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Dr Arshad - 2247 grafts


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Hi all, 

9 Month Update 

Unfortunately not the result I had hoped for up to this point. I had a discussion with the clinic pre Christmas who advised switching to a different shampoo to fix dry scalp issues, this did the trick and may have improved growth somewhat. They also advised oral minoxidil which after this week's catch up I am going to try to see if this pushes any more growth. 

Not going to lie, I'm disappointed up to this point but will wait the full 12 months to see if things progress further but looking impossible to match native hair. 



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I share your concern. The work looked fine, but this isn’t exactly what you should expecting at 9 months. What are your thoughts ? Would you seek a other transplant after the 12 month period has elapsed ? Personally I would be looking elsewhere. Something has happened here, this does not look like 2.2k with of grafts have grown in. Sorry man 😞

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Sorry to see how this is turning out for you. If I was you, I would get the ball rolling contacting some different clinics for another HT after the 12 month mark; you're going to have to wait X amount of months for a slot with a good surgeon, so it's best to get things moving ASAP, well, if you want to wait as little as possible at least.

Anything insinuating that a dry scalp has caused poor growth leaves a bit of a bad taste in my mouth to be honest as it feels like excuses/trying to shift blame onto yourself or your own physiology instead of the clinic taking responsibility. It's not your fault, or because you had dry skin, and minoxidil isn't going to do anything to boost the growth of your transplanted hair that didn't make it.... I see the Hair Dr doing the same thing to a lot of their patients who have had poor growth and I don't really understand the logic.

To be honest, I'll just say it at this point, the clinic is definitely having clear issues with poor growth and in my opinion it is clear they are doing something wrong that is damaging grafts and leading to results like this one. Don't understand why they're still recommended here personally, but that's just my opinion. I think the way the hair sparsely grows out is even similar looking between different patients from the clinic and at this point I feel like I can call out a poor Arshad result without knowing who did it and just by seeing a pic. I would personally not go back under any circumstances, there are much better choices, so do yourself a favour.

Wishing you a bit more growth over the last few months anyway mate.

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This clinic and surgeons recommendation status needs to be seriously looked at IMO.

I remember it all being very rushed through when it came to the recommendation proposal originally, and I expressed my concerns back then that all we had at the time were a handful of, admittedly good, but clinic published results. Other than that, we had no other previously information nor knowledge on this doctor, or the practice itself - and I hate to say it, but given the multiple concerning cases we have seen from patients of this clinic on the forum over the last 12 months, it is clear there is something that is not right here.

The odd few good results do not compensate for a lack of consistency - otherwise we would be endorsing renowned hair mills going off that criteria, as we have all seen knock out results online that such clinics are able to post - however for the patient, consistency is ALWAYS the key variable to be able to go into surgery with confidence. 

OP - the good news is that under the right surgeons hands, you will be an easy fix, and fortunately, you haven't expended a devastating amount of grafts this time around, not ideal, but by no means unrecoverable. 

Don't go back to this clinic for a touch up - if they will offer some form of refund, then great, but to insult your intelligence by claiming a dry scalp has been the cause of this result, is just unforgivable. 

Hopefully this will be a note to the moderators and admins for future new additions to the recommendation list - this forum has came on leaps and bounds over the last few years, and is the best english speaking source for hair restoration online in my personal opinion - however please do no get carried away and over look the basic core principles that the forum is based upon, and relax recommendation criteria in attempts to branch out, despite me genuinely believing that this is coming from a good place, rather than a monetary motive. 

The fact that this website and forum is such a good source of knowledge and valuable information, is the very reason why the recommendation list is so highly valued by users and members of the public - so the Dr's and Clinics on that list should be continually reviewed, to ensure they are maintaing the high standards of results and ethics that got them on there in the first place, and new additions should be vetted extremely carefully, and over a sustained period of time. 

Edited by Curious25
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Sorry you are going through this mate. Hope you get it sorted and get a result you are happy with.

I'm fairly new to the forum, but quickly questioned why this surgeon and clinic are recommended. Like some others have said, as soon as I see that someone has gone to that clinic I can picture what the graft placement will look like and it is almost always poor, with very poor density. I've actually yet to see a transplant from this clinic that I would consider satisfactory, let alone brilliant. When you see some of the results from the other clinics recommended on here, it's clear to me this surgeon and clinic is not in the same league.  I'm sure there will be some patients happy with their results, but for me personally I wouldnt event consider a Consultation.

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@GB1 sorry to see this. If it makes you feel better, needing a follow up repair/touch up HT is basically a rite of passage, very few guys can get away with just 1 HT

In general this has been a very interesting thread. A pre-existing forum member has done his research and goes to a well-known doc. The surgery and post-op seem to go swimmingly well, just for things to fizzle and not work out. Sometimes it really is luck of the draw unfortunately. 

Did you notice anything unusual or odd, or anything give you bad vibes during surgery? I doubt it is a scalp/physiological issue (although I'm sure the clinic would love you to believe that). 

Whatever you do, I would cut your losses and start exploring other clinics. Even if Dr. Arshad and his team truly did put in a 10/10 effort, their method is not just working for you. 

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3 minutes ago, Curious25 said:

This clinic and surgeons recommendation status needs to be seriously looked at IMO.

I remember it all being very rushed through when it came to the recommendation proposal originally, and I expressed my concerns back then that all we had at the time were a handful of, admittedly good, but clinic published results. Other than that, we had no other previously information nor knowledge on this doctor, or the practice itself - and I hate to say it, but given the multiple concerning cases we have seen from patients of this clinic on the forum over the last 12 months, it is clear there is something is not right here.

The odd few good results do not compensate for a lack of consistency - otherwise we would be endorsing renowned hair mills going off that criteria, as we have all seen knock out results online that such clinics are able to post - however for the patient, consistency is ALWAYS the key variable to be able to go into surgery with confidence. 

OP - the good news is that under the right surgeons hand, you will be an easy fix, and fortunately, you haven't expended a devastating amount of grafts this time around, not ideal, but by no means unrecoverable. 

Don't go back to this clinic for a touch up - if they will offer some form of refund, then great, but to insult your intelligence by claiming a dry scalp has been the cause of this result, is just unforgivable. 

Hopefully this will be a note to the moderators and admins for future new additions to the recommendation list - this forum has came on leaps and bounds over the last few years, and is the best english speaking source for hair restoration online in my personal opinion - however please do no get carried away and over look the basic core principles that the forum is based upon, and relax recommendation criteria in attempts to branch out, despite me genuinely believing that this is coming from a good place, rather than a monetary motive. 

The fact that this website and forum is such a good source of knowledge and valuable information, is the very reason why the recommendation list is so highly valued by users and members of the public - so the Dr's and Clinics on that list should be continually tracked, to ensure they are maintaing the high standards of results and ethics that got them on there in the first place, and new additions should be vetted extremely carefully, and over a sustained period of time. 

I agree 100% with you @Curious25. I don't understand how it's even really up for debate anymore when there are handfuls (yes, plural) worth of results posted between here and the UK forum (hairlossexperiences) in the last 12+ months that have had poor levels of growth. I mean, a decent percentage of the total, overall patient posted journeys from this clinic over the past 12-18 months have been objectively unsatisfactory... isn't this the metric we're supposed to rely on when choosing a clinic, and the metric that this site preaches and urges us to use to pick a clinic or surgeon? 

I feel like concerns regarding this particular clinic are being massively overlooked or shot down when raised, and have been for a long time now. The thing is, none of us have a horse in this particular race and there really is no motive or agenda to bash the Hair Dr clinic, or any other surgeon for that matter. The only agenda is one of protecting people coming here for insight into which clinic to chose and making sure they do chose someone who is likely to give them a good result, not a bad one (something that is evidenced by us all regularly logging on here to give advice to others with absolutely no gain to ourselves whatsoever).

I've said it before, but people will inevitably come here and chose a clinic solely off the strength that they are recommended here. This carries huge responsibility as people are being directly led into this doctors hands and, at that point, the site is partially culpable for any unhappy outcomes as long as they continue to do so when there are clear and known issues with quality outcomes. The amount of people I've seen based in the UK who come on and clearly don't want to travel abroad and then pick Arshad after finding out he's recommended here is quite high, and as I say, the only reason they do so is because of this site....

As it happens, I know that the admin of the UK forum has removed Arshad's sponsorship from his site as a direct result of the recent results, so it's certainly not just forum members over here who are seeing issues. 

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4 minutes ago, JDEE0 said:

I've said it before, but people will inevitably come here and chose a clinic solely off the strength that they are recommended here. This carries huge responsibility as people are being directly led into this doctors hands and, at that point, the site is partially culpable for any unhappy outcomes as long as they continue to do so when there are clear and known issues with quality outcomes

This is exactly it - The gold standard the forum preaches is to starting off by doing your research from the recommended list, and then look for patient posted results. The paradox is that the overwhelming majority of patient posted results from this clinic on here are poor, which leads to the elephant in the room question of, why is this clinic on the recommended list in the first place. 

Like JDEE0 said, there is no agenda against this clinic, other than that of protecting new and existing members of the community. 

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We now have more than a fair few poor results showing. And I hope this doesn’t alarm the other patients who could be reading this. But it cannot be ignored, the clinic isn’t showing consistent results and although the after care is good, this shouldn’t be needed for the majority of cases. 
The clinic should at least be put under review, absolutely nobody here (member wise) has been recommending them for quite some time. I have now watched the same pattern from all the forums I’m a member of. It’s not a couple of poor results anymore, it’s many. And it’s a shame as they have previously had good results. 

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On 1/6/2022 at 6:51 PM, JDEE0 said:

in this particular race and there really is no motive or agenda to bash the Hair Dr clinic, or any other surgeon for that matter. The only agenda is one of protecting people coming here for insight into which clinic to chose and making sure they do chose someone who is likely to give them a good result, not a bad one (something that is evidenced by us all regularly logging on here to give advice to others with absolutely no gain to ourselves whatsoever).

I've said it before, but people will inevitably come here and chose a clinic

Hey guys I had an FUE with Hair Clinic on Sept 3. I am just over month 4. 

I have a thread I am updating. I can confirm I chose them based on the reviews I read here. I then checked his Google reviews and again they are all great, you can check and organize by most recent.

Onto my experience / hair. Ok so there is improvement, it's not like NO IMPROVEMENT at all. There is definetely filling and some sort of growth taking place, especially my right template. There is an obvious "SLOW growth" to my left template. My hairline...also it's not amazing BUT at the same time I know I should be start to expect movement in Month 5 and 6. This and the next month.

I only have one complaint with them, during the post phase, maybe month 2. I just raised some casual questions asking about my left temple why is it slower is it normal etc.  I asked the question here on the forum too. They watch the forum, so when I contacted them asking about this one of their girls that work there immediately facetimed me which is fine but she went into a rant on me saying "This is the process! You should know this, please stop panicking and i read what you wrote on the forum too! If I knew you were like this we would not have done the surgery with you!"

I got really angry at this agressive thing and said I'm not in panic, you are the professionals I'm just asking a question and she continued to talk to me like this so my personality is I cannot keep calm being spoken to like this so after being spoken to like this I couldn't help it and gave back a few swear words and told her I don't appreciate being spoken to like this like i am mentally ill or sick, you can see my face, you can hear my voice to now talk to me like this is unacceptable - and yes I did slide in a few F words. At this point she completely backed down and defended herself saying "She is an emotional person and she just wants the person and she is sorry if she came across as agressive". TBH after that point, I don't even want to contact them. It's not exactly "customer service"

Even if you think your client is maybe paranoid or worried about something health wise or for what they paid for, even if they bother you 3x or whatever it was, as a company providing any type of service you have to relax and calm the patient and tell them what's happening and why. So that was 1 bad experience with them. I continue to update them monthly, I Was never upset or paranoid about anything, I know it takes time but naturally my first FUE of course after month 1 or 2 etc you have questions sometimes! So, so far I can only say that.

In terms of actual growth - I will update my thread and maybe even try to find an old pic to show where I'm at. If I'm honest and seeing other people at this month mark I was def hoping for more BUT I'm not stupid and I know it's also this month and the next that in my case should be crucial according to majority of people where they start seeing changes. I don't want to hear from the clinic we should expect to see growth month 9-12 when the majority of people on this forum see growth at 5-6 month marks.

As for blaming scalps thats not a good call either - then when you were doing it you should have noticed that and mentioned it to the client.
Let's see how this goes, I'm not worried, I see the Google reviews there is positive reviews there. But of course it's not nice for me knowing i went to this place and around the same time i went is the same time it seems more negative reviews are coming based on results alone :(

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On 1/6/2022 at 7:58 PM, Curious25 said:

This is exactly it - The gold standard the forum preaches is to starting off by doing your research from the recommended list, and then look for patient posted results. The paradox is that the overwhelming majority of patient posted results from this clinic on here are poor, which leads to the elephant in the room question of, why is this clinic on the recommended list in the first place. 

Like JDEE0 said, there is no agenda against this clinic, other than that of protecting new and existing members of the community. 

Hi I'm relatively new here. Where could I find such a recommended list? 


@ OP; sorry to see that the results aren't as good as they should have been. Hope you'll see some improvement in the time remaining...

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53 minutes ago, Hairsome said:

Hi I'm relatively new here. Where could I find such a recommended list? 


@ OP; sorry to see that the results aren't as good as they should have been. Hope you'll see some improvement in the time remaining...

The forums recommended list:


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9 hours ago, londonhairlossvictim said:

I only have one complaint with them, during the post phase, maybe month 2. I just raised some casual questions asking about my left temple why is it slower is it normal etc.  I asked the question here on the forum too. They watch the forum, so when I contacted them asking about this one of their girls that work there immediately facetimed me which is fine but she went into a rant on me saying "This is the process! You should know this, please stop panicking and i read what you wrote on the forum too! If I knew you were like this we would not have done the surgery with you!"

I got really angry at this agressive thing and said I'm not in panic, you are the professionals I'm just asking a question and she continued to talk to me like this so my personality is I cannot keep calm being spoken to like this so after being spoken to like this I couldn't help it and gave back a few swear words and told her I don't appreciate being spoken to like this like i am mentally ill or sick, you can see my face, you can hear my voice to now talk to me like this is unacceptable - and yes I did slide in a few F words. At this point she completely backed down and defended herself saying "She is an emotional person and she just wants the person and she is sorry if she came across as agressive". TBH after that point, I don't even want to contact them. It's not exactly "customer service"

wow this was really unprofessional behavior. 

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On 1/9/2022 at 2:11 AM, londonhairlossvictim said:

Hey guys I had an FUE with Hair Clinic on Sept 3. I am just over month 4. 

I have a thread I am updating. I can confirm I chose them based on the reviews I read here. I then checked his Google reviews and again they are all great, you can check and organize by most recent.

Onto my experience / hair. Ok so there is improvement, it's not like NO IMPROVEMENT at all. There is definetely filling and some sort of growth taking place, especially my right template. There is an obvious "SLOW growth" to my left template. My hairline...also it's not amazing BUT at the same time I know I should be start to expect movement in Month 5 and 6. This and the next month.

I only have one complaint with them, during the post phase, maybe month 2. I just raised some casual questions asking about my left temple why is it slower is it normal etc.  I asked the question here on the forum too. They watch the forum, so when I contacted them asking about this one of their girls that work there immediately facetimed me which is fine but she went into a rant on me saying "This is the process! You should know this, please stop panicking and i read what you wrote on the forum too! If I knew you were like this we would not have done the surgery with you!"

I got really angry at this agressive thing and said I'm not in panic, you are the professionals I'm just asking a question and she continued to talk to me like this so my personality is I cannot keep calm being spoken to like this so after being spoken to like this I couldn't help it and gave back a few swear words and told her I don't appreciate being spoken to like this like i am mentally ill or sick, you can see my face, you can hear my voice to now talk to me like this is unacceptable - and yes I did slide in a few F words. At this point she completely backed down and defended herself saying "She is an emotional person and she just wants the person and she is sorry if she came across as agressive". TBH after that point, I don't even want to contact them. It's not exactly "customer service"

Even if you think your client is maybe paranoid or worried about something health wise or for what they paid for, even if they bother you 3x or whatever it was, as a company providing any type of service you have to relax and calm the patient and tell them what's happening and why. So that was 1 bad experience with them. I continue to update them monthly, I Was never upset or paranoid about anything, I know it takes time but naturally my first FUE of course after month 1 or 2 etc you have questions sometimes! So, so far I can only say that.

In terms of actual growth - I will update my thread and maybe even try to find an old pic to show where I'm at. If I'm honest and seeing other people at this month mark I was def hoping for more BUT I'm not stupid and I know it's also this month and the next that in my case should be crucial according to majority of people where they start seeing changes. I don't want to hear from the clinic we should expect to see growth month 9-12 when the majority of people on this forum see growth at 5-6 month marks.

As for blaming scalps thats not a good call either - then when you were doing it you should have noticed that and mentioned it to the client.
Let's see how this goes, I'm not worried, I see the Google reviews there is positive reviews there. But of course it's not nice for me knowing i went to this place and around the same time i went is the same time it seems more negative reviews are coming based on results alone :(

Oh yeah, you're still very early and I've seen your thread, you look to be coming along just fine mate. I'm not just saying that because I feel bad and don't want to make you panic based off what I have said re the clinic that you had surgery with, but to me everything looks normal for you right now and you're on track! 

But yeah, that's not really an ideal response from the clinic, is it. I would have told them that I don't appreciate the patronising tone or attitude and that, believe it or not, this is what these forums are created for.... to get some impartial advice or opinions on what's going on with your HT, whether it be 2 months in, 6 months in or a year in. It's not as if you said something bad about them, you just asked a normal question that many have asked before you. To respond to you with "If I knew you were like this we wouldn't have done surgery with you" is borderline outrageous in my eyes. Reading that has actually pissed me off a little bit for you.

To be honest, I had only really read good things about their customer service. I have clearly not been a fan of their results for a long time as I've mentioned before when it has come up in threads, but until recently at least, I had if nothing else believed their aftercare and support to be very good based off what I read. But, along with reading what you've just said, I recently saw something else on the UK forum (hairlossexperiences.com) in a thread about the Hair Dr that pissed me off even more than what was said to you. 

A guy made a thread called 'The Hair Dr. (Dewsbury/Leeds) - A Discussion' (anyone interested can look it up easily on another forum to see that I am being completely impartial here) where he was extremely respectful and really said nothing but good words about the clinic, but had a poor result nearly at the year mark. As a result, he posted some pictures side by side of before and after and did so very fairly and well; they were in almost identical conditions/lighting and were about as fair comparison photos as anyone could possibly provide.

Similar to yourself @londonhairlossvictim, the clinic saw the thread and had some words to say. The OP informed readers that, and I quote, "Sadly Sommiya text just to call the pictures I posted on here disingenuous. I really can't do any better than same angle, place, same camera, lens and camera settings".

This is completely unacceptable and unfair - if you see the thread yourself then you'll understand why. As I say, the pictures were completely accurate and very fair; the poor guy who posted them paid nearly 15 grand, used up nearly 5,000 grafts of his donor supply, waited patiently for 9 months only to find out he looks the exact same as before surgery, and their response is to attempt to completely gaslight him and blame him, the true victim in all of this, unjustly? I'm sorry, but upon reading what was said to londonhairlossvictim, this needs to be called out and brought to attention.  It's completely unacceptable.

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1 hour ago, Dark said:

Wow, I’ve got to say that this clinic was one of the 2 in the U.K. I was considering. I’ll need to seriously reassess the situation now.

Info much appreciated guys!


What is currently the best clinic in England? 



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8 hours ago, aKaWonderKid said:


What is currently the best clinic in England? 



Can’t advise on the question. However I’m British and personally I’d say one of the biggest mistakes people make when looking for a surgeon is to only look in their local country, especially if European. A HT is such a huge financial, emotional and time (recovery and growth) commitment - it’s a minor cost and a little more organisation for a flight and couple of nights in a hotel but it greatly broadens the choices and quality available. Any top clinic, fortunately for us, should be able to cater well to clients in English.

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47 minutes ago, New_Barnet_Please said:

Can’t advise on the question. However I’m British and personally I’d say one of the biggest mistakes people make when looking for a surgeon is to only look in their local country, especially if European. A HT is such a huge financial, emotional and time (recovery and growth) commitment - it’s a minor cost and a little more organisation for a flight and couple of nights in a hotel but it greatly broadens the choices and quality available. Any top clinic, fortunately for us, should be able to cater well to clients in English.

I get all that but personally I'd feel a bit better having it in my own country where I can go home same day... after your op its all about resting. I wouldn't be able to rest too much knowing when I get home, if sometbing goes wrong them I'm screwed.

Whatever people say, clinics cant help you an awful lot if you're in another country unless you fly out to see them

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Just now, aKaWonderKid said:

I get all that but personally I'd feel a bit better having it in my own country where I can go home same day... after your op its all about resting. I wouldn't be able to rest too much knowing when I get home, if sometbing goes wrong them I'm screwed.

Whatever people say, clinics cant help you an awful lot if you're in another country unless you fly out to see them

Well you’d stay in a hotel so get checked out the day after surgery to make sure everything is as expected. What do you mean by “if something goes wrong” and “help you”? Once the grafts are placed in the operation it’s kind of a done thing.

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