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Is my hairline the least of my worries? Help please

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Hi everyone


This is my first post here but I have been reading the forum for some time.


Firstly I'd just like to thank everyone for their invaluable contributions. Over the last few months I feel I have learnt so much from this site, and I think it has probably saved me from rushing into an ill thought out procedure that I may well have lived to regret.


My hair loss story.


I am 28 years old. I have been using Propecia for over 3.5 years and Regaine foam 5% twice a day for the last two months.


There seem to be strong baldness genetics in my family. All three of my uncles (both sides of the family) are bald (NW6), as were both my grandfathers.


My father (age 62) seems to have actually done quite well comparatively. He didn't begin to lose any hair until he was in his 40s. I would say he has managed to retain most of hairline, but now has significant loss on his vertex. Also, my brother (31) NWII-ish seems to have no signs of hair loss whatsoever (lucky him! ) :rolleyes:.


As for myself, I was born with a widows peak and have watched my hairline recede slowly back for the last 10 years or so.


I feel like Propecia may have held the tide for the most part. However depending on hair length, lighting, angle viewed at, etc, my thoughts on this seem to vary from day to day. I think one can drive themselves crazy trying to (objectively) scrutinise themselves on a daily basis like this.


With all that said, I recently felt I had enough information to go on, and had decided that I was sold on the idea of a surgical restoration procedure in order to reconstruct / lower my hairline / frontal core / temples. I consulted with a few of the top doctors referenced here online and the average consensus seemed be that I was a good candidate and that with around 2000 grafts, and continued Finasteride treatment I could achieve a nice result.


However, about two weeks ago I decided to buzz my hair down to around a three guard on top and a one at the sides. This is when I noticed something that I had not even considered before - I appear to be a diffuse thinner with a clear NWVI pattern emerging!


So, now I am beginning to reconsider the whole thing and I'm wondering if I could just get some advice from the community as to what you think my options could be going forward in this situation.


I had spent hours and hours researching as to who would be able to give me the most aesthetic hairline, with maximum density in mind.


So many people in my real life had told me that they didn't even think that I was losing any hair, and would probably think I was crazy if I was to tell them that I was considering surgery. However to me, the evidence is more than clear.


But anyhow, this was all based on when my hair was much longer (as were most of the pictures that I originally sent to the doctors for initial consultation online), and I don't think the diffusing was (as) noticeable.


So now I am more confused than ever. :confused:


Was I kidding myself to think that I would be able to solve this problem with a surgery of 2000 or so grafts into the hairline?


Am I doomed as a diffuse thinner heading towards clear NWVI territory? Would a hairline procedure be a terrible idea at this point?


I have included some pictures of my hair in various lights, some are taken indoor with and without flash and under direct bright bathroom light so that you can get an idea of what I'm dealing with here. I have also included one from before I cut my hair recently for reference.


If anyone could give me any advice on this I would be more than grateful. Right now I feel like this whole thing is bothering me way more than it should and I feel like I'm beginning to lose the plot a bit :(. Such is the life of a hair loss sufferer as I'm sure many of you can all relate to!


Many thanks in advance for your replies!:)



























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  • Senior Member

Good that you are thinking this through without rushing in.


You are not a 'diffuse' thinner. Diffuse is thinning all over the scalp, including donor hair. Your donor looks quite strong.


Without Propecia you will probably end up a NW5 or 6. Definitely at least a 5. When this would happen who knows. Maybe by the time you are 55-60 with meds, or 40 without. It's all guesswork.


You have to be comfortable with the idea of having a thin crown later down the line, because for most people there is only enough donor hair to cover the front 2/3rds of your head with any adequate density.


Perhaps you could try waiting a couple of years, take some pictures to see if the thinning does continue to progress. If you take the surgery route you have to be ok with needing another one 5, 10 or 15 years later.


That being said I think you would probably be ok now for 2000 grafts so long as the hairline isn't more than about 10mm below the line traced by your flattened hair.

4,312 FUT grafts (7,676 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2013

1,145 FUE grafts (3,152 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - August 2018

763 FUE grafts (2,094 hairs) with Ray Konior, MD - January 2020

Proscar 1.25mg every 3rd day

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I think you can get a procedure, I just wouldn't advise it now. Enjoy what you have and get one when you need one. You could have another three to ten years of success on fin. If you had a baseline shaved pic it would be better as you would be able to know how your responding.

I am an online representative for Dr. Raymond Konior who is an elite member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians.

View Dr. Konior's Website

View Spanker's Website

I am not a medical professional and my opinions should not be taken as medical advice.

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In that strong sunlight your hair still looks pretty good. Density isn't too bad and your hairline is still a nice shape. I would wait longer before considering an HT and see if there are any changes. Take photos under the same kind of light at various intervals in the future to judge whether it's progressing.

I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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  • 1 month later...

Hi everyone


Thanks for everyone's replies. I appreciate the advice and sorry I didn't log back in for a while but it was driving me crazy thinking about my hair everyday too much.


However, having said that (in perhaps a moment of even further madness) I ended up going and having a procedure anyway, despite the general consensus here.


I am now exactly 7 days post op and thought I would just post some pictures here for you all to see.


I had an fue procedure. The doctor had originally recommended 2000 grafts based from pictures I had sent him prior, but when I eventually saw him in person he said I only needed 1000-1500, which turned out to be 1400 in the end.


I would be grateful for any honest opinions. Hopefully I haven't made a huge mistake. Right now I am feeling quite anxious and actually found the whole process a bit stressful if I am honest.


Does this looks like a good job so far? I know it might be too early to tell, but am I likely to get a good result from this or have I made a huge mistake and should have waited like everybody suggested?


(The first three pics are from this time last year as a comparison, when I had my hair very short).













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Hey everyone thanks for all the replies. It makes me feel better that someone said it looks good at least.


I went to Dr Keser in Ankara, Turkey. I didn't find much about him here, but if you go on the Italian forum he has a few more results from over the last few years and I liked the pics I saw there, which is why I chose him (although I have to say I did read one very bad report written about him there too.. :/).


The price was 3.50 eur per graft, and he did the surgery over three days: Wed 500 grafts, Thurs 500 grafts, and finally Friday 400 grafts.


I have just had another shower this evening and I would say 90% off all the scabs have now come off, as I was massaging them gently today and the last day or two.


I noticed a lot of hairs fall out, and also it might be my imagination, but, now that the scabs have all come off, I think the area looks quite a bit more pink/purple and more sparsely populated than it did when I took the pics earlier this morning.


Does anyone know if this is normal / to be expected? Sorry for all the qs but I am very paranoid that I am going to mess up the outcome or something.

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Keser is one of the best doctors in the world for this type of work of dense packed low norwood hairlines. Definitely looks like incredible work.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi everyone


Here is my one and a bit month update (today is Wednesday and Friday will be 5 weeks)!


I have included the pics taken by the clinic; pre op, hairline design and day after surgery.


So far I'm finding it hard if I'm honest..


I knew that the implanted hairs would fall out. But I don't think I was prepared for how red it would be, and more so the fact that I think I have had a lot of shock loss of the native hair?


I think I actually look a lot balder now than I did before (if you ignore the implanted areas). I hope it's not permanent.


I guess the last thing anyone wants is to end up worse off than before.


I've only told a few close family members and two friends, but I bumped into a guy I hadn't seen in a while at work today, and he straight up asked me if I'd had a hair transplant.


I feel like I've got a few funny looks from people too, but that could just be paranoia on my part.


I think it's hard to keep a hair transplant secret.


Anyway, I am trying to stay positive.


As ever, grateful to hear what anyone has to say!


























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  • Senior Member

I think the work looks excellent and everything looks perfectly normal at this stage. The duration of the redness varies from patient to patient. I was pinkish for several months. Hang in there. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the outcome.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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The work looks really good and I would say from the close-up that you have good donor density. It's normal to have some redness remaining at this stage.


I'm attaching a photo of me at 6 weeks post-op which shows some redness remaining. I can't remember exactly when it faded, but it must have been at around the two month mark. It was never much of an issue for me, TBH.


Everything I see in your photos is normal and very positive. Your hair has grown a lot over the past 5 weeks!


I am a patient and representative of Dr Rahal.


My FUE Procedure With Dr Rahal - Awesome Hairline Result


I can be contacted for advice: matt@rahalhairline.com

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