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What happens when Donor Site Left "Open"?

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^That is a pretty inappropriate comment. A guy came, he posted pics, and you don't believe him, despite his photos, and you now accuse him of a conspiracy to malign FUT?



There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.

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Why not disclose the physician's name? If this site is about transparency and empowering the patient, this should be done without hesitation. We are all adults here and we know (or should know) that there is risk in any HT procedure. Good, bad, or indifferent I really wish there was better transparency on here. Why are physicians protected time and time again when there is a poor result? Given that i am aware of the inherit risk of a ht, if this surgeon had a track record of good results and ended up remedying this patient's issue/gave an explanation, he could come out without a blemish on his reputation. Instead we are all left wondering who is responsible and as a result further susceptible to encountering the same misfortune. If the doc was stated previously then sorry for the rant, but I see this happen way too often.

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On this occasion I agree with you ko.

But in such a big money making industry and online bullshit is rife.

I think the thread starter is a very unlucky man that sat in the chair of a doc thats cares more for lining his pockets by taking to large a strip for graft number then did not have the skill to close the donor site.

But it was the really bad lack of comunicateing with the patient regarding the complications making the patient aware that things had gone pear shaped.

He's probably not named the doc because the doc will have begged him not to and offered him god knows what not to divulge his name as his business would be in tatters a bit like the back of this poor chaps head a mess.

This dr should not be recommended here and this is why I link to it in posts.

Moderators is this dr still recommended here and if so why?

Have a good day


^That is a pretty inappropriate comment. A guy came, he posted pics, and you don't believe him, despite his photos, and you now accuse him of a conspiracy to malign FUT?



There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.

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  • Senior Member
^That is a pretty inappropriate comment. A guy came, he posted pics, and you don't believe him, despite his photos, and you now accuse him of a conspiracy to malign FUT?



There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.


It is TOTALLY appropriate as long as he withholds the Dr.'s name. I specified other appropriate reasons as well. I appreciate both techniques and have said so many times on this forum.

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It is TOTALLY appropriate as long as he withholds the Dr.'s name. I specified other appropriate reasons as well. I appreciate both techniques and have said so many times on this forum.

You're not new to this, you know patients never mention their doctor publicly after a disaster. Usually they just stop posting.

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I think it may well be that people in cases such as this do what is in their best interest probably due to whatever offer is made to sort the situation out by the doctor.

Something such as this could bring their earning potential tumbling down so how much is he prepared to folk out to reap the continued income he is accustomed to?

Call it a investment but one things for sure the investment pays big dividends for the rest of the drs career.

Its the money game that coincidentally is conjoined to the cosmetic industry.

Do you actually think drs are in this business to help people or make mega money?

Have a good day

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Do you actually think drs are in this business to help people or make mega money?



Well I hope it`s a mixture of both, at least in some cases ;)

I dunno, I`m still young and at the start of my career, but I can imagine that at some point, I only strive to improve in my field rather than hoarding money (money can`t buy happiness), and if being in a business where the wellbeing and happiness of (sometimes maybe even likable ;)) human beings depend on my job skills, well I guess I`d knew how to make the best of both goals. They don`t have to conflict with each other, but moreover can and should go hand in hand. Idealistic principle of capitalism btw ;) Peace to all :cool:

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[quote name=JoeTillman;2415568


[bTo answer your specific question' date=' what happens when a wound is left open[/b], the area will heal fine as long as it is kept clean. Skin and scar tissue will fill the wound over the course of a few weeks and eventually, yes, the subsequent scar tissue can be removed via scar revision. Once it heals the appearance will be much less dramatic than it is now. You'll need to start loosening your scalp with stretching exercises at around the six to eight months mark depending on what your doctor recommends. I've seen this before and while it is not what you were expecting it can still turn out for the better in the long run.


Just seen this. Just wow :eek:

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We all work to earn money basically and initially to provide for the essentials in life and anything above the essentials is then unessential and a added bonus for ones hard work,a reward. Not a problem with this at all been there done that but what gets me and always has is the ridiculous amount some people think their time is worth while also thinking others time is worth so little.

Is it essential or imperative to have the big house and Ferrari and lavish life at the expence of others and I mean great expence, ?10.000 - ?15.000 in a day is not unheard of can it not be done for less? Yes a lot less and in this respect most if not all drs are guilty of having a uncaring or selfish nature.What they care that we feel better about ourselves but dont care about our finances that may have been put under huge strain for them to have the car the house the lifestyles they lead.

Its only when market forces demand change in competition charging less that will bring prices down.

Look were people are flocking to its not the US its Europe and Turkey chasing big savings so the drs in America have to do something to get the bums in the chair.

How they gonna do it? Drop prices? I dont know! Any ideas?

Rant over all have a nice day



I think doctors are in it to do both. We all work for money, so I wouldn't blame my doctor for the same, as long as he gives good service.
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You're not new to this, you know patients never mention their doctor publicly after a disaster. Usually they just stop posting.


No, I am not new here and that is one reason I question this. Have never seen anything like it and the story is hard to believe. Can you imagine trying to sleep without creating an infection or causing a hemorrhage? This situation required hospitalization. It is impossible to believe a doc would/could send someone home with this.


If he wants sympathy or advice, he needs to be totally transparent.


To start, I would like to see a left side pic showing the recipient zone while I can see the wound simultaneously.

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So if he would post a photo of the current state of this mess you might be a little more believing ?

I do believe it to be a genuine case but if the thread starter would please do this i for one would be very interested to see how this healed and read a update of whats happening.

I believe he is serving his own best interests by not naming the doc but a bi product of this is that it leaves the rest of us at the mercy of a doc that imo has acted disgracefully.




I hope you healed as well as poss.

Have a good day


No, I am not new here and that is one reason I question this. Have never seen anything like it and the story is hard to believe. Can you imagine trying to sleep without creating an infection or causing a hemorrhage? This situation required hospitalization. It is impossible to believe a doc would/could send someone home with this.


If he wants sympathy or advice, he needs to be totally transparent.


To start, I would like to see a left side pic showing the recipient zone while I can see the wound simultaneously.

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There seems to be some serious Savior syndrome going on with HTs. Guys who get FUT/FUE immediately become shills for that technique or surgeon.


Actually, based on the OP's desire to keep his doctor nameless, it's more accurate to call it Stockholm Syndrome. I appreciate the fact that moderation intervened in an attempt to understand what went wrong with a recommended doctor here.


When I was getting butchered in the 90's, the butcher who was placing mini-grafts in my scalp also did one thing consistently: He tightened the sutures so tight that I felt discomfort for weeks after the surgery, sometimes even after they came out. The result was very thin scars, numerous ones, all across the back of my head. With the addition of beard hair, and later SMP, I've been lucky enough to camouflage them fairly well and even cut my hair to a #1 guard in back. I still feel like this is the only thing that hack ever got right.


No such luck with a scar like that one. It's going to need repair. Shame that whoever did this remains anonymous, but patients usually cover for these guys, as they don't want to end the relationship, even if it is one that does not benefit them. And the community is left wondering who they can trust.

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The strip was probably about the same size as the scar.

The doc is gonna have to remove the same amount of tissue as first time and we all know what happened first time.

If this guys goes back to this same doc for the repair he must be crazy and thats putting it politely.

Have a good day

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While this is bad, I'm not sure that the doctor is all that much to blame. Accidents and unforeseen circumstances do happen, and it could be that this poor guy was in the 0.1%. Rather this is just a limitation of strip surgery, when you cut out a strip, there is always the risk that the tension may just be too much. Usually doctors check for laxity, I would hope the surgeon did that, and if so, it may be hard to fault him.

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I have only ever seen this a time or two in my 10+ years of looking into ht but I'm sure its happened quite a lot hence the amount of corrective work some drs get.Umar must of seen some sights in his time!

Hasson and Wong to my knowledge have not produced any thing like this and they have done some massive strip cases

Skill level I think played a massive part in this resulting mess which was only compounded further with the lack of after care and sympathy shown by the dr.

Have a good day



While this is bad, I'm not sure that the doctor is all that much to blame. Accidents and unforeseen circumstances do happen, and it could be that this poor guy was in the 0.1%. Rather this is just a limitation of strip surgery, when you cut out a strip, there is always the risk that the tension may just be too much. Usually doctors check for laxity, I would hope the surgeon did that, and if so, it may be hard to fault him.
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Actually, based on the OP's desire to keep his doctor nameless, it's more accurate to call it Stockholm Syndrome. I appreciate the fact that moderation intervened in an attempt to understand what went wrong with a recommended doctor here.


When I was getting butchered in the 90's, the butcher who was placing mini-grafts in my scalp also did one thing consistently: He tightened the sutures so tight that I felt discomfort for weeks after the surgery, sometimes even after they came out. The result was very thin scars, numerous ones, all across the back of my head. With the addition of beard hair, and later SMP, I've been lucky enough to camouflage them fairly well and even cut my hair to a #1 guard in back. I still feel like this is the only thing that hack ever got right.


No such luck with a scar like that one. It's going to need repair. Shame that whoever did this remains anonymous, but patients usually cover for these guys, as they don't want to end the relationship, even if it is one that does not benefit them. And the community is left wondering who they can trust.

Indeed, you are correct there is some of that as well. I was thinking more about the "he is a FUT-hater" accusation, but it seems they are both two sides of the same coin. The stress and depression associated with this condition is so much that the guy who helps you becomes your hero, and as you have invested so much into it personally it invariably leads to constant shilling of clinics and FUT/FUE. Who knows I too may end up shilling for my surgeon after my HT.

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Cases like this are unpredictable. As SFGF said, his doctor claims to have seen zero indicators for this type of outcome. Playing devil's advocate, had he seen the issue I'm sure he would have taken measures to avoid such an outcome.


When patients are in consultation with doctors (or consultants of doctors) that perform FUT there should be a laxity test where the doctor or consultant literally pulls and/or pushes on the donor zone to see how much vertical movement there is. This is the only way to determine laxity. However, there are cases where the laxity is not what it may seem. The mastoid processes are the two areas at the back of the scalp where tension is normally higher. If you compare the skull to a square box the mastoid processes would be the rear two corners. It is this area where doctors will usually run into challenges with laxity and in RARE situations for even the most experienced FUT doctor these areas will be unusually tight and catch them off guard thereby requiring adjustments to allow for healing via secondary intention (as Blake referenced earlier).


This appears to be more serious because it looks like the entire length of the donor wound has been left open, or re-opened. I believe that if this were an issue isolated to one area of above average tension then that area would be the one to have release of tension by allowing the wound to re-open so I'm left a bit confused as to what really may or may not have happened. If this were one isolated area then the rest of the wound could heal as expected leaving a shorter length of the wound in need of eventual revision. In this case, the entire length of the wound will have to be revised which could indicate the tension was more severe over the entirety of the wound.



However, the donor scar most likely will not be as wide as the open wound we see in the photos as skin will fill in and the wound will become smaller before permanent scar tissue settles in. I suspect that once everything has healed the appearance will be much more acceptable (but still wider than anyone would wish for). Unfortunately it takes about six months to get to that point and even then it will be another two to four months before a revision should be attempted. It is just sad that

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Did you ever see anything even resembling this in your time at H&W Joe ?

Have a nice day


Cases like this are unpredictable. As SFGF said, his doctor claims to have seen zero indicators for this type of outcome. Playing devil's advocate, had he seen the issue I'm sure he would have taken measures to avoid such an outcome.


When patients are in consultation with doctors (or consultants of doctors) that perform FUT there should be a laxity test where the doctor or consultant literally pulls and/or pushes on the donor zone to see how much vertical movement there is. This is the only way to determine laxity. However, there are cases where the laxity is not what it may seem. The mastoid processes are the two areas at the back of the scalp where tension is normally higher. If you compare the skull to a square box the mastoid processes would be the rear two corners. It is this area where doctors will usually run into challenges with laxity and in RARE situations for even the most experienced FUT doctor these areas will be unusually tight and catch them off guard thereby requiring adjustments to allow for healing via secondary intention (as Blake referenced earlier).


This appears to be more serious because it looks like the entire length of the donor wound has been left open, or re-opened. I believe that if this were an issue isolated to one area of above average tension then that area would be the one to have release of tension by allowing the wound to re-open so I'm left a bit confused as to what really may or may not have happened. If this were one isolated area then the rest of the wound could heal as expected leaving a shorter length of the wound in need of eventual revision. In this case, the entire length of the wound will have to be revised which could indicate the tension was more severe over the entirety of the wound.



However, the donor scar most likely will not be as wide as the open wound we see in the photos as skin will fill in and the wound will become smaller before permanent scar tissue settles in. I suspect that once everything has healed the appearance will be much more acceptable (but still wider than anyone would wish for). Unfortunately it takes about six months to get to that point and even then it will be another two to four months before a revision should be attempted. It is just sad that

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My offer still stands. If you would like us to investigate and help, please send me a private message with details. Thanks.

"Doc" Blake Bloxham - formerly "Future_HT_Doc"


Forum Co-Moderator and Editorial Assistant for the Hair Transplant Network, the Hair Loss Learning Center, the Hair Loss Q&A Blog, and the Hair Restoration Forum


All opinions are my own and my advice does not constitute as medical advice. All medical questions and concerns should be addressed by a personal physician.

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