are in. Secondly I want you to know that at 18 after two severely botched hair transplants I too felt suicidal. I went and saw a psychiatrist at the time as I was only 19 and was not only balding but was also left with 'doll's hair' plugs coming out of my hairline! I had to go to Uni like this everyday and at the time I couldn't see a future. How wrong I was. I strongly recommend that you see someone professional as you 'may' be suffering from body dysmorphic disorder in terms of the level of depression you are at (which is also normal for anyone with MPB). The positive thing is that you have lost minimal hair for your age! You have so many options available to you in terms of medicine and world class surgeons. Please feel free to DM me if you wish to speak in private. All the best!



third session front.jpg


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I know it may seem like my recession is minimal in comparison to other people but I used to have a low hairline which I have roughly marked in the photo attached and it is continuing to receed rapidly (clumps of hair falling out all over the top of my head when in the shower) which is why I am feeling so down in myself and beginning to panic.

I do not have a lot of money which makes it even more difficult in terms of my options in Europe as it is more expensive.

Are there any specific known clinics that do not have long waiting lists in Europe where the Doctor performs the procedure himself and do not charge a fortune?


Thank you all for your responses :)I am looking in to the Doctor's mentioned 


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So have you found finasteride beneficial at all (mood side effects aside)? It can take up to two years before the drug obtains full benefit. I posted the pics of myself just to show you what depression, hair loss and making an emotional decision can result in. I had at least 6 operations with a plastic surgeon over four years after my hair transplants to remove the punch graft plugs which has left me with a linear scar running along my hairline quite low (and also pics of the damage to the donor area). I would not suggest trying to regain the hairline you once had 9 years ago as it will not look natural or age appropriate as you continue to grow older. You require a hairline that you can grow into and not out of. But the most important message I want to convey is that you do have time and their is no immediate need to do what I did on impulse. Spend more time consulting with surgeons who are recommended here to build up a rapport with one that meets your hair loss needs for both now and in the future. Also please consider talking to someone professional so that you can get to a point where you are making a rational decision and not an emotional one. If I had have done the same I would never have had the surgery in the first place. I'd really love it if you learn from my mistakes for free and not from your own potentially. All the best!

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Have to agree with @Gatsbythats very good advice. Definitely consider a hairline which is less aggressive than you have drawn. 
You will look better and it will use less of your valuable grafts. None of us with hair loss have our original hairlines in our later years.. 

And now you have some very good Drs/Clinics that have been mentioned you can start your research/consulting.

Definitely no rush ! Take your time with this. And it’s most certainly worth waiting a few months or so for a decent clinic 🙏

Edited by JohnAC71
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29 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

Have to agree with @Gatsbythats very good advice. Definitely consider a hairline which is more aggressive than you have drawn. 
You will look better and it will use less of your valuable grafts. None of us with hair loss have our original hairlines in our later years.. 

And now you have some very good Drs/Clinics that have been mentioned you can start your research/consulting.

Definitely no rush ! Take your time with this. And it’s most certainly worth waiting a few months or so for a decent clinic 🙏

Less aggressive presumably ? 

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Something like this OP, I would predict to require somewhere in the region of 2000 grafts for your case. Will improve you significantly, without being unnaturally juvenile. 

You’re not in a bad position, I know it’s easier said than done, but try not to be too hard on yourself. 

Spend time reading and learning on here - the best thing you can be doing just now alongside saving up your money. 


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1 minute ago, JohnAC71 said:

Agreed with @Curious25i was also trying to draw a similar hairline position. 👌

I see what he means but I hate the bends in my hairline, I will need it to be straight but yeah I think I am being a bit overly optimistic with the line I drew (probably from looking at the Instagram account of Hair Of Istanbul 😅)

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I’m using Snapchat so it’s pretty shoddy drawing I’m afraid, but hopefully you get the idea. 

Depending on your facial features and overall head shape, will determine how straight or curved your hairline design should be 

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20 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

Maybe 2000-2500 grafts ? That’s quite deep recession. Expect to get quotes that are anywhere between 1500-3000 probably. 

Correct ... these areas will also require grafts for the transition. Different doctors will offer different quotations , however if your hairline design is going to be similar to what has been proposed on here, any less than 2000 will leave you with less than adequate density IMO. 


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1 hour ago, Gerard21 said:

I see what he means but I hate the bends in my hairline, I will need it to be straight but yeah I think I am being a bit overly optimistic with the line I drew (probably from looking at the Instagram account of Hair Of Istanbul 😅)

@Gerard21 looking at Instagram marketing of Turkey hairlines is a one way ticket of jumping out of the pan and into the fire. Stick with the sage advice of John and Curious25. Ultimately after doing all your research the best advice will be what your chosen surgeon recommends for a hairline that will need to last you a lifetime. All the best!

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4 hours ago, Gerard21 said:

I know it may seem like my recession is minimal in comparison to other people but I used to have a low hairline which I have roughly marked in the photo attached and it is continuing to receed rapidly (clumps of hair falling out all over the top of my head when in the shower) which is why I am feeling so down in myself and beginning to panic.

I do not have a lot of money which makes it even more difficult in terms of my options in Europe as it is more expensive.

Are there any specific known clinics that do not have long waiting lists in Europe where the Doctor performs the procedure himself and do not charge a fortune?


Thank you all for your responses :)I am looking in to the Doctor's mentioned 


Still got great hair. Get on fin and maintain what you have. The draw up you have here is too agressive. You don’t need a hairline that low, you need something age appropriate and that leaves you grafts for the future. Tread carefully with Turkish clinics, you have better options in Europe, some already mentioned in the comments, save the money and get it done right. 

Bisanga, Freitas, couto, Zarev are a few names to consider. Or come take advantage of our pathetic Canadian dollar here and look at dr rahal & H&W

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What about Dr Jean DEVROYE MD ?

He may be able to see me in the middle of next month due to cancellations.

Any information on this Doctor? 

He will analyse my photos and get back to me with a preliminary estimate for the procedure 

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1 minute ago, Gerard21 said:

What about Dr Jean DEVROYE MD ?

He may be able to see me in the middle of next month due to cancellations.

Any information on this Doctor? 

He will analyse my photos and get back to me with a preliminary estimate for the procedure 

He is a Elite Coalition Member here ! So yes 👏 check out his results on the forum. 

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6 hours ago, Gerard21 said:

I know it may seem like my recession is minimal in comparison to other people but I used to have a low hairline which I have roughly marked in the photo attached and it is continuing to receed rapidly (clumps of hair falling out all over the top of my head when in the shower) which is why I am feeling so down in myself and beginning to panic.

I do not have a lot of money which makes it even more difficult in terms of my options in Europe as it is more expensive.

Are there any specific known clinics that do not have long waiting lists in Europe where the Doctor performs the procedure himself and do not charge a fortune?


Thank you all for your responses :)I am looking in to the Doctor's mentioned 


You will never get your old hairline. Not realistic or a good way to approach surgery. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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