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hair loss after 5th month post HT with Dr.Radaha

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At 5 months, your transplanted hair is still maturing. What I've noticed is thin transplanted hair emerges, grows to about an inch long and falls out. Later, it grows once again, but thicker and darker in pigment until finally resuming its natural growth cycle. I noticed this with both of my hair transplants. Give it about two more months.

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In viewing your photos, I honestly don't think what you're seeing at 5 months is unusual. I understand that your hair has recently become thinner but I don't believe this is anything to be concerned about at this stage.


As frustrating as it is to hear this, you will really need to wait a few more months before you'll begin to see significant improvement or know if there is really some complication.


My guess is that you'll continue to see improvement in the coming months.


As I mentioned here and in my email, Dr. Radha confirmed that she is away for 3 months. She has stated that she is still available via email. I have also encouraged her to contact you about your concerns. You may need to give her some time given the circumstances. Above all, I know that she will do everything possible to ensure that you receive the results you want and deserve.


I know you want answers today but, in all honesty, it's very unlikely that anyone can tell yo what your hair will do in the next 7 months. It's a waiting game.

David - Former Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant


I am not a medical professional. All opinions are my own and my advice should not constitute as medical advice.


View my Hair Loss Website

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Hey sambaba1983,

I got your message in my inbox about you asking for advice in regards to my successful HT with Dr. Radha.

Below are my advices which I can give you from my experience with HT with Dr. Radha Rani and almost 1.5yrs since my post-op.

1) Chill out ! Don't go all crazy posting all over the forums and contacting anyone and everyone linked to the clinic. I understand your concern, I went through it as well.

2) Regularly take your Finasteride 1mg orally and topical application of Minidoxil.

3) I tried contacting the Doc myself, she told me that she is out of the country on some family issue, give her a break and the benefit of doubt before blazing all your guns on her.

4) HT results take time, don't expect to get better in a jiffy. You will get worse before getting better. I can tell from experience that it sucks to be in your position, but trust me it will be worth it (you've seen my results).

5) And lastly this advice is the most beneficial and the most difficult. Forget you ever had a transplant and just stop worrying/stressing/thinking/dreaming about it. Mentally you need to relax, if you over-stress about this you won't get the results you want. I went many days without thinking about my head, until people commented about how my surgery failed, how I wasted my money and how ugly I looked. Trust me, I know how you feel, just give it time and relax, it will all work out. It may take 10, 12 or maybe 15 months but eventually it will workout provided you do all that is required from your side.


In case anyone was wondering why do I get to give all these advices then please go ahead and check this out:


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Another thing that I added to my regimen which I believe helped me was my regular exercising and healthy eating (which included eating lean meat and lots of vegies).

If you don't have the habit of working out like I do, then I would suggest you start taking daily 45-60mins walks to help get the blood flowing all over the body and giving the planted grafts all the more reason to spurt hair from.


Let me know if there is anything else that you would like to know.

Edited by Xephis
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Another thing that I added to my regimen which I believe helped me was my regular exercising and healthy eating (which included eating lean meat and lots of vegies).

If you don't have the habit of working out like I do, then I would suggest you start taking daily 45-60mins walks to help get the blood flowing all over the body and giving the planted grafts all the more reason to spurt hair from it.



Very well put, I would strongly agree that having spent a considerable amount of money on the transplant, it doesn't end there. Looking after physical and mental well being will give your hair procedure the best chance of being a success. Think of it as a second chance and make some lifestyle changes to reflect that. It certainly worked in my case.

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  • Senior Member
Hey sambaba1983,

I got your message in my inbox about you asking for advice in regards to my successful HT with Dr. Radha.

Below are my advices which I can give you from my experience with HT with Dr. Radha Rani and almost 1.5yrs since my post-op.

1) Chill out ! Don't go all crazy posting all over the forums and contacting anyone and everyone linked to the clinic. I understand your concern, I went through it as well.

2) Regularly take your Finasteride 1mg orally and topical application of Minidoxil.

3) I tried contacting the Doc myself, she told me that she is out of the country on some family issue, give her a break and the benefit of doubt before blazing all your guns on her.

4) HT results take time, don't expect to get better in a jiffy. You will get worse before getting better. I can tell from experience that it sucks to be in your position, but trust me it will be worth it (you've seen my results).

5) And lastly this advice is the most beneficial and the most difficult. Forget you ever had a transplant and just stop worrying/stressing/thinking/dreaming about it. Mentally you need to relax, if you over-stress about this you won't get the results you want. I went many days without thinking about my head, until people commented about how my surgery failed, how I wasted my money and how ugly I looked. Trust me, I know how you feel, just give it time and relax, it will all work out. It may take 10, 12 or maybe 15 months but eventually it will workout provided you do all that is required from your side.


In case anyone was wondering why do I get to give all these advices then please go ahead and check this out:





how is your scar today? Looked at your thread but didnt se updated pics on the scar :)

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Scarring hasn't healed the best, it's visible if you look for it but isn't visible on its own behind the thick back hair. I honestly don't care at this point, cause that region is covered all the time and doesn't stand out or bother me in any way.

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Scarring hasn't healed the best, it's visible if you look for it but isn't visible on its own behind the thick back hair. I honestly don't care at this point, cause that region is covered all the time and doesn't stand out or bother me in any way.


could you please share some pictures? :) If it isnt to much hassle for you.

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Hey sambaba1983,


I am now 3 years with my HT from Dr. Radha, and till date i could see my results are great. No regrets absolutely.


I was fully bald when I got my HT done and now I look far better. Dr. Radha is an amazing doctor and a dedicated surgeon. You have chosen right to get a HT with her.


Coming to your concerns...


1) Its true you keep losing hair b/w 3 to 9 months post HT. I lost a hell lot of transplanted grafts during this period. I contacted Dr. Radha and bugged her with all my questions. Remember this is temporary hair loss to get a full permanent hair.


2) Go on a good diet or vitamin supplements.

a) Look out for a good biotin supplements to keep your baby hair grow strong.

b) have good protein food, after all hair is made of protein.

c) Take some iron, vitamin C and B-complex on alternate days.

d) if you like you could use sawpalmetto or finasteride, but its optional.


3) Good doctors are always busy with new patients like you. So give them enough time to respond before you comment on them. I could understand your pain, but ultimately worry brings nothing.


4) I wish you a good luck and sure that you will be happy with your results.





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AllaboutHair - do you have pictures of post transplant, 3 months, 9 months and now fully grown hair?. Please post them here. Might help alleviate anxiety of sambaba1983.

My Thread: 


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My 2 friends had exactly the same problem as you , BUT they started hair fall after 14 months post HT , and they also thinned severely in the Mid scalp , BUT they had FUE and Not FUT as in your case , and they too has the Best surgeon , one who is still considered the Best even on this site in FUE , But apart from stating that Blood supply could have been the culprit , even he did not have any answers , so maybe a few guys might have some other body functions that cause the shed and balding again.

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thank you for your reply ..forum moderator also told me that they will contact dr.radha and let me know still no news ,and she told i have to take tab.biotin for 6 month,now im at my 6th period and i dont know i have to stop or continue the medicine..she is not replying???

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