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I have a consultation with Bosley tomorrow but the local office is temporarily closed due to COVID-19. They said they have other locations that are several hours from me.  I don't believe Bosley does DHI but I know they do FUE. I think I'd consider myself a 2 on the balding scale. My crown area is shedding really bad and I also have thinning down my part in the middle of my head. So before I have my video consultation with Bosley tomorrow, is there anything I should ask them? Below are a few questions I plan on asking them...

1. Does DHI and/or FUE require shaving your head?

2. What's the average cost?

3. Since I'm currently on medication (Finasteride which is generic for Propecia) should I stop taking this and wait to see if more hair falls out before getting anything done?


2020-08-19 19.43.40.jpg

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Thank God for COVID otherwise you might have made a horrible mistake going to Bosley.  Cancel that appointment immediately, don't go back, don't talk to them, and please don't get a HT with them.  You'll regret it the rest of your life.  Stay on Fin regardless whether you eventually get a hair transplant or not.  You still got a TON of native hair, you should do all that you can to hold on to it.  I would love to see a pic of the hairline - I'm wondering if you should be getting a transplant at all at this point.  

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Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Do not go to Bosley- I got an uncle that ended up with 2-3 strip scars from them.  The hair growth yield was terrible.  Whatever they show in the brochure is definitely not likely on an average scalp.  My uncles first procedure had a bad scar, it wasn’t even tri closure, then they said theyll fix it if he comes back so he did, then they created two other scars because they didnt want to stretch the previous one.  I think it was a nasty bait tactic from the surgeons.  This is why their reputation is damaged.  It’s like new docs go there to settle in to a franchise to get customers.  Most of the doctors, if any, are not even on forum recommendations across the web.  Go with a solid doctor thats been doing the surgery for years and years

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Hey, it’s a good job you joined this forum! Do not waste any time with Bosley. They are a hair mill that produces very poor results but for top dollar.

Look at the Drs recommend through this forum instead. But also consider that you don’t want to shock exist your existing hair. You do have a lot of hair already.

On your current med regime you should retain what you have. And your pic is under unflattering light. You most likely look absolutely fine under normal circumstances. 

In your position I would not be seeking a Transplant yet. 

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