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Do we give the Doctor too much credit?

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I notice that most people gives the Doctor too much credit for the result of their transplant when it is their assistant that completes the implantation.

As I have been to few transplant clinic, the doctor pretty much plans how many units and where, and some would stay around remove the follicular unit, but when it comes to implanting those units and arranging them to make you look your best, their assistants are skilled for that.

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there is no doubt that the mega-sessions being done today are definitely a "team effort" and approach, without execellent technicians, doctors could not accomplish these large sessions successfully - however where I tend to disagree with you slightly is in that it is the doctor who builds & trains that team to work in unison, efficiently and artfully, under HIS supervision and under his FINAL quality control - I point to my specific example of Dr. Rahal with whom I've had 2 procedures now - his lead tech was trained by him personally and has been working with him for over 10 years, Dr. Rahal is in and out of the operating room when techs are doing implantation, etc. checking on their work, sometimes making minor adjustments, and lastly he sees you last to go over everything before you leave to ensure everything is as HE planned out with you - your mandatory postop followup the following day is also a visit with the DOCTOR


so I think you minimize who is ultimately in control of the entire procedure and therefore who normally takes the majority of the credit (rightfully).

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  • Senior Member
I notice that most people gives the Doctor too much credit for the result of their transplant when it is their assistant that completes the implantation.

As I have been to few transplant clinic, the doctor pretty much plans how many units and where, and some would stay around remove the follicular unit, but when it comes to implanting those units and arranging them to make you look your best, their assistants are skilled for that.


Then - is it right to just blame the doctor when things turn up bad?.

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When things go wrong - 100% the doctor and clinic are responsible - the techs work for the doctor ... Who else would be responsible? Even if a tech or techs make errors - the doctor is vicariously liable for the actions and errors of his employees -

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When things go wrong - 100% the doctor and clinic are responsible - the techs work for the doctor ... Who else would be responsible? Even if a tech or techs make errors - the doctor is vicariously liable for the actions and errors of his employees -


Agree home1212 - I was just saying that if doctor is to blame for errors and bad results then why not praise the doctor for good results?.

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I agree that the doctor and clinic are the ones responsible for whatever goes on inside their doors, good or bad.


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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A great Dr will do their best with every procedure to give the patient their best result possible.


A quack will find the balance between a good result, but possibly with some minor defects that ensures the patient will want to return for repeat procedure/s.


Imho this does happen.

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Honestly I think only a total arrogant advantage taking asshole/s would transplant a poorly placed hairline/s and cause purpose shockloss to their patients.


Imho- this does happen.

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If 'we' represents the majority of patients, no. If 'we' is meant to represent the online posters, yes. In cases where less than ideal results are present, 'we' hold the doctor as the single most accountable party apart from 'we', the consumers.

My opinions are my own. I am one representative of MyWHTC Clinic's European branch.


Consultation Dates & Cities for Dr. Patrick Mwamba

London, United Kingdom - Available (Sat.)

Zurich, Switzerland - Available (Saturday)

Bologna, Italy - Available (Saturday)

Brussles, Belgium - Available (Sun.-Sat.) *No Fee*

Dr. Patrick Mwamba is a member of the Coalition of Independent Hair Restoration Physicians

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