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4500-5000 grafts, is it wise?

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First of all, you have a diffused thinning pattern and because of that, you run a higher risk of shock loss. So if it were me, I would never have that many grafts done.


Remember, with FUE you can always add more grafts as you lose more of your native hair as time passes. And at your young age, you will lose more hair because MPB is indeed progressive.


Not sure if you are on any effective hair loss meds. If not, you run even a higher risk of future loss.


It is your scalp and your hair loss. Be more assertive and if your doctor is not willing to accommodate your concerns, I would find a new surgeon who will.


Best wishes to you in your journey...;)


Independent Patient Advocate

I am not a physician and not employed by any doctor/clinic. My opinions are not medical advice, but are my own views which you read at your own risk.

Supporting Physicians: Dr. Robert Dorin: The Hairloss Doctors in New York, NY

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Don't do 5,000; it's madness. Go with the doc who told you 2,000. Just waiting for "BUSA" to ride to Erdogan's defence.
I find it amazing wen little trolls like urself know more then one of the best HT doctors on earth.


I'm thinkn u shud open up ur own practice since u seem to know more then the best doctors around the world know.


did u even bother to ask how many donor hairs he has? some ppl have up to 10,000 donor hairs so he wud still have another 5000-6000 donor hairs left.


and some ppl respond perfectly fine to Fin. I'm not a fan of it but thousands of others are and have been using it for years so if it works for someone then their hairless will be halted. did you think of that either? no I didn't think so.


ur ignorance never seizes to amaze me.....:rolleyes:

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I find it amazing wen little trolls like urself know more then one of the best HT doctors on earth.


I'm thinkn u shud open up ur own practice since u seem to know more then the best doctors around the world know.


did u even bother to ask how many donor hairs he has? some ppl have up to 10,000 donor hairs so he wud still have another 5000-6000 donor hairs left.


and some ppl respond perfectly fine to Fin. I'm not a fan of it but thousands of others are and have been using it for years so if it works for someone then their hairless will be halted. did you think of that either? no I didn't think so.


ur ignorance never seizes to amaze me.....:rolleyes:




I noticed you have good things to say about this doctor in many threads, have you have a hair transplant with him?

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where are u coming up with diffused thinner. a diffused thinner is someone with a loss of hair or generalized hair thinning that affects the ENTIRE scalp. he has presented no pictures from the back of his head so ASSuming he is a diffused thinner is wrong!


First of all, you have a diffused thinning pattern and because of that, you run a higher risk of shock loss. So if it were me, I would never have that many grafts done.


Remember, with FUE you can always add more grafts as you lose more of your native hair as time passes. And at your young age, you will lose more hair because MPB is indeed progressive.


Not sure if you are on any effective hair loss meds. If not, you run even a higher risk of future loss.


It is your scalp and your hair loss. Be more assertive and if your doctor is not willing to accommodate your concerns, I would find a new surgeon who will.


Best wishes to you in your journey...;)

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I noticed you have good things to say about this doctor in many threads, have you have a hair transplant with him?

nope but he is on my top 3 doctors I am considering. I too will need 5000-6000 grafts and he is on my short list.


ur gonna get many opinions from many different ppl. some have a clue but most are utterly clueless! take what the trolls tell you with a grain of salt and put ur faith in the guy that consistently produces some of the best HT results on earth!


he doesn't consistently produce great results cause he gets lucky. its called skill and not every HT surgeon just as any plastic surgeon all have the same skill level. some are just better then others. he happens to be one of the best.


his techniques are shared by Lorenzo as well and they are friends and share their techniques with each other and Lorenzo is in the top 5 doctors as well. I don't care for Lorenzos conservative hairlines but it doesn't seem to bother others.

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then you are absolutely NOT a diffused thinner.


I'm booked for the 18th of march and no matter what, I will correct my hairline... but I will see what he says in person because I do hope to increase general density. I like the idea of staying in the clinic too.

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I'm booked for the 18th of march and no matter what, I will correct my hairline... but I will see what he says in person because I do hope to increase general density. I like the idea of staying in the clinic too.
ur in good hands don't worry. then do 2500 grafts and see wat it looks like. u can always go back for another treatment. its not a big deal, in fact most of his earlier treatments were always split between 8-14 months.


I think there are some advantages to splitting it up. the only downside is havn to travel back to turkey. but so wat. it can all be done in one day. so u fly in stay a day or two and fly back out.


or get it all done in one trip over two days. either way has been proven to be successful.

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This is my donor area
6000-8000 donor hair easily. and that confirms that you are NOT a diffused thinner.


I wud try Fin and see how u respond to it. a lotta ppl get a limp dick from it (I did) but a lotta ppl don't. a friend of mine has been on it for (13) years and stopped his hairless in its tracks with no erectile disfunction problems lucky him. its worth a try just be aware of the potential side effects.

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6000-8000 donor hair easily. and that confirms that you are NOT a diffused thinner.


I wud try Fin and see how u respond to it. a lotta ppl get a limp dick from it (I did) but a lotta ppl don't. a friend of mine has been on it for (13) years and stopped his hairless in its tracks with no erectile disfunction problems lucky him. its worth a try just be aware of the potential side effects.


I have been taking it for a year, I have no regrowth, but it does seem to have stopped any further hair loss.

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well then ur ahead of the game already is no side effects.... jus remember If you decide to stop taking fin the results of the treatment will reverse themselves. once you stop taking the drug your levels of DHT will increase causing the hair follicles to shrink again.

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The doc probably sees that you are likely to start seeing aggressive hair loss in years to come. You look like you are headed towards a Norwood 6 based on your thinning pattern. In essence, by doing 4500-5000 grafts now, the procedure will destroy many of the healthy follicles that currently exist and replace them with grafts. So the goal being suggested by the doc might be to maintain your density and hairline appearance and essentailly replace natural follicles with grafts in the process. The objective is so you do not have to go through the full thinning process before doing a transplant. But if he did not explain all of that to you as his intent, then I cannot imagine why he would suggest doing a HT at all right now.


Given what I see as a likely diffused pattern in coming years, where would you do a smaller session today without knowing how the loss will progress? I think that may invite trouble of never-ending HT, trying to patch where future loss occurs.


You still have a good hairline, so if I were in your shoes I would try to stabilze the loss with meds or let the loss develop more of a pattern so the HT plan can be better defined.

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the procedure is going to destroy healthy follicles that currently exist and replace them with grafts? Wat are talking about? Erdogan has already demonstrated that his Transection rate is less then 1%. the average ranges from 1%-8%.


a diffused pattern is likely is coming years? no one progresses into a diffused thinner. dude if you don't know wat ur talking about then refrain from giving poor and absolutely wrong advice....:rolleyes:


The doc probably sees that you are likely to start seeing aggressive hair loss in years to come. You look like you are headed towards a Norwood 6 based on your thinning pattern. In essence, by doing 4500-5000 grafts now, the procedure will destroy many of the healthy follicles that currently exist and replace them with grafts. So the goal being suggested by the doc might be to maintain your density and hairline appearance and essentailly replace natural follicles with grafts in the process. The objective is so you do not have to go through the full thinning process before doing a transplant. But if he did not explain all of that to you as his intent, then I cannot imagine why he would suggest doing a HT at all right now.


Given what I see as a likely diffused pattern in coming years, where would you do a smaller session today without knowing how the loss will progress? I think that may invite trouble of never-ending HT, trying to patch where future loss occurs.


You still have a good hairline, so if I were in your shoes I would try to stabilze the loss with meds or let the loss develop more of a pattern so the HT plan can be better defined.

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Destroy in the recipient area. See, the doctors use this little sharp pointy thing and they cut little holes in the scalp, and those tend to do some damage...destroying healthy follicles (that the doc also knows will be useless in just a few years) in the recipient area when dropping in 5000 grafts.


Pay attention, BUSA...we all know your game. Troll.

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um no they don't destroy healthy follicles. get a clue and do urself a favor and simply stop posting nonsense cause now ur embarrassing urself with ignorance..... troll


Destroy in the recipient area. See, the doctors use this little sharp pointy thing and they cut little holes in the scalp, and those tend to do some damage...destroying healthy follicles (that the doc also knows will be useless in just a few years) in the recipient area when dropping in 5000 grafts.


Pay attention, BUSA...we all know your game. Troll.

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Well, I can only assume and hope that the reason this doctor has seen such success is because he has achieved great results. For the money I will be paying, I am hoping I can trust his judgement when he see's my hair for himself. Surely a doctor of his standing wouldn't suggest that many grafts just for money.

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Well, I can only assume and hope that the reason this doctor has seen such success is because he has achieved great results. For the money I will be paying, I am hoping I can trust his judgement when he see's my hair for himself. Surely a doctor of his standing wouldn't suggest that many grafts just for money.


i am sure he has a plan. I am just surprised that he did not explain it to you very well, and that you felt you had to come to a forum to get answers.

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i am sure he has a plan. I am just surprised that he did not explain it to you very well, and that you felt you had to come to a forum to get answers.


I did, I started this thread because I had massive variations in the amount of grafts suggested by different doctors, leading to pretty major confusion... My hairline need's fixing because of the abnormal way it grew on the left, not only due to thinning (i'll take better pictures tomorrow, it sort of goes straight up, giving the impression of a severely receded hairline whilst, on the other side, the hairline is fine but need's more density because you can see through to my scalp)

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I noticed you have good things to say about this doctor in many threads, have you have a hair transplant with him?


Aaaaaahhhahahahahahaha !


I would have LOVED to see the look on BUSA's face when he read that question.


BUSA has never had a hair transplant. He's got as much personal experience of HTs as he has of walking on the moon. He is, however, very biased towards Dr. Erdogan because he's hoping to book or already has booked a procedure with that particular doctor.


Dr. Erdogan is perfectly competent and has some kickass results but, as others with far, FAR more personal experience of HTs than BUSA have told you; 5,000 grafts on a younger guy whose baldness patterns aren't fully defined yet is reckless at best and downright negligent at worst.


If you're going to take advice from BUSA on HTs you might as well take advice on stock futures from a butcher.

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LMAO..... so if someone has a HT that means they are an expert in hair transplants now? so if I get a face left does that mean I now know everything about face lifts? LMAO.... ur comments continue to make me LOL with ignorance. Dr. Erdogan has never had a HT so does that mean he has no advice to offer about HT's? neither has Lorenzo so whats ur point?


oh... I keep forgetting u have no point. u just like bashing a world class HT surgeon every chance u get. you have such class how does this forum survive day to day without ur useless input.... smh lol


cryingoutloud is just bitter cause his HT was unsuccessful. maybe if YOU cryingoutloud came here and did ur research and homework like I and many others are doing then you too wouldn't have had such an unsuccessful HT.


cryingoutloud is just upset he didn't go with a world class HT surgeon like Erdogan so he's still a little bitter for his poor decision. knowledge is power but thank god trolls like you know more then successful doctors like Erdogan.....


cryingoutload goes to every thread that has a world class HT doctor cause he feels guilty for making such a bad decision and his results were not wat he had hoped for. well, cryingoutload maybe you can have Erdogan repair your blotched HT.


u get wat u pay for cryingoutloud..... sorry ur so bitter but u know wat they say "misery loves company"


or maybe you've never had a HT? which is it? cause based on ur responses thinking ur a HT expert its hard to say considering the advice u give since its so poor and out in left field. but then again self proclaimed experts like you have more experience then Dr.'s Like Erdogan so by all means keep giving out poor advice to ppl due to ur jealously.


or maybe you just can't afford to have a HT with a Dr. Like Erdogan so u come into the Erdogan threads and bash him as a result. so which is it? YOU urself have had a poor HT or YOU urself have had NO hair transplant? which is it?


Aaaaaahhhahahahahahaha !


I would have LOVED to see the look on BUSA's face when he read that question.


BUSA has never had a hair transplant. He's got as much personal experience of HTs as he has of walking on the moon. He is, however, very biased towards Dr. Erdogan because he's hoping to book or already has booked a procedure with that particular doctor.


Dr. Erdogan is perfectly competent and has some kickass results but, as others with far, FAR more personal experience of HTs than BUSA have told you; 5,000 grafts on a younger guy whose baldness patterns aren't fully defined yet is reckless at best and downright negligent at worst.


If you're going to take advice from BUSA on HTs you might as well take advice on stock futures from a butcher.

Edited by BUSA
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God what an idiot you are, BUSA. Bitter about what exactly? Why would I go to Erdogan when I had the funds to go to Dr. Mwamba in Brussels? I'm 8 months post op and very pleased with my result which still has 4 - 8 months of maturation ahead.


Of course having a HT doesn't make someone an instant expert but it provides perspective that someone who HASN'T had one can't possibly offer to someone looking for advice. That's the point of the forum, you clown. People don't come here to hear some dimwit regurgitate stuff he's read online.


I got EXACTLY what I paid for from a surgeon whose professionalism and ethics are highly respected here. Let us know when you've scraped together enough shekels to get your 1,000 graft transplant. Maybe if you ask nicely, the clinic might

let you pay in weekly instalments.

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