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Help! New Member..Very Confused!

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Hello All:


I am 28 years old and living in Orlando, FL. I noticed my receding hairline about 4 years ago and went to Bosley for a consult. Never followed up on it. However in the past few months, I have been noticing it more and ready to do something about it. I went today back to Bosley for another consult and now remember why I never followed up with them again. High pressure and super high prices. They quoted me FUE, 1000 grafts, $8,595.00. Oh and they can fit me in next Tuesday (rolls eyes). Anyways, I am looking for any advice on getting started or where I can look for good doctors at a reasonable, fair price. I have spent the last 2 hours on this site and I think I am even more confused now. Central Florida Hair Restoration and Orlando Hair Restoration Center are 2 other clinics that are coming up in the Orlando area. I don't have any problems traveling the the states but not comfortable going overseas. Please help a guy out! Thanks all in advance!! :)


Attached is my Bosley consult photos so you guys can see what I am working with here!


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Our community maintains a list of recommended hair transplant surgeons worldwide. To see how we pre-screen and recommend doctors, click here.


We also provide some additional resources to help patients research and consult with quality hair transplant surgeons. I recommend checking out these patient created hair restoration websites. They can be searched by physician name. You can also easily schedule free online consultaitons with recommended doctors here.


With some exceptions, the cost of FUE seems to average between $6 and $8. Some clinics publish their prices. Others require a consultation.


Hope this helps!

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hi Mike,


It's a shame your not up for traveling, you could save yourself approximately $6000 on the price quoted if you took the same path as me and many others. All for about 7 days away.


Otherwise I would follow Davids advice, good luck to you.

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  • Senior Member

I have a few thoughts on this.

1. 1000 grafts is too little for the drawing you showed

2. That is world class pricing for 1000 grafts. If you pay world class price, make sjre you get a world class doc. But, i think pricing should be on the lower end of priorities. $5k for a bad surgery is much worse deal than $9k for a great one.

3. Your donor hair is more valuable than money. Spend it wisely. While your graft estimate seems low, your hairline seems aggressive.

4. Do months of research before you have surgery. Imo, days and even weeks is not enough to make a knowledgeable decision.


Good luck!

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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Agreed, Dr. Cooley is the closest elite surgeon to you, and is a short flight or drive from O-Town. Take a look at a poster named KeithJagger's experience with him. He is from Florida and went to Cooley and had a great result. DO NOT go to the clinics you referenced in Orlando.

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Even if you go with docs that charge more, you still can get damaged quite a bit. That’s a fact. There are recommended surgeons that charge less, it doesn’t mean they suck. What really matters is their surgical protocol and ethics.


There are great priced surgeons in the US if price is a concern to you. You should definitely ask to see patients in person before you put down any form of a deposit anywhere for any surgeon.


The last thing you want is to end up in a screwed up situation chasing repairs. Trust me, that is the last thing you want. Wish you the best. Good luck.

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  • Regular Member

Holy smokes, that hairline and 1000 grafts does not compute.


Spend some time in this section of the site, read my review, and others. There are lots of choices and you should get a good flavor of the questions to ask, things to look for etc


My experience in Mexico with Dr Nader was amazing, but getting into him is hard if you're still in the shopping around mode. I'm sure there's lots of good docs closer to you.

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Whoever you end up choosing, make sure to talk to former patients of theirs, as Sean mentioned. In-person is ideal, but even a chat on the phone talking to someone who's been through what you've been through and has a first hand experience with the surgeon is extremely valuable. I'm glad you found this forum to use as a resource so you can steer clear of Bosley and other places like it. Take the research seriously, ask lots of questions, have several consultations if possible and compare each surgeon's advice/suggestions on how you should proceed, and definitely don't let money be a deciding factor.

I am a patient advocate for Dr. Parsa Mohebi in Los Angeles, CA. My views/opinions are my own and don't necessarily reflect the opinions of Dr. Mohebi and his staff.

Check out my hair loss website for photos

FUE surgery by Dr. Mohebi on 7/31/14
2,001 grafts - Ones: 607; Twos: 925; Threes: 413; Fours: 56

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