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Doing ht or not ?


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Hi , im 22 years old i’ve had a very bad hair since childhood, i did hair transplant in turkey when i was 19 , i was losing tempels so bad , only transplanted hair line , Now i have almost bold sposts now and it’s literally making my life so much worse , i started wearing hats because i have to put topik on it and comb it in ways that will hide the spots that were bold , it really makes my day worse , sometimes I don’t go out with my friends because my hair doesn’t look good , i have only 2 weeks tp decide because in October im getting back to university, and since first semester is learning from internet i would like to have that chance to hide druing recovery it really makes my day worse ! I think about it every morning.. im thinking about strengthen my hair line also .. they took 2300 grafts last time , doctor cinik now says i need 2k grafts to cover it . , does 4k affects my donor area ??? It’s really important to me that from the back still looks good and not depleted.. i know im at a yong age but guys it’s destroying my life , it literally effect every daily decision i make








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Your donor area looks fine. 2000 grafts will really make a difference to the area you show. Are you on fin ? You want to keep the hair you have got, especially at a young age. 
4000 or so from a decent donor area is fine. 

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Hey buddy, sorry to hear about your troubles. You def don’t want to keep chasing  this with questionable surgeons and finite donor, but I can see how hard it must be to sit and do nothing. Was your first HT strip or FUE?

“You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not...”

- John Lennon

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23 minutes ago, JohnAC71 said:

Your donor area looks fine. 2000 grafts will really make a difference to the area you show. Are you on fin ? You want to keep the hair you have got, especially at a young age. 
4000 or so from a decent donor area is fine. 

Well, i think it will make my life a better indeed.

im not on fin. But im planning to start using it , i dont want to keep stuck in this hair cycle at least not in this age !!

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16 minutes ago, Taken4Granted said:

Hey buddy, sorry to hear about your troubles. You def don’t want to keep chasing  this with questionable surgeons and finite donor, but I can see how hard it must be to sit and do nothing. Was your first HT strip or FUE?

It was fue , not a very good results , what do you think about dr.cinik ?

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1 minute ago, giegnosiganoe said:

The most important thing to ask is are you taking finasteride? If not, you'll be chasing your hair loss for life.

Dude , i ‘ll start taking fin that’s a sure thing ! Dont want to keep worrying about my hair at least for 10y from now

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I say start fin and min right away. Get a pillbox and be dillgent about it everyday.

I first started noticing hairloss when I was 17. I remember taking a shower as a high school senior, shampooing my hair, then looking at my hands and seeing strands of hair where there were none before. Then living in cheap apartments during college where plumbing wasn't always good, the shower would not always drain well and hair would float and collect on the sides and bottom of the tub. I'd have to wait for the tub to drain, then wipe the hair off with toilet paper and flush it so no one would know about my hair loss. My hair loss has been slow suprisingly. I am now in my mid-40's, a NW3, started finasteride 3 months ago. Up until recently, I kept denying the clumps of hair that would clog up my shower was a result of the way I wore my hair long leaving it prone to breakage because my hairline wasn't moving back. But then day after day, the comb over techniques I had mastered over the years weren't so effective at covering things up anymore.

Believe it or not, I am a NW3 in this picture at age 27. No concealer. I just hid things well.


Then I realized that while my hairline wasn't getting to much worse, all the hair I had been losing was coming now from the crown. But honestly, I was just being a pussy. Didn't want to take meds of any kind. I also thought it would be a huge expense for fin and min, it's not (but that is a relative thing). 2.5 months after I started finasteride, those clumps are almost all gone and the shower drain runs just water and suds down the drain now. Good news is my equipment still works. I just had a 2337 FUE procedure. I am kicking myself for not getting on fin and min sooner (like 20 years ago). Maybe I could have saved 500-1,000 grafts if I acted sooner.

Like anything in life, you have to commit and be prepared to put in the work to achieve the mission. Hair restoration is no different.

Edited by jimcraig152
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Fin can have permanent side affects like loss of libido. I cannot confidently recommend this until there is a safer drug on the market, but imagine not having a sex drive for a good part of your life. Maybe even forever... I am staying away from something that would literally take your manhood away. I have met some people that it ruined their lives. Does anyone have any better stories or confidence in fin? If not, I am staying away as should others per my dermatologist.

1st Procedure: 3332 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 10.29.20
2nd Procedure: 1908 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 11.13.23

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22 minutes ago, hybonix said:

Does anyone have any better stories or confidence in fin?

Been using it for about 14 yrs, stopped and stabilized my crown. Small minority of guys have side effects, millions of others like myself have been taking it over the decades without issues. If you are waiting for something safer than that, it will probably arrive about 10 years after the actual cure for baldness. lol

On the internet you pretty much only hear the horror stories, some real, some imagined, some bs. You can't start it without seeing a doctor, then monitor with your doctor, and stop if you get the sides.

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Like I said in my post, I was being a pussy. As of yet, I've had no il effects. There is that possibility though. All I can say is its pretty hard for a 22 year old man to get any action from the ladies if he doesn't have hair. That is just the outward impact. There are also the impacts to a man's confidence. Evaluate, know the risks, commit, and take the action everyday.

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1 hour ago, jimcraig152 said:

Like I said in my post, I was being a pussy. As of yet, I've had no il effects. There is that possibility though. All I can say is its pretty hard for a 22 year old man to get any action from the ladies if he doesn't have hair. That is just the outward impact. There are also the impacts to a man's confidence. Evaluate, know the risks, commit, and take the action everyday.

I think you can still get women as long as you are confident and own it. I’m losing my hair pretty badly and my current wife does not care (was losing a ton before we even got married). I think you just need to find the right people. I believe people should receive Hair Transplants for themselves and not to satisfy others. If a HT makes you happy, please do it. If it’s for the sole fact to pull in the opposite sex, I would rethink your strategy/ideals. If it’s for yourself and others, then that’s a better story.

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1st Procedure: 3332 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 10.29.20
2nd Procedure: 1908 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 11.13.23

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3 hours ago, hybonix said:

I think you can still get women as long as you are confident and own it. I’m losing my hair pretty badly and my current wife does not care (was losing a ton before we even got married). I think you just need to find the right people. I believe people should receive Hair Transplants for themselves and not to satisfy others. If a HT makes you happy, please do it. If it’s for the sole fact to pull in the opposite sex, I would rethink your strategy/ideals. If it’s for yourself and others, then that’s a better story.

That you are married, what reasons you think a person should get HT-for what purposes-to achieve what goals, and that you can't confidently recommend finasteride based upon what, of all people, your dermatologist says does not help this 22 year-old man stop his hairloss. All things are relative, he is not you, and good chance doesn't have the same dermatologist you have.

As for what might stop/slow his hairloss: finasteride. This young man should explore it. Know the risks. Commit. Then execute day after day, evaluating its effects as he goes along.

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38 minutes ago, jimcraig152 said:

That you are married, what reasons you think a person should get HT-for what purposes-to achieve what goals, and that you can't confidently recommend finasteride based upon what, of all people, your dermatologist says does not help this 22 year-old man stop his hairloss. All things are relative, he is not you, and good chance doesn't have the same dermatologist you have.

As for what might stop/slow his hairloss: finasteride. This young man should explore it. Know the risks. Commit. Then execute day after day, evaluating its effects as he goes along.

Fair point. Do the research and evaluate your options. I had worse hair loss at the age of 18 more aggressive than the op. I’m only 27 now and it’s only gotten worse, so anything is possible with the right perspective. Again, confidence comes within, not based on appearances IMO.

1st Procedure: 3332 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 10.29.20
2nd Procedure: 1908 FUE Grafts | Shapiro Medical Group | 11.13.23

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