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Minoxidil Questions

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Hi! I am Jarold and I am 19. The last few months I realized my hair was going thinner even few people told me but I didn't care too much (if I shaked my head I could see some hair fall but since I was a kid I always had a lot of hair, so I just think It will grow back). The problem started 4 months ago, It was my first year at college and I moved alone. That's when I felt somenthing was going wrong, my hair start to fall very heavely, I could see a lot of hair in the pillow, when I was studying, shower... My dermatologist recommend me to use minoxidil 2% once per night, that was on 11/19/2019, I couldn't see to much efect so I decided to use it 2 times at night, but nothing happend, one or two hairs grew up but that's all, in addition the hair falling didn't stop completly, yes it was going better but I still see my hair in my pillow, in the shower... Two days ago I bought minoxidil 5% and I am using it 2ml at night. Questions: Should I continue with minoxidil 5%? My hair still falls because I am in shedding phase after 2 months and 15 days? Will minoxidil 5% give me more shedding than I already have? I know recover my full hair is impossible, but I almost can't see regrow with minoxil so the hair which falls cause it will grow back? Are my hair follicles "death" if I can't see hair growing back again? Any advice? Btw, my baldness is affecting all the head except the back. I really need help, I am a little bit depressing about it.

Edited by Jarold
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It is always tough when you start losing your hair at such an early age. I was in the same situation as you. From my experience don't even bother with 2% minoxidil because it is not at all effective. 5% might regrow some hair but you will most likely continue to lose your hair if the medication does not stop hair loss, which I don't think it does. Propecia would be the best bet to block DHT but at ypur age I don't know if it is a good idea. You should talk to your doctor and discuss the pros and cons. The hair at thr back and sides is permanent so it is unlikely to fall out. The other suggestion I have is to consult a hair transplant surgeon in your area, using this site to search for recommended doctors. It might be due to male pattern baldness or you could be losing hair due to other reasons. Before you proceed with treatment it is best to consult a doctor that specializes in hair loss

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Yeah, it sucks having to deal with hair loss at such a young age, stick to Minox 5% for at least 6 months to see how you progress, you may also want to look into getting a derma roller/stamp or pen to use in conjunction as many are doing to gain better results than with just Minoxidil alone.



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17 hours ago, Dr. Glenn Charles said:

You might want to consider LLLT (low level laser therapy) as an additional treatment after you are stabilized on the Minoxidil.


some docs say that it is not worth spending a lot of money for LLLT helmets because the cheaper ones make exactly the same thing of more expensive tools.
Other docs suggest to buy something that costs 1000 dollars of more.
What is your opinion?

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