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My HT by Melike Transmed Turkey

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To Everyone,

Well I've done it. I've had my HT. My experience overall has been pretty good. Not looking forward to the next 10 nights sleep with these staples in the back of my head... But I am looking forward to 6-9 months time when I get to see the real results. The people at transmed were very accomodating. They picked me up from the airport and took me to transmed and my hotel at no extra cost. After being evaluated in person it turned out I needed less grafts than they initially thought from the photos I sent so they actually gave me ?‚¬300 back! icon_smile.gif


All concerns I had as to the quality were gone as soon as I got into the building. It is remarkably clean, the floors are white and yet show no dirt at all. It seemed there was always someone cleaning. There was a big TV in reception that was playing repeated footage of Dr Melike (pronouced Mel-ike not Me-like, oops) appearing on various news channels such as CNN giving interviews on HT.


As I waited in reception I was sat next to two people with full heads of hair. When I went into the consultation room and asked about success rates and what the scar would look like I was very happy to find the two people I'd been sat next to were actually patients. The consultant showed me their before photos on the computer and when I went back into reception both were happy to show me their hair and FUT scars. Both were clearly very happy. One was in for a checkup and photos, the other was in for FUE this time into the FUT scar and a bit more in his templates. I had been asking the consultant about FUE into the FUT scar, although when the patient getting it done showed me his FUT scar I did wonder what is the point? The skin under your hair is very pale, just like a faded scar, his FUT scar was hard to see.


The procedure appeared to go smoothly. Dr Melike removed the section of skin from the back of my head, then proceeded to make the channels for the new hairs while the technicians separated out the hairs from the strip. Melike inserted the outline hairs the the technicians did the rest one working on either temple. They gave me a sedative before they started so while it was happening I dosed in and out a bit. They gave me a remote and I had a hundred or so channels to choose from. Although with the dosing I just left it on VH1. Once complete they gave me a pack and a load of drugs to take with me.


I'll be starting my weblog on this soon and upload some photos. They were also happy for me to take photos of the transmed building inside and out so I'll put those up as well. As for spending money, I spent less than 90 lira over the 3 days (about ??45). I'll tally up my total costs including travel, etc.


The only thing I'm really regretting at the moment is that I didn't realise they do laser hair removal as well, as I could have had my chest and back done at the same time icon_frown.gif




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  • Senior Member


Great to hear your HT experience was a good one. Keep us posted and please put up pics! All the best in the lllloooonnnggg healing process. icon_smile.gif

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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Thanks for sharing your hair transplant experience and congratulations for selecting an excellent surgeon to perform it.


The first few days are never real comfortable sleeping, but after a few days, you should be fine :-).


I encourage you to post some photos of your procedure and then keep us updated monthly so we can follow your progress. The best way to do this is by creating a free patient website.


Heal and grow well.



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Its good to hear that you had a good experience at Transmed. I have been considering transmed recently as well.

Although Transmed have some pictures on their website (same ones for long time as ive been observing), there dont seem to be enough patients in here WITH pictures.


Please, please have some pictures uploaded soon so that we can see your new roots! Cheers

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Hey Hunkymonkey,


I am glad that you had a very nice experience.


As I am a Turkish citizen and living in Istanbul, I could not enjoy the services you experienced.

However, I agree with you about the profeesionalism and everything else.


By the way, I got my operation 5 month 1 week ago.


The results are amazing, it really worked very well on me. All of my friends, family tell how amazing the results are. Unfortunately, I am too lazy to take pics and upload themicon_smile.gif


Hope you will see nice results.

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HunkyMonkey, Mahmood


Great to see you guys putting some pictures up now. This will no doubt help people like me trying to see what Transmed results are like.


Also, there is no pictures in here of scars from any Transmed patients. Can one of you guys kindly be the first to put up a picture of your scar at the back.

Trust you guys will continue to update us with pictures.


I am very keen on seeing some pictures of 'mop' as he is well ahead of you guys.


By the way, which Doctors at Transmed did your HT? (there are a few there)

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OK chaps - I will do some PICs soon - I think Mahmood, Hunky Monkey and me should be known as the "Transmed 3" - or does that sound too notorious ?


I am almost three months and the little buggers are making a re-appearance - something positive to show !


I will do a scar pic too.

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Stepladder, your right they don't have much in the way of scar pics. That's one of the first things I emailed them about. I'll put my scar pic up once the staples are out. You don't want to see a pic with the 30 odd staples I have in the back of my head, I look like a cyborg!



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when you emailed Transmed about scars, what did they reply to u?



Let us see the little buggers first and then you can safely be part of 'The Transmed 3' (2009) - Its good to see the whole episode and not just the end!


Happy Growing Guys

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Congratulations on your recent procedure. The work looks very clean! Good luck with growth in the coming months!

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR Results - https://www.instagram.com/bhr.onlyresults/

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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13 day post op pics added including scar pic, still a bit scabby, only had the staples out today, 32 in total.


I went for FUT because it was cheaper. Theory being to get the bulk done with FUT. If I want a further procedure next year it would be FUE into FUT scar and touch up around the temples.




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Congratulations! You are the 'Ultimate Transmed' patient. You are the first Transmed patient here with a scar picture. Even on their website they dont have a picture of scar as clear as yours.


One thing i wanted to know, how many FUT grafts did u get in the end?



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You know I'm not sure. I think it was about 1600. Lots of the follicles were 2's and 3's under the scope which surprised me as I really didn't think my hair was that thick. Guess it is at the back. So lots of hairs.


I'll do another scar pic when the scabs are off.


Looking forward to 6 months time.



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Hi Hunky,


Great to see and hear from someone who has had a HT at Transmed, have been looking into them for a while now, and almost made my mind up to do it!!


Were you able to meet with any patients before hand to see results?


Did you experience any shockloss?



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Cheers for all the info, did you have a consultation with them before you had the procedure e.g.


Did you meet with them then go back at another time after deciding it was what you wanted?


Or had you made your mind up and it was the first time you went there you had it done? I was wondering that if i decide i want it done, but when i get there after the consultation i change my mind if i would be liable for costs?


Also how long does the redness last where the new hairs were placed?



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I only had an online consult sending in pics before I went there. I had the real consult the day before my op. I guess if I had changed my mind I would have lost my deposit.


I'm not sure how long the redness lasts. Mine looks almost back to normal now, but I'm pretty sure it varies from person to person.




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