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My donor scar is a mess after 5 months...

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  • Senior Member

Your scar doesn't look very good at all! If there is no sighns of any hair growth by 5 months, chances are it's either really streched, or you have permanant shock loss. I suggest you consult with your surgeon a.s.a.p, and if he doesn't agree to do something about it, consult with another recomended surgeon on what may be your options,( FUE, scar revision,or a combination of both....) Good luck!


Just a thought from the peanut gallery....

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  • Senior Member

Hey Turbo,


I agree with Kaounis, I'd be very concerned regarding your scar.


Have you sent that photo to your doctor? If not I'd do so straight away for his opinion. It may be just the stretching and/or shock loss but your scar also seems a little on the high side to me.


Who was your surgeon?

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  • Senior Member

Your scar definitely appears to have stretched. Did you follow your doctor's post-op instructions? Unfortunately there's not much you can do right now. In the future you can do scar revision or FUE.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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  • Senior Member

Judging by the size of your thumb, I'd say your scar is 9-10mm. You may opt for scar revision. I suggest you show your surgeon your outcome and begin negotiations or plan for further surgical work (not necessarily with the same surgeon, if you have lost confidence in him/her.)

take care...



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I don't know if I should actually say the name of the doctor but it was on Mainland Europe and it was my 3rd HT. There was a small scar from the 2nd HT, but it was hidden with a blade 3 cut after a year.. I have not done any weight training for 3 months.. and still dont do anything that puts pressure on the back of my head i.e pullups.. It does look high from that pic but taking pics of it is really hard as only I know about it ect.. Here is a better pic that I took after a month.. Is there any advice on what I should say to the surgeon?


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From the second photo it would appear that you have TWO scars, with hair present in between- is that accurate?

This would present a more complicated issue than a simple revision, IMO.

First, we need to try and deduce why the scarring is occurring in the first place. Another excision may simply reproduce the result. Also, as I said, that island of hair within (if thats what I'm seeing)really makes a multiple staged procedure all the more probable as a repair solution. FUE into the scars is another option.

Timothy Carman, MD ABHRS

President, (ABHRS)
ABHRS Board of Directors
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Dr Carman,


Yes you are quite correct in that I had a small scar for my 2nd HT. Maybe because the first scar from the 2nd HT was tight it made the 2nd scar occur. Like I mentioned it has felt really tight until recently to the extent that I even had to think about how I sat down on a couch as I could sometimes feel tension.


I didnt do anything but light weights until recently as the tension has now gone. I have been investigating lots of cases on the various forums and I agree that realistically my only option is for FUE to fill in the scars. So my next question is how long should I wait to go down the FUE route as my last HT was in June 09..


Incidentally during the last 3-4 weeks I have felt little tingling and pricking from my scar area sometimes. (not painful) Was kinda hoping that it might be hairs! But either way I suppose I need the area to be more settled as some shock loss may of occurred in the areas surrounding the scars?

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  • Regular Member

That scar is just awful, and I suspect a lot more common than hair transplant clinics would have us believe, if it were me I'd be very reluctant to let another HT 'doctor' touch me, Triffid, why not go and see an ethical surgeon who specialises in scars?

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I did think about that carefully Slaps, but realistically I don't see what can be done by a 'scar surgeon' as what I really need is hair in that area not further tightening or scar discoloration.

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Only thing, how can you trust these HT folks? they will tell you anything just to get your money, after they've robbed and butchered you some more and you look worse, what then? many of them are'nt and never have been practicing Doctors let alone surgeons, they have the most basic medical qualifications and little or no surgical experience other then hacking chunks out of peoples heads, closing the wound with a staple gun and stabbing holes in a scalp. A real surgeon is highly trained and highly skilled, a world of difference.

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Turbo, from the photos that you have provided, I can understand your anguish. I think that the next step for you must be to consult with several Drs. Both HT surgeons, and if you are sceptical, surgeons that are not HT realated. From this position you would have more understanding of the options available to you, the estimated degree of success, and some idea of the financial impact. Without knowing any non HT related surgeons to recommend to you, from various cases viewed H&W seem to offer great repair work. Not just repair in the sense of poor growth but also in cases more extreme and pulling away from the norm. I believe that to make correspondence with them would be a great step in the right direction, just to receive their highly experienced feedback. Regarding FUE into the scar, Dr Alan Feller is producing great results and is documenting many scar revision cases at current. Maybe get in touch with forum member Spex who works with the clinic, mailing him your concerns and hearing his professional feedback.


Slaps-Whilst Turbos case and scar is a very difficult image, I dont believe for one second that your comments here are beneficial to anybody, least of all Turbo. The Dr that performend the surgery has not been mentioned to have been endorsed on this site, and it is by the hard work executed by this networks moderaters that fortuntaly, all Dr's recommended here are working to standards that far exceed the results shown on Turbos image. Whilst all constructive feedback is welcomed, both positive and negative, your comments are unfounded, at least regarding this forum. Im sure that there are many Dr's that are recommended here, that feel confident that they themselves, could work with this patient, resulting in a much improved situation.

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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Also consider sending an email to Dr. Lindsey who has a wide experience of various types of surgery. I dont think that you can gather too many opinions and feedback on this one. The greater research you undergo, the greater chance of success

Patient Advisor for Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic 

ian@bhrclinic.com   -    BHR YouTube Channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCcH4PY1OxoYFwSDKzAkZRww

I am not a medical professional and my words should not be taken as medical advice. All opinions and views shared are my own.

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  • Regular Member

I feel your pain Turbo. Hang in there and dont give up. Unfortunately multiple procedures can sometimes be problematic. You should certainly consult with one of the docs recommended on this website and see if they can help you. Good luck!

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  • Senior Member

Turbo, a lot of people will tell you many differnt scenerios and opinions.....Dr.'s are crooks, butchers, lie to you etc., etc., The bottom line is you have a problem which needs to be rectified! Your best bet is scar revision with FUE to make it look better, not perfect, but better....Find a qualified surgeon, one that does also some amount of cosmetic surgery, and have your problem resolved. You can find some very fine surgeons on this site! Reasearch, research and than research some more. Yiasou icon_cool.gif


Just a thought from the peanut gallery...

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Thank you all for your comments. It is a great comfort to know that there are understanding people about who can offer constructive advice.


Yes Kaounis I fully understand about getting a 'better' result; looking at some examples of scar revision I am quite hopeful of something that I will be happy with. 2 weeks ago I felt doomed to living with my scar; I am now feeling more positive and hopeful..


Can I ask if there is anyone reading this that has had something similar performed on them or know someone that has had a good result if they could give me details and perhaps send me pics?.

Any info would be very gratefully received.


Lastly does anyone know how long I should wait before looking at rectifying my scar?

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