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Dr. Karadeniz -2502 Grafts FUE

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This 46 year-old patient with a Norwood 4A hair loss pattern with persistent frontal tuft, came in for FUE.


2502 grafts FUE was performed using a 0.8mm motorised sharp punch.

The graft breakdown was as follows:

Singles: 250

Doubles: 600

Triples: 800

Quadruples: 852


A conservative hairline was designed after discussing options with the patient, so that the upper part of the crown was also strengthened.


Custom made pre-cut surgical blades were used to do sagittal (parallel) incisions.


Photos were provided by the patient 12 months after surgery.









Edited by drkaradeniz

Ali Emre Karadeniz, MD (Dr. K)

AEK Hair Institute

Istanbul, Turkey

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  • Senior Member

So the frontal zone as well as upper part of crown was addressed with just 2500 grafts? This is fantastic yield and result based on recipient area versus x number of grafts used. This approach was not detrimental to a patient and was well thought out. There virtually no sign of transection or shockloss as a result of careful planning and an excellent FUE surgical protocol. Result Looks considerably dense as well even though a conservative design was used.

Based off the facial structure and physiology of the patient, you pulled the conservative framing off well. It doesnt suit everyone, but it flows well here.

Great job Dr. Karadeniz!

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i agree but what need to be noted that this Pt had good graft count with high quadruples folicals which helps a great deal behind the soften hairline.


so put in the mix good planning, mature hairline and with what i call above average donor count plus a good Dr the odds are defo in this guys favor.

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Thanks Stinger99, Ontop and Sean for your positive comments.


Please note that from the 2502 grafts that were extracted, the total hair count was 7258, which means an average hair per graft rate of 2.9; that is an exceptionally high number. Such good quality grafts can be obtained only when there is a combination of a good donor area and a good surgical technique.


People frequently talk about graft numbers and forget that it is the number of hairs that gives the coverage. The value of these grafts in my opinion are comparable to 4000 grafts with a hair per graft rate just below 2. This may open a new discussion that is perhaps too complicated to cover here; that is, 'if it is always to the patients benefit to try and get the highest number of grafts. This obviously leads to a lower hair per graft rate due to,


1. Using a smaller punch than needed to be able to make more punches per area.

2. Having to extract from areas that may contain too many nonpermanent hairs.

3. Having to extract from areas that contain follicular units with a lower hair number.

4. Increasing the speed of extraction while trying to finish the high graft number in that session.

5. Fatigue of the surgeon.

It is possible to avoid the last two by dividing the session into two days, but the first three can not be avoided.


We can add to all the above that the yield may also be better with these smaller number of healthier grafts that have a lower transection rate and thus a high hair per graft rate.

Ali Emre Karadeniz, MD (Dr. K)

AEK Hair Institute

Istanbul, Turkey

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  • Senior Member

Dr. Karadeniz, thank you for that clarification. I agree with other posters, you are clearly establishing yourself amongst the top FUE docs. Thanks for being clear and up front.

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  • Senior Member

Your doing some excellent work. I'm always impressed with your results. I agree

that your in the top Drs that are currently doing FUE/BHT.

Have you got anymore combo cases to post ? where you have done FUT/FUE together.

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  • Senior Member
Great result.


Can anyone explain why those forelocks don't seem to be pre dispositioned to dht?


This is something I always wondered as well. It's a great advantage in my eyes, over those who have the diffuse "a" patterns (like myself) and obviously higher norwood.


Either way, great result!

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  • Senior Member

Really like this result , was the patient on meds ? I suppose his age went with him ? I'm 33 and similar sort of pattern developing been on finasteride for 4 years , would you suggest waiting to see how my patter develops ? I also have the permanent tuft thing going on I think ?


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  • Senior Member

Radical! Those resilient frontal tufts are a bonus, especially since the eye is often drawn to that area.

Dr. G: 1,000 grafts (FUT) 2008

Dr. Paul Shapiro: 2,348 grafts (FUT) 2009 ~ 1,999 grafts (FUT) 2011 ~ 300 grafts (Scar Reduction) 2013

Dr. Konior: 771 grafts (FUT) 2015 ~ 558 grafts (FUT) 2017 ~ 1,124 grafts (FUE) 2020

My Hair Transplant Journey with Shapiro Medical Group

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