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Does this look like proper density on the hairline? Is there anything worrisome? [POST OP PIC]

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Just had an FUE transplant. Around 1500-1600 grafts.

I didn't do as much research as I probably should have, mostly into the procedure itself and not the actual clinic.

It was a team of technicians (not a doctor), but the lead technician had many years of both FUT and FUE transplant experience., and they did use microscopes to separate the grafts into singles, doubles, multi's.

Of course, after the fact I started reading into improper density, and horror stories about multi's being used in the hairline, and red flags about the procedure not being done by an actual doctor, etc etc.

Is the attached picture indicative of either a good surgery, or a poor surgery? Or is it still too early to tell? I realize I am still pretty scabby.

For reference, this picture was on day 2 post-op, and I am currently on day 7.


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Who was the clinic, it’s hard to say from that photo. There’s no point in driving yourself mad at this point. My advice trust in the process, and revisit the issue in 8 months. 

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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@JohnAC71 Pic of the back attached. The dark spot where the technicians skipped was a spot where I had a psoriasis patch, so they chose not to harvest any hairs from that immediate region.

This pic is immediately post-op, and by day 7 (today), its barely noticeable.


@Melvin-Moderator Canadian Clinic. It is a local neck-up cosmetic surgery clinic. I know, I know. I should have picked a place that specializes in HT.
However, the lead technician here was the lead technician at the only HT clinic in my city. The doctor of the former clinic retired, so she moved to this clinic.

Their team has done about 60 HT's since opening the doors in 2018 (COVID slowed things down, but they generally do 1-2/week).
She has probably done hundreds of others at the former clinic.

They used a microscope for proper follicular sorting and dissection, and did the drilling and implantation manually. They have a SmartGraft machine, but didn't like the success rate of grafts using that method.

I know I am being impatient. I guess time will tell. I guess probably everybody goes through this same buyers remorse where they second guess everything, especially when it looks like a weird patchy blob of scabs..


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20 minutes ago, JordanJames said:

You want to compare my original hairline to the post-op pics? Or you want to see the line that the surgeon drew when my head was first shaved?

I would like to see the starting situation.

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Please clarify...there were no licensed doctors present for your procedure?...are there any licensed physicians involved in the clinic at all?

If not, the clinic IMHO is operating illegally.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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4 hours ago, JordanJames said:

@JohnAC71 Pic of the back attached. The dark spot where the technicians skipped was a spot where I had a psoriasis patch, so they chose not to harvest any hairs from that immediate region.

This pic is immediately post-op, and by day 7 (today), its barely noticeable.


@Melvin-Moderator Canadian Clinic. It is a local neck-up cosmetic surgery clinic. I know, I know. I should have picked a place that specializes in HT.
However, the lead technician here was the lead technician at the only HT clinic in my city. The doctor of the former clinic retired, so she moved to this clinic.

Their team has done about 60 HT's since opening the doors in 2018 (COVID slowed things down, but they generally do 1-2/week).
She has probably done hundreds of others at the former clinic.

They used a microscope for proper follicular sorting and dissection, and did the drilling and implantation manually. They have a SmartGraft machine, but didn't like the success rate of grafts using that method.

I know I am being impatient. I guess time will tell. I guess probably everybody goes through this same buyers remorse where they second guess everything, especially when it looks like a weird patchy blob of scabs..


I wouldn’t be overly alarmed. Best not to freak out. Time will tell indeed, for what it’s worth, it doesn’t look bad right now. Did you know about our forum before you had it done?

I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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If its really stressing you out you should contact the clinic and just be completely honest and ask for their input. They may just lie or beat around the bush, or you may find actual reassurance and they will rationally tell explain the ins and outs of your particular hair transplant. I know its a lot mentally to put yourself out there and be honest with the clinic that you are anxious and potentially unhappy with the work they did, but what do you have to lose?

Edited by DenverBuff1989
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@gillenator No, there was a licensed doctor at the clinic, and he came a few times to oversee things. The "Technicians" were Registered Nurse Practitioners.

I live in Canada, where things like this are monitored pretty strictly, so I'm assuming it was all by-the-book, even though the Doctor didn't actually participate directly.


@Melvin-Moderator I've come across these forums years and years ago, but did most of my research on google.


@DenverBuff1989 I think I will voice my concerns when I have my first post-op checkup.


In the meantime, this is 7 days since the transplant, so I might as well post more pictures, right?

Things are a little cleaner up top. I still don't know if this is good density or not. I've seen some post-op HT's online where they look like actual Chia pets.






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Well it's re-assuring that a doctor was present in the clinic especially when it involves surgery and whenever anesthesia is administered...and it sounds like the lead tech is very experienced and they are licensed nurses?...I am not well briefed on the laws that govern surgery in Canada but there must be various boards of medical examiners?

A couple of things...looking at the post-op pics of the recipient area arouses several questions to me.

First of all, it appears that the grafts were implanted too deep?...meaning, you cannot see the tips of the grafts above the scalp surface...if you compare other examples of post-op pics from other established and reputable clinics, this is always the case...does this imply that there is a problem?...I really don't know but just something that caught me eye right away....time will tell in the regrowth process.

Second, I see some obvious recipient incision sites without any graft hair protruding from them...it almost appears that there were not any grafts placed in them?...have you noticed any of this yourself?

Again, time will tell and once you get 4 months or so post-op when the regrowth begins to manifest, you will be able to see the direction and angles of the hair as it grows out above the scalp surface.

I wish you nothing but the best and thanks for sharing your case with us...we look forward to your progress pics.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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On 1/29/2021 at 10:56 PM, JordanJames said:



@Melvin-Moderator I've come across these forums years and years ago, but did most of my research on google.







Unfortunately, going by google reviews is probably the worst thing you can do, I’m not trying to alarm you. You may end up up happy, but in the event you’re not. DO NOT put your trust and faith in google or yelp. Nothing beats this forum. You cannot fake reviews here. The results do the talking. 

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I’m a paid admin for Hair Transplant Network. I do not receive any compensation from any clinic. My comments are not medical advice.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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