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2450 FUT Grafts with Dr. Ron Shapiro Yesterday


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Yeah that was me, i took mine out myself and with the help of my mum, it was tough going, but then i got in the bath and had a good soak and did the rest myself with a three way mirror, was so much easier, and yes, i remember that feeling of relief when they were all out, was buzzing.


I also went a little do laddy the first few weeks post HT, but i then stopped myself from checking and looking in the mirror all the time, cut it down to twice a day for a few minutes only and that helped a lot. By month 3 i could sort of see some minor growth, but by month 4 i could really see it forming and i fully relaxed knowing i was going to get a good result.


I'm getting my second HT on 1st December, FUE with Dr Lorenzo, no staples this time, but the anxiety and worrying about if i get a good result will come back, hopefully being my 2nd HT it will be easier when in the doldrums stage of month 1 - 3...which is actually the hardest part of a HT, Not the procedure itself, or the injections, but the waiting!


I think Dr L uses the ATP stuff as well, hope so, sounds awesome.


Sounds like you're dealing with it all like a boss, but with Dr shapiro you've done everything right to get a steller result, i don't doubt that you will be happy with the result, and will have to watch yourself for hair greed.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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Definitely a good call. SMG connected me with Dr. Wesley who was kind enough to assist in removal. Great guy.


I'm definitely looking more than touching. I negotiated those terms with myself. haha.


I'm off from work for a bit so time is my enemy. Good exercise in patience though. Also allows me to avoid concealers for solid 2 months. Like you said, waiting is easily most challenging part, particularly mo 1-3 as the biggest non-positive transformation is occurring.


You're in great hands (as you know) with Lorenzo. How many grafts?

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He's quoted 2000, but said he could do more if needed, depending on how the extractions go, but his maximum grafts per day is 2500. I'm looking forward to it actually, but i'm self employed so don't have to worry too much about hiding it from collegues, although i'll be lying low from friends and family for a while.


They say by day 10 those grafts are firmly in place.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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He's quoted 2000, but said he could do more if needed, depending on how the extractions go, but his maximum grafts per day is 2500. I'm looking forward to it actually, but i'm self employed so don't have to worry too much about hiding it from collegues, although i'll be lying low from friends and family for a while.


They say by day 10 those grafts are firmly in place.



Sounds like a good strat. Nice that you have such downtime. I'm not in condition for public, and want to avoid conealers for first 1.5 months. Laying low as well. Keep us posted.

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Wow--you've got a lot of grafts hanging on even after a month.


Right? I thought so too. First surgery but from what I've read at least....Should I be worried / pleased / indifferent?


I had no redness, irritation, or even scabs. And Ive been showering/bathing and massaging delicately with shampoo--following directions pretty carefully.


I havent seen hair that long in those areas in 10 years :)

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It's not that common but sometimes some patients transplanted grafts don't shed, or not all grafts shed, and keep growing, that's what seems to be happening here, so nothing to worry about, most people would prefer the grafts didn't shed. Maybe that ATP spray stuff, who knows, but all looks good.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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  • 2 months later...
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3 Month Update:


As they say, time flies when you spend every 15 minutes staring into the mirror. I kid, I kid. I go at least an hour ;)


It's been quite the journey. All the cliches are true, post-op is no f'n joke. It's a process that one can prepare for but ultimately has to experience to fully understand. It's exhausting.


I've been trying to be as Zen as possible thoroughout and welcome it as a rare opportunity to challenge my mental fortitude. Yeah, I'm kind of competitive and sick like that so I needed to turn this into a growth experience. I kept reminding myself of a buddhist quote--"Rule Your Mind, Or It Will Rule You". The mental game is easily the most difficult aspect.


Anyway, so here's what going on: ALL OF MY HAIR GREW IN OVERNIGHT!!!


Man that would've been sweet though....


Donor: Feeling good. The numbness was present immediately after surgery and has dissipated each week. I'd say 90% is gone. There's a small area just above the incision that is sensitive to the touch but not painful.


Recipient Health: The ATP spray was legit, or I just wasn't prone to redness. Even immediately after post-op I was looking ok. I attribute this mostly to Dr. Shapiro's delicate and careful hands. I had 2 or 3 pimples in the last 12 weeks so a relative non-issue


Shedding: I was a late shedder and retained some. I'd say 75% dropped around the 5-6 week mark. it's possible I was showering too delicately but it resolved itself.


Growth: The optimist in me says that it's a positive sign to have a good amount of hair peaking at 3 months, but of course I wish I was further along--just as anyone. My hair is so long it makes the early growth look less impressive, but I definitely see hairs coming in, particularly in the forelock area.


Will post more pics shortly. I've tried to upload multiple photos on both safari and chrome with no success.


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Some context:


The goal of the procedure was to restore my forelock and hairline. I had a widows peak in my youth, which receded roughly 3/4 inch, which we planned to restore. My hairline was always rounded, so we maintained that. The sides had receded quite deep, but always masked with my longer, thick hair.


I know its early, but appreciate the thoughts. Sorry for links, tried posting pics for an hour.





2 months, hair pulled back, mostly shed



3 months post-op, forelock and sides exposed, hair pulled back.



3 months post-op, forelock exposed, hair pushed back laying naturally



3 months post-op, sides exposed


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Looks like some early growth, be patient, growth is around the corner. Happy growing :)

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3 Month Update:


As they say, time flies when you spend every 15 minutes staring into the mirror. I kid, I kid. I go at least an hour ;)


It's been quite the journey. All the cliches are true, post-op is no f'n joke. It's a process that one can prepare for but ultimately has to experience to fully understand. It's exhausting.


I've been trying to be as Zen as possible thoroughout and welcome it as a rare opportunity to challenge my mental fortitude. Yeah, I'm kind of competitive and sick like that so I needed to turn this into a growth experience. I kept reminding myself of a buddhist quote--"Rule Your Mind, Or It Will Rule You". The mental game is easily the most difficult aspect.


Anyway, so here's what going on:


ALL OF MY HAIR GREW IN OVERNIGHT!!! Man that would've been sweet though....


Donor: Feeling good. The numbness was present immediately after surgery and has dissipated each week. I'd say 90% is gone. There's a small area just above the incision that is sensitive to the touch but not painful.


Recipient Health: The ATP spray was legit, or I just wasn't prone to redness. Even immediately after post-op I was looking ok. I attribute this mostly to Dr. Shapiro's delicate and careful hands. I had 2 or 3 pimples in the last 12 weeks so a relative non-issue


Shedding: I was a late shedder and retained some. I'd say 75% dropped around the 5-6 week mark. it's possible I was showering too delicately but it resolved itself.


Growth: The optimist in me says that it's a positive sign to have a good amount of hair peaking at 3 months, but of course I wish I was further along--just as anyone. My hair is so long it makes the early growth look less impressive, but I definitely see hairs coming in, particularly in the forelock area.


Will post more pics shortly. I've tried to upload multiple photos on both safari and chrome with no success.


Congrats mate, you made it through the ugly duckling phase and the fun stuff is about to begin.


I was just putting some of my Rahal paperwork in my "HT file" and came across a handwritten list of all the HT surgeons in NY I was going to consult with back almost 2 years ago when my journey was just starting and I had Bosley and Ziering on that list - LMAO.

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Thanks for feedback guys. Just trying to stay positive. Worrying gets me no closer to the outcome.


Its a rather underwhelming and unglamorous phase of the process, but hoping the hardest part is over.


Truly thankful to have so many of you here.

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  • Senior Member
Congrats mate, you made it through the ugly duckling phase and the fun stuff is about to begin.


I was just putting some of my Rahal paperwork in my "HT file" and came across a handwritten list of all the HT surgeons in NY I was going to consult with back almost 2 years ago when my journey was just starting and I had Bosley and Ziering on that list - LMAO.


Haha oh man. Well, you know some of the names you saved me from ;) Good thing we both got out of our own way.


Thanks again bud. Will be keeping a close eye on yours too.

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Nice write up esrec - I'm sure you're in for a fantastic result .Nice to read a write up on a FUSS procedure .


As you still ahd a good amount of hair on top pre-op , the shed you experienced is good IMO - the growth will kick in very subtle and will likely not be noticeable at all . Did you keep the surgery secret from work colleagues etc ?


I recently had a FUSS procedure - currently at 14 days post op . I will be updating my photos today sometime , so any advice / opinions off you or anyone else would be greatly appreciated . Back to work on 4th Jan , so pretty paranoid about the return to work .

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Was wondering how you're results was getting on.


One way to look at it is that normally you'll look in the mirror and see yourself getting balder, now you can do the opposite and look in the mirror everyday and see yourself gaining hair.


Only going to get better from now on.



My Hair Loss Website - Hair Transplant with Dr. Feller


Dr Feller Jan '09 2000 grafts


Dr Lorenzo Dec '15 2222 grafts

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One way to look at it is that normally you'll look in the mirror and see yourself getting balder, now you can do the opposite and look in the mirror everyday and see yourself gaining hair


Yes! Here I am dropping buddha quotes in my write-up when the actual hair buddha is right in from of me. Well said man.


I actually think I have more hair now than pre-op but the lengths are a bit out of wack. Concealers will help. Happy I've been able to hold off until now.

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Nice write up esrec - I'm sure you're in for a fantastic result .Nice to read a write up on a FUSS procedure .


As you still ahd a good amount of hair on top pre-op , the shed you experienced is good IMO - the growth will kick in very subtle and will likely not be noticeable at all . Did you keep the surgery secret from work colleagues etc ?


I recently had a FUSS procedure - currently at 14 days post op . I will be updating my photos today sometime , so any advice / opinions off you or anyone else would be greatly appreciated . Back to work on 4th Jan , so pretty paranoid about the return to work .


Thanks for the thoughts, I really appreciate it.


Keep from colleagues? Hah how about everyone in my life. Only the forum knows. I'll tell people one day, but for me, I masked pretty well w/ concealers pre-op so nobody knew the extent. I felt like keeping up appearances was part of the process for me. I've been traveling, so will reintro concealers at 3.5 mo mark.


Would need to see your photos, but I feel like there's only 2 ways to comfortably re-enter society 2-3 weeks post-op: Be comfortable with your head buzzed, or have an alternative hairstyle you've tried and are ok with. I had neither option, so I planned for more time off.

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  • 1 month later...
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Hello my hair people. 4.5 month update- 1st pic is month 3 for comparison, subsequent all from today.


Posting photos on this forum is more challenging than climbing Everest--let me know if you have any issues viewing:


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Some context:


Forelock-We lowered my widows peak about 3/4 inch to reflect my native look. This area is just beginning to show. You can see the "triangle" beginning to take shape. Additionally, we worked roughly 2 inches deep into the forelock. Mixture of native and recipient growth showing.


Sides-Some decent growth here, maybe slightly outpacing my forelock. But I think we all stress our key frustration area. I can conceal the sides with my existing hair fairly easily, although is nice to see a hairline developing and taking shape.


Overall, I'd estimate 50% of hairs are about 1.5 inches or longer, 25% of hairs have pushed through but remain immature and flimsy, 25% of hairs are still waiting to push through the surface. (Come on baby, push!)


A few gaps noticeable to my scrutinizing eye, but I'm committed to respecting the timelines from Dr. Ron. I've remained away from the mirror and using concealers very sparingly. Density and coverage is nothing impressive, but exercising patience the best I can. Just rolling with with it and making fun of myself and the process. Long way to go....


Thanks Gents.






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Hi Esrec,


Definitely long ways to go. You're just hitting the fun stages...


I was not able to view your photos. Can you post photos directly on this thread? :)

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Looking good man at 4.5 months I'd say you're right on track it's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of growth.

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Melvin- Managing Publisher and Forum Moderator for the Hair Transplant Network, the Coalition Hair Loss Learning Center, and the Hair Loss Q&A Blog.

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Looking good man at 4.5 months I'd say you're right on track it's just the tip of the iceberg in terms of growth.


Thanks bud. I'm definitley seeing it... just not a visual impact yet. Hopefully soon.

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