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Best or recommended surgeons in NYC/LI area?


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31 yo male here with thinning hair on the entire top of the head plus vertex/crown area. I'm not quite sure if it conforms the typical Norwood scale. I have been diagnosed with low Testosterone and have been on Androgel in the past, not that it has helped much. I suspect much of the T is being converted to DHT and unfortunately I have not been on Propecia in ages because I stopped seeing the prescribing physician.


Anyway, would I see any gains if I began the Propecia regimen? I always paid out of pocket but my insurance allegedly covers the 5mg dosage.


Moreover, I am looking into the latest HT options and thought I would go for the latest and greatest robotic Neograft or ARTAS procedure since there is minimal scarring and supposed increase in precision and aesthetic results. However, I am now realizing traditional FUT might provide a more dense and full end result.


I had planned on seeing several specialists in NYC but probably will not be able to do that if they all charge hefty consultation fees. What happened to the days when consults with even the leading plastic surgeons were free?


Thus, if anyone has experience with the doctors in this area--especially those who offer ARTAS I would welcome your feedback.


So far, I am considering potentially meeting with Dr. Robert Bernstein, Dr. Roy Stoller, and Dr. Craig Zeiring. All of these names I found through the ARTAS website (after deciding it was superior to Neograft). Am I potentially ruling out some even better doctors?


Your wisdom, experience and knowledge would be greatly appreciated.

Edited by eyeofnewt
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You have a lot of research left to do. The ARTAS is controversial, and I think most folks on here would agree that it is NOT the best FUE option. I'm an FUT patient myself, but I would never let a surgeon use the ARTAS robot on me. I've spoken to more than one FUE surgeon that has tried it and discarded it after finding its graft yield to be inadequate. The first order of business is to decide whether you want FUT or FUE. If you don't plan on cutting your hair very close and don't mind the linear scar, I highly suggest FUT. The graft yields are better and you'll save quite a bit. The top surgeons lists look quite different for FUT and FUE.

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The top surgeons are not n New York. You will need to travel. The ones you listed are way off.


Consult with Rahal in Ottawa, Ron Shapiro in Minnesota,or Konior in Chicago. For even better FUE surgeons, consult with Feriduni, Erdogan, or Lorenzo in Europe.


If you must stay in NY - bad idea - then the top NY surgeons are Feller and Wesley. maybe even Dorin, but these three are solid but not he best out there

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Continue and expand your research--do not limit yourself by geography. Most top clinics will assist with the cost.


The top guys (mentioned above) are cheaper and better and do no charge for consults. Ironic, right? Stig's list is a great start.


At minimum, you can set up phone consults and decide if you need to see them in person. Share some pics with the group. It will help guide opinions.

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The top surgeons are not n New York. You will need to travel. The ones you listed are way off.


Consult with Rahal in Ottawa, Ron Shapiro in Minnesota,or Konior in Chicago. For even better FUE surgeons, consult with Feriduni, Erdogan, or Lorenzo in Europe.


If you must stay in NY - bad idea - then the top NY surgeons are Feller and Wesley. maybe even Dorin, but these three are solid but not he best out there


Apologies, I had a brain fart and omitted Dr Victor Hasson from my list, although use him for FUT only.

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Continue and expand your research--do not limit yourself by geography. Most top clinics will assist with the cost.


The top guys (mentioned above) are cheaper and better and do no charge for consults. Ironic, right? Stig's list is a great start.


At minimum, you can set up phone consults and decide if you need to see them in person. Share some pics with the group. It will help guide opinions.


Esrec, did you consult with Dr Wesley when you doing your rounds? What did you think of him?

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Hi eyeofnewt,

I do agree with win200, you are far better with a top experienced surgeon than with the ARTAS.

Some top surgeon bought the ARTAS, just to abandon it, as they do yield more grafts manually.


There are many recommended surgeons on this forum and if you are willing to travel abroad, you even find the cost to be lower overseas for a top result. Check their websites, pictures, videos, recommendations and compare.


Try to start to select some surgeons who offer online consultations via Skype, so you won't have to pay the hefty consultations fee.



FUE: 1524 Grafts by Dr. Tejinder Bhatti


Hair Restoration Social Network ? Community for and by Hair Loss Patients - Dr Tejinder Bhatti's Profile

Edited by darlinglocks
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Esrec, did you consult with Dr Wesley when you doing your rounds? What did you think of him?


Admittedly did not. I stopped at Dr B and Feller in NY. By that time with the assistance of the group I expanded my search.


However, Dr. Wesley's office did remove my staples. SMG set me up with him to 14 days after. We only spoke for a few minutes that day, but found that to be a pretty classy move. With all the concerns lately around beside manner, that was top notch.

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ARTAS has not won over patients. I haven't seen a wow result come out of ARTAS. Considering your donor has its extraction limitations, i'd only consider a doc that only focuses on you as the patient of the day and tgat doc should do all extractions by their own hands, not robots nor techs. It doesnt matter how many x years a tech has been with a doc, because the surgeon is the one marketing their surgical skill, not the tech. Surgery is surgery, thats why fue extractions are regarded as "surgical" extractions. Good luck.

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I've had all of my surgeries (3 strips one FUE) with Dr. Feller and the results have been outstanding. I also recently had a small mFUE with Dr. Blake Bloxham (will document soon) and I was very impressed.

I am the owner/operator of AHEAD INK a Scalp Micropigmentation Company in Fort Lee, New Jersey. www.aheadink.com

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I think if you are in NY you should definitely meet with Dr. Bernstein. He is extremely knowledgeable, serious, and will give you a very frank assessment. He will not sugar coat things. If you are not a good candidate he will tell you. His website give hundreds of examples of his work and more data about his patients than any other site I know, and his online Q&A is extremely helpful.

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I think if you are in NY you should definitely meet with Dr. Bernstein. He is extremely knowledgeable, serious, and will give you a very frank assessment. He will not sugar coat things. If you are not a good candidate he will tell you. His website give hundreds of examples of his work and more data about his patients than any other site I know, and his online Q&A is extremely helpful.


I wouldn't see Dr Bernstein purely because of the USD 185 he charges for a consultation. I had in-person consultations done by Dr Lorenzo, Dr Reddy, Dr Rassman, Dr Siporin (RIP), and had another famous Dr offered answers via email, all to no cost. I understand it is NYC but still. Dr Mohebi also wanted USD 100 I remember. The meat of the consultation will last 10 minutes, in which time the Dr has put you in a category and offered specific advise for you and whether you're a good candidate. If I knew there was worthwhile advice where I couldn't get anywhere else, yes I would pay the USD 185, but if there are alternatives I would look elsewhere first.

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I think if you are in NY you should definitely meet with Dr. Bernstein. He is extremely knowledgeable, serious, and will give you a very frank assessment. He will not sugar coat things. If you are not a good candidate he will tell you. His website give hundreds of examples of his work and more data about his patients than any other site I know, and his online Q&A is extremely helpful.


Solid surgeon, but he is nowhere near being one of the best. He is also expensive as hell, but definitely one of the 2nd tier.

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  • 2 months later...



I'm new to the forum. I am looking for the best FUE in NYC area. I have set up consults with







I see some negative feedback on feller and zeiring throughout diffrent forums. Should they be removed from this list? Does anyone have more recommendations for surgeons in this area? How far would i have to travel for one of the best FUE if i considered expanding out of the NY area. Can anyone share their experiences traveling say cross country for a specific doctor?

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I'm new to the forum. I am looking for the best FUE in NYC area. I have set up consults with







I see some negative feedback on feller and zeiring throughout diffrent forums. Should they be removed from this list? Does anyone have more recommendations for surgeons in this area? How far would i have to travel for one of the best FUE if i considered expanding out of the NY area. Can anyone share their experiences traveling say cross country for a specific doctor?


Take Zeiring off your list, they are kinda like Bosley. For the best FUE, definitely travel, will also be cheaper than the NY guys, and better. Best are Lorenzo in Spain, Feriduni in Belgium, and Erdogan in Turkey.

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I'm new to the forum. I am looking for the best FUE in NYC area. I have set up consults with







I see some negative feedback on feller and zeiring throughout diffrent forums. Should they be removed from this list? Does anyone have more recommendations for surgeons in this area? How far would i have to travel for one of the best FUE if i considered expanding out of the NY area. Can anyone share their experiences traveling say cross country for a specific doctor?


Btw - Feller is a strip FUT surgeon, he doesn't believe in FUE and will most likely not offer it to you.

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Zeiring - removed even though I did see him. You are correct it was like a bosley. He only spent 10 minutes at best with me. Entire consult with basically a sales girl discussing money very often.

Wesley - gave me an hour and was extremely thorough. I liked him.


Still have two more consults set up with Feller and Dornin.


I really would like to avoid going oversea's for a surgery. If I were to stay in the US I see on some previous posts you have recommended some choice around the country. How much cheaper are we actually talking even with the traveling?


Pricing in NY area is approx. 14-16k for 2200 grafts. With travel, hotel, and so on would out of state and oversea's still be cheaper?

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Zeiring - removed even though I did see him. You are correct it was like a bosley. He only spent 10 minutes at best with me. Entire consult with basically a sales girl discussing money very often.

Wesley - gave me an hour and was extremely thorough. I liked him.


Still have two more consults set up with Feller and Dornin.


I really would like to avoid going oversea's for a surgery. If I were to stay in the US I see on some previous posts you have recommended some choice around the country. How much cheaper are we actually talking even with the traveling?


Pricing in NY area is approx. 14-16k for 2200 grafts. With travel, hotel, and so on would out of state and oversea's still be cheaper?


Yeah, Wesley is great, really really good guy. I do want to see more from him though before I stick him on any of my best of the best lists The pricing you have above is for FUT. FUE is going to be much higher. I think Feller charges $10 a graft if he agrees to FUE which I hear he will decline more often, and Dorin is probably similar.


Yes out of state and out of country will still be cheaper. Dr Konior and Dr Ron Shapiro are on the expensive side though. Dr Rahal charges something like CAD $7 a graft for FUE, which comes out to US$5 with the current exchange rate, and he is way better than the NY guys. FUT with him is even cheaper, and he offers a $1,000 travel rebate. If you go to Turkey and Belgium, the costs per graft are even cheaper, something like Euro 2.5 and 3 per graft, so even with flights and hotel you come out better. I wouldn't let the cost of travel drive your decision though. Rather choose the best surgeon. As I said before, if you are going for FUE, then the best are Feriduni in Belgium, Lorenzo in Spain, or Erdogan in Turkey. If you stay in North America, then I would say Rahal, Konior, or Shapiro for FUE. If you are considering strip, then add Hasson & Wong.

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Thanks for the reply. Believe it or not, These were all quotes on the FUE. I am not going for the FUT. 2 of the 3 consults actually recommended against the FUT.

Some of the NY Dr's are capping pricing at 16k for the FUE procedure. Each one structures their pricing matrix differently.

Option #1 - 1st 1000 grafts 10$ then the next 1000 grafts at 5$. With caps of the 16k.

Option #2 - 8$ a graft across the board with 200 free/bonus. All works out similar and or same of approx. 16k for a 2200 needed session. Of course still not as cheap as some of these out of state / over sea's doctors you mention.

I will expand my consults virtually to Shapiro, konor, and rahal next for comparison.

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Take Zeiring off your list, they are kinda like Bosley. For the best FUE, definitely travel, will also be cheaper than the NY guys, and better. Best are Lorenzo in Spain, Feriduni in Belgium, and Erdogan in Turkey.


Feriduni has been quiet on here since 2014 (?) i just did a search, has anyone got any updates?



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  • 4 weeks later...
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Stig, who would you recommend for FUE hairline for the 3 you listed for North America?


Depends on what type of hairline you are looking for. If you have the donor grafts available to be aggressive on the hairline then it has to be Rahal. If you are trying to be more conservative with the grafts and want a more mature hairline, then Shapiro.

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Would it matter which location? I believe he started in Canada and with the exchange rate, that would be the cheapest option. I'd just like to figure out which would be best. Thank you!


Don't let location drive your decision mate. Just pick the best surgeon for you and run with it, even if it means cycling 1,000 miles on your bicycle in the snow if need be. Yes, Rahal is located in Ottawa Canada and charges in Canadian dollars, so will be the cheapest of the lot.

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