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Hello everyone, I start losing my hair since I was 20 years, now I'm 29. I need to know what is my NW scale and if I'll be a good candidate for FUE HT. I''m looking for conservative HT (as my family history is NW6), I like to cover frontal area and can live with little to no hair on crown (depending on donor area strength)...


My worries about HT are looking weird with some hairs scattered on my head may be after 10 years or something when I lose more hair...Its hard to decide is it really worth to do HT, am I going to be happy again or might have bad luck and regret it..... If you guys can help me I'm really not able to decide if I should consider HT or just forget about the whole thing and accept how I look now (which I hate)....


I'm searching for ethical doctor in usa who do FUE good to consult with...


(sorry for my bad English)










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In USA , Dr Vories price and surgical protocol is unique. Many docs charge way more and have techs do work and work on multiple patients per day, but from what I read, Dr Vories does not follow such an unethical protocol. He does the work at reasonable price . Other docs you may want to research is Konior and Diep. Good luck and pace yourself, do not attempt full coverage in one go, break procedures apart. Play it safe because not many patients are informed well enough to have any level of informed consent it seems.

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Agree with the above statement. Considering you are a younger patient, I would research FUE options in order to minimize visible scarring. Granted, I am somewhat biased since I received a FUT procedure at the age of 25 from a coalition surgeon who promised I would be satisfied with the results...and, granted, I can conceal my scar reasonably well at short hair lengths after the results diminished a year and a half out. However, FUE can give you more options out just in case something does not go as expected, especially considering you have a family history of high NW levels. Also, have you tried to cut your hair short (at a 1 guard) just to see how it looks...I ask because it seems like you have retained a reasonable amount of front hair that would probably frame your face well with a buzzed cut.

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It is advisable that you stabilize your hairloss before you start on a hair transplant.


If you want FUE in the USA I would look into Vories too. Good results from what I have seen and a very good price. Seems to me like a ethical guy too from his posts here on the forum.

Proud to be a representative of world elite hair transplant surgeon Dr. Bisanga - BHR Clinic.



Online consultations: damian@bhrclinic.com

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Here are a few things to consider:

1. Begin taking finasteride, I have been taking for 10 plus years with no side effects and it has mitigated my hair loss. 1/2 a pill three days a week

2. Research doctors recommended on this site, I chose Vories and have been pleased

3. You could do a mega session and get a full head of hair over 2-3 days of surgery or space it out

4. You may not want to hear this yet, there is a good chance after you have a hair transplant now, that you may need another (touch up) later on, like 5-10 years as more of your genetic hair may fall out

5. You may want to get be a buzz cut hair style a go first, but most people have successful ht and do not regret having the procedure

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You definitely should be taking Rogaine and Propecia to stabilize your hairloss. After you take fin for a year, you can reduce the dosage to 2-3 times a week for maintenance.


I myself have a NW5 pattern, borderline 6. I went for a larger surgery (3800 grafts) and FUT, as opposed to FUE.

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Thanks you all for taking the time to reply. I searched more about Dr. Vories suggested by you guys, and the info I found is pretty much what I'm looking for... The only thing is that I couldn't find enough patients results here on the network that had HT with Dr. Vories. (I searched the network found only 3). Another thing I like is that Dr. Vories is not using Neograft anymore and now is using manual extraction, but because this is new technique Dr. Vories is using not sure if its better to wait for sometime till Dr. Vories gain the required experience for the manual extraction.


Now the real question is, I'm always think alot before taking any medication. So what is the point of taking finasterid which is NOT permenant solution it's just going to slow down hair failing for sometime and after that it will lose efficacy and hair it maintained will fall again and with high rate... I'm sure I'm missing something because everyone is recommending finasterid,,....What am I missing here please?

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Hi Idnotcrae,


you're probably looking at minimum two procedures,

1800grafts for the front

1000 through mid section

2500 for the crown


being that most FUE sessions are 3000 max per day, and donor area is around 4000-5000 per person you may want to think about BHT as well.


all the best for the future

June 2013 - 3000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2013 - 1000 FUE Dr Bhatti

Oct 2015 - 785 FUE Dr Bhatti


Dr. Bhatti's Recommendation Profile on the Hair Transplant Network

My story and photos can be seen here


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Here are a few things to consider:

1. Begin taking finasteride, I have been taking for 10 plus years with no side effects and it has mitigated my hair loss. 1/2 a pill three days a week




Where do you buy your finasteride & how did you arrive at that dosage ?

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Now the real question is, I'm always think alot before taking any medication. So what is the point of taking finasterid which is NOT permenant solution it's just going to slow down hair failing for sometime and after that it will lose efficacy and hair it maintained will fall again and with high rate... I'm sure I'm missing something because everyone is recommending finasterid,,....What am I missing here please?


Nothing is permanent when it comes to hair. Even some hair transplanted from the safe zone may fail if you live long enough and are predisposed. Finasteride can slow the progression of loss to the point where you may only need one or two additional HT procedures over the course of your life, assuming you catch the loss early and are a good responder to the medication, as most men are (despite what you may read on the forums).


You should shed the idea that there's something you can do to fix your hair loss problem permanently. You already have extensive loss and your best first step--regardless of how much hair you get transplanted and which method is used--is to save as much of your native hair as possible. That should always be the starting point once you've decided you want to walk down this path. There isn't a magic bullet and the best results, over the course of a lifetime, are going to be achieved by attacking the problem on multiple, proven fronts.

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Now the real question is, I'm always think alot before taking any medication. So what is the point of taking finasterid which is NOT permenant solution it's just going to slow down hair failing for sometime and after that it will lose efficacy and hair it maintained will fall again and with high rate... I'm sure I'm missing something because everyone is recommending finasterid,,....What am I missing here please?


You want to stabilize the loss you've got. I took Propecia for a year and then stopped. Started taking it again 3 months before my HT to stabilize any loss, potential shock loss and potentially re-energize minimized hairs. Also, I have been using Rogaine 5% foam for years. You're still young, so taking it for a year will let you know where you stand and you may experience some thickening.


This is especially important for your crown, because the crown is a black hole...you can put a ton of grafts in there and still only see marginal results. May crown loss was a little smaller than yours, and Dr. Konior put 1100 grafts in there for about 10% coverage. We'll see how it looks when it grows in (I'm only 1.5 months post HT), but it should be much better than before my surgery. And just today I noticed that my crown seems a little thicker...and I think it's the fin + Rogaine that is helping.

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